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PowerPoint slides to accompany Marketing Tourism in South Africa 4e by Richard George

ISBN 978 0 19904941 7 Oxford University Press Southern Africa (Pty) Ltd

Vasco Boulevard, Goodwood, Cape Town, Republic of South Africa

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Chapter 1 Marketing principles

Chapter content
What is marketing? Evolution of marketing Six marketing-management orientations Difference between marketing and Marketing orientation

Chapter content
How marketing applies to the field of Main processes of marketing Reasons for studying marketing Chapter case study: Sun International
Hotel, Resorts and Casinos tourism

Marketing defined
How would you define marketing?
Consumer centric An ongoing process and a philosophy

Marketing defined
Defined as:
A social and managerial process by which individuals and groups obtain what they need and want through creating and exchanging products and values with others

Marketing defined
Do consumers usually want or need a

Three stages of evolution:

Production era Sales era Marketing era

Marketing defined
Six marketing-management orientations
Production orientation Product orientation Selling orientation (see Fig. 1.3) Consumer-marketing orientation Societal-marketing orientation (see Fig. 1.4) Online-marketing orientation
(see Fig. 1.2):

Figure 1.2 The six marketingmanagement orientations

Figure 1.3 A comparison of the selling and marketing orientations

Figure 1.4 The societalmarketing orientation

Marketing orientation
Marketing orientation:
Marketing as a process Marketing as a philosophy Marketing as a relationship management

Marketing orientation
Marketing fits into the subject area of
tourism at three different levels:

Individual business level Destination level Country level

Figure 1.5 A model to show how marketing fits into tourism organisations

Figure 1.6 The tourism system

Main marketing processes

Four main processes of effective tourism

Information gathering Marketing planning Elements of the marketing mix (see Fig. 1.7) Promotional strategies

Figure 1.7 The marketing mix

Why study marketing?

Reasons to study marketing:
An important role in society Important to all types of business Affects everyday life Offers terrific career opportunities An important and growing field of study

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