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Cost of Capital

Rishabh Mulani 365 Nikhil Nair- 366 Akshat Parashari 367 Suparna Rao 210 Saumya Goel 208 Pranay Jain 209 Rishabh Golcha 309 Rushabh Gala - 308

Midland Energy Resources

A global energy company which operated in:


Exploration and production (E&P),


Refining and marketing (R&M), and



Midland Energy Resources

Used cost of capital for:

Capital Budgeting Financial Accounting

Performance Assessments
M&A Proposals Stock Repurchase decisions

Cost of capital prepared by- Janet Mortensen

The 3 divisions

Exploration & Production (E&P)

Refining & Marketing (R&M) Petrochemicals

Division 1: Exploration & Production

2.1 million barrels per day 6.3% increase over 2005

Natrual Gas
7.28 billion cubic feet per day Nearly 1% increase over 2005

Production segment dominated E&Ps results Most profitable business for Midland Midland was one of the highest margin gainers in the industry for this segment

Revenue Generated: $22.3 Billion

After-Tax earnings: $12 BIllion Forecasted capital spending: Expected to exceed $8 Billion

Division 2: Refining & Marketing

Ownership of 40 refineries worldwide

Distilled 5 million barrels a day This was the companys largest business Severe competition due to commoditization Midland was the market leader Revenue generated: $203 Billion After Tax earnings: 4 billion Forecasted Capital Spending: Expected to remain stable in 2007-08. Greater expenditure anticipated in long term.

Division 3: Petrochemicals

Smallest division in Midland

Had ownership & equity in 25 manufacturing facilities & 5 research centers Revenue Generated: $23 Billion After-Tax Earnings: $2 Billlion

Forecasted capital expenditure: Expected to grow in the short term

The 4 pillars of Midland

To fund significant overseas growth

To invest in value-creating projects across all divisions To invest in value-creating projects across all divisions To opportunistically repurchase undervalued shares

1st Pillar: Overseas Growth

Overseas investments were the main engine of growth for most large U.S. producers, & Midland was no exception
Midland acted as lead developer of projects Earnings from equity affiliates: $4.75 Billion 77% of these earnings came from overseas investments

2nd Pillar: Value creating investments

To calculate the most prospective investment, Midland used discounted cash flow.
How did Midland measure the performance of a business division? Two ways:

Performance against plan (over 1, 3, & 5-year periods) Economic Value Added (EVA)

3rd Pillar: Optimize capital structure

Midland optimized its capital structure mainly by exploiting the borrowing capacity for its energy reserves & long-term productive assets like refining facilities.
Debt ratings for each division had been established by Mortensen Also, a corresponding spread over treasury bonds was also established to estimate divisional & corporate costs of debt. Rated A+ by Standard & Poor

4th Pillar: Stock Repurchases

Had been known for repurchasing its own undervalued shares

Repurchase could be done by

Purchasing a small number of shares from the open market Purchasing large blocks of shares via self-tenders

Had a high share price since 2002, hence no large share repurchases Intrinsic value of the shares had risen as well

Estimation of the Cost of Capital


WACC = rd(D/V) (1-t) + re(E/V)

D=Market Value of Debt E=Market Value of Equity V=Firms or divisions Enterprise value (V=D+E) rd=Cost of Debt re=Cost of Equity

Estimating the cost of Debt

The cost of Debt was computed by adding a premium, or spread over U.S. Treasury securities of similar maturity.

This spread depended on a variety of factors:

Divisions cash flow from operations Collateral value of divisions assets Overall credit market conditions

Some properties supported lesser borrowing than others

Estimating the cost of Equity

CAPM (Capital Asset Pricing Model) was used:

re=rf + (EMRP)

Mortensen was dependent on the Betas published for publicly traded companies, which she felt were comparable to each divisions business. The risk premium adopted (after review & consultation) was 5%.


Cost Of Capital

Required rate of return on invested funds.

It is also referred to as a hurdle rate

Any investment which does not cover the firms cost

of funds will reduce shareholder wealth

Referred to as the firms Weighted Average Cost of Capital, or WACC.

Importance Of Cost Of Capital

Designing the optimal Capital structure
Assisting in investment decisions Helpful in evaluation of expansion projects Helps

in evaluating the financial performance of top management

in formulating Dividend policy and Working capital policy



is the firms required rate of return which will just satisfy all capital providers

Components Of Cost Of Capital

Bank Loans Commercial Papers




Issue of additional shares Retention earnings


Cost Of Debts

The cost of debt is the rate of return the firms lenders demand when they loan money to the firm. Since in most cases debt expense is a deductible expense, the cost of debt is computed as an after tax cost to make it comparable with the cost of equity
After tax= Before tax ( 1- tax rate)

Cost Of Preferred Equity

The cost of preferred equity is the rate of return

investors require of the firm when they purchase its preferred stock.
The cost is not adjusted for taxes since dividends are

paid to preferred stockholders out of after-tax


Cost Of Equity
The cost of common equity is the rate of return

investors expect to receive from investing in firms stock.

This return comes in the form of cash distributions of

dividends and cash proceeds from the sale of the stock.

Cost of common equity is harder to estimate since

common stockholders do not have a contractually defined return similar to the interest on bonds or dividends on preferred stock.


WACC incorporates the required rates of return of the firms lenders and investors and the particular mix of financing sources that the firm uses. Multiply specific cost of each source of financing by its proportion in capital structure and add weighted values WACC=wErE+wprp+wDrD(1-tc) WACC=weighted average cost of capital wE=proportion of equity rE=cost of equity wp=proportion of preference rp=cost of preference

wD=proportion of debt rD=cost of debt

tc=corporate tax rate

Determining Proportions

Proportions=target capital structure weights stated in market value terms

Ideally, the weights should be based on observed market values. However, not all market values may be readily available. Hence, we generally use book values for debt and market values for equity

Book-value Weights

One potential source of these weights is the firms balance sheet, since it lists the total amount of longterm debt, preferred equity, and common equity
We can calculate the weights by simply determining the proportion that each source of capital is of the total capital

Market-value Weights

The problem with book-value weights is that the

book values are historical, not current, values

The market recalculates the values of each type of capital on a continuous basis. Therefore, market values are more appropriate

Capital Structure

Because of tax advantages on debt issuance, it will be cheaper to issue debt rather than new equity.
At some point, however, the cost of issuing new debt will be greater than the cost of issuing new equity.

This is because adding debt increases the default risk - and thus the interest rate that the company must pay in order to borrow money.
Management must identify the "optimal mix" of financing the capital structure where the cost of capital is minimized so that the firm's value can be maximized.

Question 1.)

How are Mortensen's estimates of Midland's cost of capital used?


Mortensens Estimates are used for;

Asset appraisal for Capital Budgeting and Financial Accounting

Performance Assessment M&A Proposals Stock Repurchase Decisions

At Division or business Level as well as Corporate Level

Question 2.)

How, if at all, should these anticipated uses affect the calculations?

For a project with the same average risk as all company projects, no effect to the cost of capital calculations.
If the projects are of greater or less risk, the calculations of WACC may be affected. EXAMPLE : For a riskier merger & acquisition proposal, the company may need to adjust the cost of capital by including a higher risk premium. Conversely, in appraisals for certain long-lived assets, the numbers contributing to the cost of capital should be adjusted accordingly since the risk is very low.

When used at the divisional rather than corporate level, Special consideration should be given to the fact that Midlands divisions do not have individual Beta figures. Mortensen collected beta estimates from several businesses with operations similar to those of Midlands divisions and used the average to derive a beta estimate for Midlandss divisions.

Compute a separate cost of capital for Exploration & Production division and Marketing & Refining and Petrochemicals divisions. What causes them to differ from one another?


Given data : = 1.15 EMRP = 5% Tax rate, t = 39% D/E ratio = 39.8%

Maturity = Long term of 30 years

Rf = 4.98%

Calculation of cost of equity Re = Rf + * EMRP = 4.98 + 1.15*5 = 10.73%

Calculation of Enterprise Value We know that D/E ratio for E&P department to be 39.8% let the equity, E be 100 units and hence D is 39.8 units. V = E + D = 139.8 units Calculation of Cost of debt To find Rd we use the interest rate that we currently pay for new loans. Spread to treasury for E&P division = 1.60%

Rd = Rf + Spread to treasury
Rd = 4.98 + 1.60 = 6.58 %

Calculation of Cost of Capital

=6.58 1 0.39
39.8 139.8

+ 10.73

100 139.8

= 8.818 %

Marketing & Refining Division

Given data : = 1.20 EMRP = 5% Tax rate, t = 39% D/E ratio = 20.3 %

Maturity = Long term of 30 years

Rf = 4.98%

Calculation of cost of equity Re = Rf + * EMRP = 4.98 + 1.20*5 = 10.98 %

Calculation of Enterprise Value We know that D/E ratio for E&P department to be 20.3% let the equity, E be 100 units and hence D is 20.3 units.

V = E + D = 120.3 units
Calculation of Cost of debt -

To find Rd we use the interest rate that we currently pay for new loans.
Spread to treasury for E&P division = 1.80% Rd = Rf + Spread to treasury Rd = 4.98 + 1.80 = 6.78 %

Calculation of Cost of Capital

=6.78 1 0.39
20.3 120.3

+ 10.98

100 120.3

= 9.825 %

Petrochemical Division

Given data :

Corporate =Average (E&P , R&M , Petrochemical )

1.25=Average(1.15, 1.20, Petrochemical ) Petrochemical = 1.40 EMRP = 5% Tax rate, t = 39%

D/E ratio = 20.3 %

Maturity = Long term of 30 years Rf = 4.98%

Calculation of cost of equity Re = Rf + * EMRP = 4.98 + 1.40*5 = 11.98 % Calculation of Petrochemical D/E Corporate D/E=Average (E&P D/E , R&M D/E , Petrochemical D/E) 59.3=Average(39.8, 20.3, Petrochemical D/E) Petrochemical D/E=117.8%

Calculation of Enterprise Value We know that D/E ratio for E&P department to be 117.8% let the equity, E be 100 units and hence D is 117.8 units. V = E + D = 217.8 units Calculation of Cost of debt -

To find Rd we use the interest rate that we currently pay for new loans.
Spread to treasury for E&P division = 1.35% Rd = Rf + Spread to treasury

Rd = 4.98 + 1.35
= 6.33 %

Calculation of Cost of Capital

= 6.33*(1 - 0.39) 117.8 + 11.98 * 100 217.8 217.8

WACC = 7.588 %


They differ from each other because

The business units operate on different industries. Case clearly states that the risk was most apparent in the E&P division as the productive assets and proven reserves were located in politically volatile countries. They have different values of systematic risks, . The E&P and R&M divisions have different credit ratings, A+ and BBB respectively.

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