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Presentation On RADAR

Presented by Laishram Rajita Chanu ECE Department NIT Manipur

Saturday, April 06, 2013 1

Introduction Working overview Radar equation Working principle Components of radar Electromagnetic spectrum Radar frequency bands The range Range measurement Types and uses Applications Factors affecting radar beam Reference
Saturday, April 06, 2013 2


RADAR (Radio Detection And Ranging) is a way to detect and study far off targets by transmitting a radio pulse in the direction of the target and observing the reflection of the wave.

Saturday, April 06, 2013

Working overview
Antenna Propagation

Transmitted Pulse

Reflected Pulse (echo)

Target Cross Section

Radar observables: Target range Target angles (azimuth & elevation) Target size (radar cross section) Target speed (Doppler) Target features (imaging)
Saturday, April 06, 2013 4

Radar equation
The heart of the principle of radar is the radar equation

Pr: Average power returned to the radar from a target. Pt: Peak power transmitted by the radar. G: Antenna gain of the radar. : Angular beamwidth of the radar. H: Pulse Length of the radar. K: This is a physical constant. L: This is the loss factor of the radar. Z: This is the reflectivity factor of the precipitate. R: This is the target range of the precipitate. : This is the wavelength of the transmitted energy.

Saturday, April 06, 2013

Working principle
Radar is capable of detecting the presence shape and motion of ships, aircraft land vehicles and people at distances ranging up to hundreds and thousands of miles, depending on the conditions. Radar is based on the principle that high frequency RF signals are reflected by conductive targets. The most usual targets are airplanes, missiles, ships and automobiles. In a radar system, a signal is transmitted toward the target. The reflected signal is picked by receiver in a radar unit. The reflected or returned radio signal is called an echo.The radar unit can then determined the distance to the target. Its direction or azimuth, and in some cases, its elevation or distance above the ground.

Saturday, April 06, 2013

Components of radar
Transmitter The radar transmitter produces the short duration high-power rf pulses of energy that are into space by the antenna. Duplexer The duplexer alternately switches the antenna between the transmitter and receiver so that only one antenna need be used. This switching is necessary because the high-power pulses of the transmitter would destroy the receiver if energy were allowed to enter the receiver. Receiver The receivers amplify and demodulate the received RF-signals. The receiver provides video signals on the output. Radar Antenna The Antenna transfers the transmitter energy to signals in space with the required distribution and efficiency. This process is applied in an identical way on reception. Indicator The indicator should present to the observer a continuous, easily understandable, graphic picture of the relative position of radar targets.The radar screen (in this case a PPI-scope) displays the produced from the echo signals bright blibs. The longer the pulses were delayed by the runtime, the further away from the center of this radar scope they are displayed. The direction of the deflection on this screen is that in which the antenna is currently pointing. Saturday, April 06, 2013 7

Radar Frequencies
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Radar Frequency Bands

Wavelength 1 km 1m 1 mm 1 mm 1 nm Frequency

1 MHz

1 GHz

109 Hz

1012 Hz IR UV Visible

VHF 0 1





Ku K Ka W

5 6 7 8 Allocated Frequency (GHz) 6 5 Wavelength (cm) 4




30 20
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10 9

8 7


The Range
Distance from the radar Measured from time delay between transmitted pulse and returned signal received Since radio waves travel at the speed of light (v = c = 300,000 km/sec) range = ctime/2 The 2 is because the measured time is for a round trip to and from the target. To determine the range, we only want the time to the object, so you take half! The range and the direction of the target determine its location, which is what is needed for many radar applications such as air traffic control.

The strength of the received echo can also be measured This will vary with the distance of the target, its size, its shape and its composition

Saturday, April 06, 2013


Range Measurement


Target range =

ct 2

where c = speed of light t = round trip time

Saturday, April 06, 2013


Types and uses of Radar

Search radars scan a large area with pulses of short radio waves Targeting radars use the same principle but scan a smaller area more often Navigational radars are like search radar, but use short waves that reflect off hard surfaces. They are used on commercial ships and long-distance commercial aircraft Mapping radar scans a large regions for remote sensing and geography applications Wearable radar which is used to help the visually impaired Air traffic control uses radar to reflect echoes off of aircraft Weather radar uses radar to reflect echoes off of clouds

Weather radars use radio waves with horizontal, dual (horizontal and vertical), or circular polarization
Some weather radars use the Doppler effect to measure wind speeds
Saturday, April 06, 2013 12

Pressure measurement
The strength of the echo received from the ionosphere measures the number of electrons able to scatter radio waves or what we call electron pressure

Temperature measurement
Some electrons are moving due to heat - In this case the echo is scattered.The echo will contain a range of frequencies close to the transmitter frequency. As the temperature increases, the electrons move faster .So radar can act like a thermometer and measure the temperature of the ionosphere

Wind speed measurement

When an electron is removed from an atom, the remaining charged atom is called an ion.The ion gas can have a different temperature from the electron gas.The electron/ion mixture is known as a plasma and is usually in motion (like our wind)So incoherent scatter radar can also measure wind speed
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Atmospheric Effects

Saturday, April 06, 2013


Factors affecting Radar beams

Atmospheric attenuation Reflection off of earths surface Over-the-horizon diffraction Atmospheric refraction

Saturday, April 06, 2013


References ml _is_radar.shtml

Saturday, April 06, 2013


Thanks everyone Have a pleasant moment

Saturday, April 06, 2013


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