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The Philosophy of Counseling

To empower the organization To express managements concern To uplift the spirit To empower individual To inspire the spirit To build a team To spread competence

Desired results of counseling

A caring organization Employees with high morale An empowered workforce Inspired and passionate individuals An entire workforce working as a team A widespread competence An empowered organization


Definition: Counseling

Employee Counseling is defined as a discussion between the employer and the employee about the real or perceived performance deficiency or jobrelated behavior; the employee's perception of the identified behavior and the employers involvement in helping the employee correct these behaviors; and the employee's attempt to reduce or eliminate the misconduct or incompetence.

Objectives of Counseling

Helping him to realize his potential Helping him to understand himself his strengths and his weaknesses Providing him an opportunity to acquire more insights into his behavior and analyze the dynamics of such behavior Helping him to have better understanding of the environment Increasing personal and inter-personal effectiveness through effective feedback Encouraging him to set goals for further improvement Encouraging him to generate alternatives for dealing with various problems and definite action plan. Helping him to review in a non threatening way his progress in achieving various objectives Providing him empathic atmosphere for sharing and discussing tensions, conflicts, concerns and problems.

Advantages of counseling:

It is a better form of caring. Listening to frustrations of employees makes managers express empathy and sympathy Giving sound advice and counsel, emits positive vibrations and give out sparks of wisdom

Advantages of counseling:

It empowers the soul and inspires the heart What is motivated and inspired is not only the physical aspect but also the hear and the spirit of a person

Advantages of counseling:

It resuscitates a sagging self-esteem A self-esteem that suffered a series of traumatic pressures needs some form or revival and revitalization.

Advantages of counseling:

It heals the wounds of past disillusionments Counseling provides healing process to remedy all these pains

Advantages of counseling:

It minimizes, if not removes the bitterness of rejection Whenever management rejects an employee, he suffers. Counseling alleviates these sufferings.

Advantages of counseling:

It is a powerful means of team-building Counselor and counselee spend time together and share information. Powerful means to build strong relationship

Advantages of counseling:

A powerful mechanism to empower the organization Once pains of employees are healed and cured, people can unleash positive energies and constitute a power that can create strong values to the entire organization.

Process of Counseling
Rapport Building


Action Planning

Process of Counseling
Phase Attending Helpful Behavior Rapport Building Rituals Conversation on personal matters Smile Physical Attention ( Posture ) Eye contact Response ( verbal and non verbal) Keeping out telephones, notice etc Communication of feelings and Concern Paraphrasing feelings Sharing own experience Discussion of behavior from the start Hindering Behavior

Listening to Feelings Concerns Problems Acceptance ( empathy)

Distraction ( Attention to other things)

Lack of response Passive Listening

Process of Counseling
Phase Helpful Behavior Hindering Behavior Criticizing Avoiding Suggestion of a problem Exploration Exploring Mirroring or paraphrasing Open Questions Encouragement to explore Problem identification Questions to explore possible problems Encouragement to generate information Identification of a probable problem Diagnosis Exploratory questions Generating possible causes

Suggesting the cause

Process of Counseling
Phase Searching Decision Making Helpful Behavior Action Planning Questions on possible solutions Generating alternative solutions Questions on feasibility, priority , pros and cons Discussion on one solution Discussion on an action plan Contingency plan Identification of needed help Monitoring Contract to help Hindering Behavior Advising Directing


Promise of general help

Steps in counseling:

Listen, observe and analyze. Empathize Identify the problems / issues Generate the alternatives Assess each alternative Let the person choose his alternative Assist the person in implementing it

Tips in counseling:

Prepare in advance for counseling sessions.

Tips in counseling:

Conduct the counseling session in privacy. Do not allow outside interruptions.

Tips in counseling:

Focus your attention on the employee's behaviors and performance indicators that led to this counseling session. Discuss only these behaviors and indicators and not the employee's character, morality, or personality.

Tips in counseling:

Be direct and honest. After welcoming the employee, go directly to the reason for your meeting.

Tips in counseling:

Remain objective without showing emotion. Even though some employees may be hostile, remain calm, speaking in a measured voice

Tips in counseling:

Keep an open mind. Look for a solution or set of solutions.

Tips in counseling:

Allow the employee an opportunity to talk. You must be a good listener.

Tips in counseling:

Never characterize the counseling session as "discipline."

Tips in counseling:

Do not speak in a punitive or derogatory manner to the employee.

Tips in counseling:

Be sure to thank the employee for meeting with you and make it clear you are available for further discussion or help.

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