Introduction To Scrum: Bob Schatz

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Introduction to Scrum

Bob Schatz

Agile Infusion, LLC 2007-2009

Introduce the Scrum Framework Establish a common language Understand roles & responsibilities Learn how to plan a project Learn practical techniques for implementation Understand what life is like on a project using Scrum Learn where to look for additional information
Agile Infusion, LLC 2007-2009

Learning Objectives

Agile Infusion, LLC 2007-2009

Introduce yourself to your team Share your personal objective(s) for the course As a group, identify some common goals and

issues of interest
Develop 5 questions about Scrum that your group

would like to have answered before the end of the course

Agile Infusion, LLC 2007-2009

Agile Terminology
Agile Development
Time-boxed Iterative Incremental Feature-based Business/User Value-driven Agile values and practices that encourage rapid and flexible response to change

Scrum One of the agile development methods Agile project management framework Others
XP, Lean, DSDM, Crystal, etc.
Agile Infusion, LLC 2007-2009

Values of Agile Development

Individuals and interactions Processes and tools Comprehensive documentation

Working software Customer collaboration

Responding to change

Contract negotiation
Following a plan
Agile Manifesto 2001,
Agile Infusion, LLC 2007-2009

Primary Goal of Scrum

Iteration Sprint (time-box) (2-4 weeks)


Agile Infusion, LLC 2007-2009

Scrum Workflow
Key Practices Self-directed; self-organizing teams (preferably co-located) Iterative Adaptive planning Stakeholder/Customer Involvement 30-calendar day iterations 15 minute daily stand-up meeting Team measures progress daily Each iteration delivers tested, fully-functional software for demonstration Always 30-days from potential production release Sprint Retrospective Process Create a rhythm and flow

Obstacles Removed

Sprint Planning Sprint Review

Release Backlog

Planning / Retrospective
Product Roadmap Business Goals

Agile Infusion, LLC 2007-2009

Key Scrum Roles and Responsibilities

Defines the features of the product, decides on release date

Product Owner

and content Is responsible for the profitability/value of the product (ROI) Prioritizes features according to market and/or user value Can change features and priority every 30 days Accepts or rejects work results
Ensures that the team is fully functional and productive Enables close cooperation across all roles and functions


and removes barriers Shields the team from external interferences Ensures that the process is followed. Invites to daily scrum, iteration review and planning meetings

Cross-functional, seven plus/minus two members Selects the iteration goal and specifies work results Has the right to do everything within the boundaries of


the project guidelines to reach the iteration goal Organizes itself and its work Demos work results to the end-user and stakeholders
Agile Infusion, LLC 2007-2009

Scaling Scrum
Large Projects Many Teams

Getting Started Single Team

Initial Product Backlog

- Functional requirement - Non-functional requirements - Staged, scalability requirements

Product Backlog
- Functional requirements - Non-functional requirements

Complex Backlogs
Agile Infusion, LLC 2007-2009

Exercise Ball Point Company

One big team We produce and sell ball points Welcome Ball must pass thru all members to Ball must have air time BPC! Dropped ball must start over Only one ball per hand Cannot pass to L/R neighbor 1 point for ANY ball that completes circuit Only 1 point of origin (5) 2-minute iterations
Agile Infusion, LLC 2007-2009

Project Planning with Scrum

Agile Infusion, LLC 2007-2009

Before You Leap.

Project Vision Project Business Goals Project Constraints

Agile Infusion, LLC 2007-2009

The Product Backlog

All possible system features are captured in a prioritized list the Product Backlog New features can be added at any time to the Product Backlog by anyone Features have only a gross estimate of effort and value Product Owner prioritizes the Product Backlog
Product/Release Backlog Each new feature is prioritized and added to the stack Features may be reprioritized at any time Priority Features may be removed at any time

Agile Infusion, LLC 2006-2009

Backlog Items
Goal: Priority:

May also include: Major Assumptions Conditions of Satisfaction Key Points of Conversation Anything else you need Goal: Goal: Goal:

Priority: Priority: Priority:

As a <user>, I would like to <action>, so that <value>

Value: Points:

Agile Infusion, LLC 2006-2009

Backlog Lifecycle
Product/Release Backlog

Deliverable Product

100% Tested

Agile Infusion, LLC 2007-2009

Architecture and Scrum

Architecture and infrastructure work
High value non-functional requirements

Demonstrate ability to support features Every Sprint must deliver at least some piece of business functionality
To prove that architecture or infrastructure works To prove to customer that work they value is taking place

Agile Infusion, LLC 2006-2009

Information Gathering

What hobbies are people involved in?

Agile Infusion, LLC 2007-2009

Develop a backlog for a new website for our hobby
Establish 3-4 Prioritized Business Goals Write 10 User Stories for the Site Connect User Stories to Business Goal Assign points based on estimated size
1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 20, 40, 100

Assign business value of High, Medium, Low Prioritize the list (Rank Order 1-10)
Agile Infusion, LLC 2007-2009

Family Scrum

Agile Infusion, LLC 2006-2009

The Release Plan

Agile Infusion, LLC 2007-2009

Using our hobby website backlog
Develop a release plan Use an estimated velocity of 12 points per sprint What does your plan look like? How did you maximize value? What is the outcome-based goal of the 1st sprint?
Agile Infusion, LLC 2007-2009

Project Execution with Scrum

Agile Infusion, LLC 2007-2009

Day 1 Sprint Planning

Part 1 Product Owner and Team What should we build in the next sprint? Product Owner presents backlog Team asks questions Collaboration to get common understanding Define or Review Done Establish Sprint Goals Revise estimates Team picks from prioritized backlog taking items to fill to team velocity Part 2

Scrum Team How are we going to meet Sprint goals? Determine team capacity Break sprint backlog into tasks Estimates no greater than 16hrs Team plans how it will work together to deliver Review of Done Identification of Obstacles/Risks Identification of Dependencies Identification of conditions of satisfaction (tests, inspection..) Review Sprint Backlog with PO

Agile Infusion, LLC 2007-2009

Team Sprint Capacity and Velocity

How does team get to commitment?
Capacity Planning
Vacations, Holidays, etc Project time commitments Productive hours/day (Focused Task Time) Other commitments

What is the rate at which we convert backlog items to done increments Depends on History, Lessons Learned, Risks, Capacity, Skills, Environment, Tools

Explicit Personal and Team Commitment

Agile Infusion, LLC 2007-2009

You are a team working on a project
You are all 100% allocated to the project Your productive hours/day is 5 Use your own schedules for vacation, meetings, etc.

What is your teams capacity for the 4-week sprint that starts today?

Agile Infusion, LLC 2007-2009

Day 2-Last Day The Sprint

Task Pull System Daily Scrum Managing Obstacles Sprint Burndown Feature Budget Management Product Owner Involvement Quality Abnormal Termination of Sprint
Agile Infusion, LLC 2007-2009

Task Board / Pull System

Backlog Items Sprint Goals 1. Provide. 2. User will 3. Improve Tasks In Process DONE


Good examples at:

Agile Infusion, LLC 2006-2009

The Sprint Burndown Chart

We Track

Work Remaining

Agile Infusion, LLC 2006-2009

The Daily Scrum

Scrum Master Coordinates
Same place, same time daily Preferably at task board

Scrum Team Members

One person speaks; others listen
Since the last daily Scrum I completed.. Today I am going to work on The obstacle in my way is

Update work remaining on tasks for burndown Not a problem-solving or design session

Scrum Master reports on obstacles Chickens invited to listen and observe Remote?? Try a virtual meeting like this
Agile Infusion, LLC 2006-2009

Continuous Integration & Testing
Strive to get continuous builds Full testing of each increment at every level possible Automate, Automate, Automate!!

Defect Management
Maintain high quality through each sprint Do not build the bug mountain Log all issues from start of project that do not get closed by end-of-day

From Vision to Goals to Features to Backlog to Tasks

Quality designs, Simplicity, Fully automated Unit to Systems tests

Sprint by Sprint feedback and adaptation to users needs
Agile Infusion, LLC 2007-2009

Abnormal Termination of Sprint

Sprints can be cancelled before the end of the iteration Team can cancel Sprint if they feel they are unable to meet Sprint goals Management can cancel Sprint if external circumstances negate the value of the Sprint goal If a Sprint is abnormally terminated, the next step is to conduct a new Sprint planning meeting, where the reason for the termination is reviewed.

Agile Infusion, LLC 2006-2009

Day 30 Sprint Review/Retrospective

Sprint Review Product Owner presents project Team demonstrates what was done in the Sprint Scrum Team, Product Owner, Stakeholders, Users, others Discuss Obstacles / Learning Sprint Burndown Release Burndown Product Owner collects feedback Engage your audience Sprint Retrospective What worked? What isnt working? What adjustments should we make to improve performance? Identify 3 specific changes to implement and monitor in next sprint Health check for the TEAM Celebrate success

Agile Infusion, LLC 2007-2009

Scrum Environments

Agile Infusion, LLC 2007-2009

Teams & Workspaces

Scrum Teams
Cross-functional; collaborative, self-managed Has skills/ability to get something done Common Goal, Interdependent, Jointly Responsible Accountable for the work, estimates, commitment Teams co-located Size of team is 4-10 people Open workspace, flexible, whiteboards Provisions for private space for meetings, calls, and think time
Agile Infusion, LLC 2007-2009


Team Rooms

Agile Infusion, LLC 2006-2009

Distributed Teams and Scrum

Co-locate team as often as possible Rotate members around Plan to experiment with new tools Single global repository Virtual team building (Social Networking) Establish core hours Form Scrum teams by geography

Develop a shared team vocabulary

Dont let anyone go dark Apply Scrum-of-Scrums technique

Agile Infusion, LLC 2007-2009

Agile Project Management Tools

Level 1
Sticky Notes; 3x5 cards, whiteboards, easel sheets

Level 2
Excel Spreadsheets with Scrum Macros

Level 3
Free; Low Cost Solutions Many of these

Level 4
For Complex Project/Programs VersionOne, Rally Others

Agile Infusion, LLC 2007-2009


Lets See What YOU Learned

Agile Infusion, LLC 2007-2009

Books and Resources

Recommended Reading
Agile Project Management with Scrum Agile Software Development with Scrum Scrum for the Enterprise Agile Estimation and Planning Agile Retrospectives Agile Testing Leading Change or Our Iceberg is Melting Agile and Iterative Development Software by Numbers YouTube Videos Scrum Alliance InfoQ Newsletter Schwaber Schwaber Schwaber Cohn Derby/Larsen Crispin/Gregory Kotter Larman Denne/Huang

Agile Infusion, LLC 2006-2009

Questions and Feedback



Agile Infusion, LLC 2007-2009

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