DSpace Installation

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DSpace - Digital Library Software

Kaushal Giri
Dy. Manager Knowledge Centre
Export-Import Bank of India

Nilesh Shewale
Don Bosco Institute of Technology



Pre-Requisite software
Java SDK Apache Maven Apache Ant Apache Tomcat PostgreSQL Dspace

Before Installation of DSpace

Kindly Check your computer is running on 32 or 64 bit windows To find out following are the steps:

Windows vista or windows 7

Open System by clicking the Start button clicking Control Panel

clicking System and Maintenanceclicking System.

2. Under System, you can view the system type.

Windows XP
Click Start, and then click Run.

Type sysdm.cpl, and then click OK.

Click the General tab. The operating system is displayed as follows: For a 64-bit version operating system: Windows XP Professional x64

Edition Version < Year> appears under System.

For a 32-bit version operating system: Windows XP Professional Version

<Year> appears under System.

Installation Steps
Before attempting installation please check that you

have downloaded and saved all the mentioned prerequisites as shown below. Java SDK (jdk-6u38-windows-i586) Apache ant (apache-ant-1.8.4-bin) Apache Maven (apache-maven-3.0.4-bin) PostgreSQL (postgresql-9.2.2-1-windows) Apache Tomcat (apache-tomcat-7.0.34) DSpace (dspace-3.0-src-release)

Step- 1
JAVA SDK (jdk-6u38-windows-i586) http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/jd k6u38-downloads-1877406.html
Installing Java, to do this , double click on the file jdk-6u38-

windows-i586 and follow the on screen instructions and accept the license agreement.

Step -2
APACHE ANT (apache-ant-1.8.4-bin)
To install Apache Ant , create a new folder named ANT in C: drive ,

Unzip (Expand) contents of apache-ant-1.8.4-bin in to C:\ANT

APACHE MAVEN (apache-maven-3.0.4-bin)

To install Apache Maven create a new folder named MAVEN in

C:\MAVEN unzip apache-maven-3.0.4-bin.zip in to that folder.


Step-3 (Environment Variable)

For Windows Vista or Windows 7
Right click My Computer Click Properties Click on

Advanced System Settings from Tasks Choose Advance tab Click on Environment Variable Button

For Windows XP
Right click My Computer Click Properties Advance tab

Click on Environment Variable Button on Edit.Button

Now click on PATH variable under System Variables and click

Variable Name: JAVA_HOME Variable Value: C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_38

Variable Name: ANT_HOME Variable Value: C:\ANT

Add followings to your PATH variable

; C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_38\bin;C:\ANT\bin;C:\MAVEN\bin

Now it is time to verify the platform, to do this execute following commands in to the command prompt. > java version > ant version >mvn version
One should get following output.


This step covers installation of PostgreSQL with

database creation, to install PostgreSQL double click on postgresql-9.2.2-1-windows. Follow the onscreen instruction given by installer.

In this step we will create an empty database for

DSpace. To do this , perform following operation

Start >> Programs >> PostgreSQL 9.2 >> pgAdmin III
In this window right click on your server and click on

connect as shown below.

New Login Role

To Create database

Creating New Database

Apache Tomcat (apache-tomcat-7.0.34)
This step installation of Apache Tomcat will be

attempted, to do this, double click on apache-tomcat7.0.34.exe

Apache Tomcat SetUp

Screen Shots

This step we will perform actual installation of dspace. Before doing this create an empty directory in C: drive,

where actual configuration, program files and datafiles of dspace will reside.
In our case we will be using C:\DSpace

Extract all the contents of dspace-3.0-src-release.zip to one folder (i.e

DSpace) and copy entire folder to your C:\ drive as C:\ dspace-1.7.0-srcrelease.zip
Once the files are unzipped, go to

Find out dspace.cfg and open in notepad or any other editor and atleast

change the following parameters. Use forward slashes `/` for path separators

Changes to be made in Dspace.cfg

dspace.dir = C:/Dspace. dspace.name = "Dspace Repository". mail.server = mail.yourinstitute.ac.in

mail.from.address = admin@drtc.ac.in
feedback.recipient = admin@drtc.ac.in mail.admin = admin@drtc.ac.in

Once you have edited dspace configuration file open the command prompt and go to C:\ dspace-3.0-src-release \dspace folder cd C:\Dspace\dspace-3.0-src-release\dspace Now type mvn package and press enter C:\Dspace\dspace-3.0-src-release\dspace> mvn package Note:Please note that internet connection is required to perform this operation,Maven will download dspace source dependencies online.

Now go to C:\ dspace-1.7.0-src-release\dspace\target\dspace-1.7.0build.dir on command prompt cd C:\ dspace-1.7.0-src-release\dspace\target\dspace-1.7.0-build.dir Now type ant fresh_install and press enter C:\ dspace-1.7.0-src-release\dspace\target\dspace-1.7.0-build.dir>ant fresh_install

Step-9 Create Administrator

Now it is time to create default system administrator. To

create administrator execute following command

C:\dspace\bin\dspace create-administrator


your explorer browse C:\dspace\webapps folder



Copy jspui and xmlui folder to your tomcat

installations webapps folder

Start tomcat service if it is already not running by

going in to : Control Panel Administrative Tools Services Apache Tomcat 7 and clicking on Start
Point your browser to

http://localhost:8080/jspui or http://localhost:8080/xmlui

Yahooo we are done with Installation Queries are welcome

Communities & Collections

Communities Can contain sub-communities OR collections Collections Can contain items Items Contains metadata and bitstreams (files)

DSpace Data Model







DSpace Data Model

Community Community

Collection Collection

Collection Collection

Item Item

Item Item

Metatadata Metadata

Bitsteam Bitstream

License License

Bitstream Bitstream

Metadata Metadata

Licences Licenses

DSpace Data Model







DSpace Data Model


College of Arts and Sciences


Graduate School




Conference papers

Conference Papers

Communities & Collections

Steps to creating communities: 1. Log in 2. Click Communities & Collections (under Browse) 3. Click on Create Community (under Context) 4. Give the community a name and add a short description and introductory text (optional) 5. Upload a logo file (optional) 6. Click Create to finish

Communities & Collections

To create a sub-community, navigate to the community in which the sub-community will exist and then follow the same steps for creating a community.

DSpace Data Model

Community Community

Collection Collection

Collection Collection

Item Item

Item Item

Metatadata Metadata

Bitsteam Bitstream

License License

Bitstream Bitstream

Metadata Metadata

Licences Licences

DSpace Data Model

Metadata Bitstream License

Create and Submit an Item

Steps to submitting an item: 1. Log in 2. Choose the community/collection you wish to submit to 3. Select Submit a new item 4. Describe the item (metadata) 5. Browse for and upload the file (bistream(s)) 6. Make corrections if necessary 7. Grant the license

Users and Groups

Users Individuals that have a role in the system Groups Groups of users that share roles

Create Users and Groups

Steps to create users: 1. Select People (under Administrative Access Control) 2. Click Create a new e-person 3. Add the new persons name and contact information 4. Click Create E-person

Create Users and Groups

Steps to create groups 1. Choose Groups (under Administration Access Controls) 2. Select Create a new Group 3. Give the group a name 4. Use Search members to add e-people the new group 5. Click Add next to the e-people you want to add to the group 6. Click Save

Workflow Steps
No Workflow Steps Item is made available upon submission Workflow Step 1 (Accept/Reject) Can accept or reject a submission Workflow Step 2 (Accept/Reject/Edit Metadata) Can accept or reject a submission and edit metadata

Workflow Step 3 (Edit Metadata) Can edit metadata before making item available

Workflow Steps

Workflow for Collections

Steps to create a workflow: 1. Select the community and collection you wish to edit 2. In the Context box, select Edit Collection 3. Edit the collection metadata (Edit Metadata tab) 4. Choose the Assign Roles tab 5. Assign e-people and/or groups to the roles that are relevant to the collection and the workflow you have selected

Descriptive Metadata Qualified Dublin Core Limited expansion to other formats

Submission Forms Customizable in configuration files Editing Metadata Can be done after submitting Adding Metadata Can be done after submitting

Metadata Registry Creates new metadata field names

Item Template Default values

Removing Items: Withdraw vs. Delete

Withdraw Removes item from view Does not show up in search results Recoverable Permanently Delete (Expunge) Unrecoverable Handle is not reused Can only be done by a repository administrator

Removing and Deleting Items

Steps for removing and deleting items: 1. Navigate to the item you wish to remove/delete 2. In the Context box, choose Edit this item 3. Choose Withdraw to withdraw the item from the repository OR choose Permanently Delete to expunge the item from the repository permanently


Bitstream READ can open the file WRITE can alter the file Item READ can view the item WRITE can modify the item ADD/REMOVE can add or remove bitstreams Collection ADD/REMOVE can add or remove items from the collection DEFAULT_ITEM_READ new items receive this READ attribute DEFAULT_BITSTREAM-READ new bitstreams receive this READ authorization COLLECTION_ADMIN can edit or withdraw items, or map items into the collection Community ADD/REMOVE can add or remove collections from the community

Steps for adding authorizations/policies to a community: 1. Click on Authorizations (under Administrative Access Control) 2. Click on the Community whose policy you wish to create/modify 3. Choose either Add a new policy or Edit to modify an existing group policy 4. Choose the action (permission) you want to give the group 5. Choose the group to whom the action is being given 6. Choose Save

Steps for adding authorizations/policies to a collection: 1. Choose the collection 2. Choose Edit Collection (under Context) 3. Choose the Assign Roles tab 4. Choose the e-people or group to whom the role is assigned 5. Choose Save

Dspace Backup
At an absolute minimum, you should back up: [dspace-source] if you've made any customizations [dspace]/assetstore [dspace]/config
Program File/Apache software foundation/tomcat/webapps

[dspace]/history and [dspace]/log if you want to

preserve activity records PostgreSQL, especially /usr/local/pgsql/data (or wherever the data dir is)

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