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0901206083 E&TC(A)


Evolution of Telecom How to switch What is MNP? Regulatory Guidelines Why MNP?? Impact of MNP Porting Benefits SWOT Analysis Types of MNP Terminology related Future Aspects to MNP Conclusion How it works References MNP Implementation


Private players were allowed in Value Added Services 1994

1992 National Telecom Policy (NTP) was formulated

Independent regulator, TRAI, was established 1999 1997

BSNL was establishe d by DoT

ILD services was opened to competition Go-ahead to the CDMA technology Internet telephony initiated Reduction of licence fees

Intra-circle merger guidelines were Attempted Calling Party established to boost Pays (CPP) was Rural implemented telephony 2003 2004 2005

Number portability was proposed (pending) 2007 2006

2002 2000

NTP-99 led to migration from high-cost fixed license fee to low-cost revenue sharing regime

Unified Access Licensing (UASL) regime was introduced

Reference Interconne ct order was issued

Broadband policy 2004 was formulated targeting 20 million subscribers by 2010

Decision on 3G FDI limit was services increased (awaited) from 49 to 74 percent

Department of Telecommunication (DoT) is the main body formulating laws and various regulations for the Indian telecom industry. ILD International Long Distance


Number Portability will allow subscribers to change their service

provider while retaining their old mobile number. Portability benefits

subscribers and increases the level of competition between service providers, rewarding service providers with the best customer service, network coverage, and service quality

Enables the mobile phone end-user Switch from one mobile operator to the other Or from one cellular mobile technology to another of the same Service Provider Within a telecom circle Without compromising on quality, reliability and operational convenience While retaining the same mobile number Irrespective of the mobile technology


Benefits to mobile network providers and the mobile industry:

Updated technology and latest sophistication prevent stagnation of resource up gradation

Healthy competition between providers

Benefits to subscribers:

Better quality & bouquet of value-added services offered by any operator

Exercise choices and get products and services in accordance with preference
Competitive tariff package will be offered by all providers Stiff competition leading to better facilities Enhanced customer satisfaction Growth of Telecom Sector Affordable portability

Number Portability

Operator Portability
(Between Operators)

Location Portability
(Between Service Areas)

(Between Wire line & Mobile)

Fixed Number Portability

Mobile Number Portability

Operator Portability

Location Portability

Service Portability

It refers to the ability of It refers to the ability an end user to retain the of an end user to retain same telephone number the same telephone when changing from one number when changing operator to another. It is from one physical also referred to as service location to another provider number without necessarily portability and is further changing their operator. divided into: Geographic number portability for all fixed public telephone network and integrated services digital network (ISDN) subscribers at a specific location ; Non-geographic number portability or NGNP for fixed numbers at any

It refers to the ability of an end user to retain the same telephone number when changing from one type of service to another without necessarily changing their operator(e.g. from old telephone service to ISDN)


Originatin g Network

Recipient Network


Originating Network Donor Network Recipient Network NPDB instructions)

: Network of the calling party : Previous subscription of Called party : Present subscription of Called party

: Number Portability Data Base (maintains portability database and provides routing

Operator A

NP Gateway

NP Clearing Clearinghouse


NP Gateway


Operator B

Number Portability Clearinghouse

Clearinghouse is a centralized system that interconnects mobile operators Defines number porting business rules and procedures Utilize the system to implement number portability Provides statics and history for ported numbers It is located at the Operator Premises Interface towards the Clearing house Manages the porting process Interface towards operators OSS/BSS

Number Portability Gateway

Real-Time Network Query

Real time query response system for call routing to ported numbers Setup by Clearing house for multiple operators

ALL-CALL-QUERY METHOD The originating network first checks the location of the dialed number in the central database and then routes the call directly to the recipient network (the network where a number is located after being ported)


The originating network first checks the status of the dialed number with the donor network (the initial network where the number was located before ported) The donor network returns a message to the originating network identifying whether the number has been ported or not The originating network then queries the central database to obtain the information regarding the recipient network and routes the call directly to the recipient network

MNP implementation contd.

Call Routing - All call query
ORIG NW Database
LRN + Called Number Called Number

Recipient Network

Whenever a call is originated, the Originating n/w will query its NPDB (Number Portability database) NPDB will acknowledge the query by adding a prefix LRN (Location Routing Number) to the called number Based on the prefixed LRN the Originating n/w will route the call to the recipient n/w without involving the Donor network


Originating Network

Donor Network

ACQ (All Call Query Method) is called as direct routing, The Donor Network will not be part of the entire call flow

MNP implementation contd.

Call-drop back Donor network checks whether the number is ported and if it is, it releases the call back to the originating network together with information identifying the correct recipient network. The originating network then routes the call to the recipient network


The subscriber, who likes to avail this service, need to send a SMS from his mobile to 1900 Once the customer sends SMS, he will be receiving a unique porting code from the current service provider Then he need to fill the application in a particular format and mention the new service provider, the customer would like to subscribe for The new service provider will collect the information about the user from the current operator. A time period of seven days will be taken for the complete transfer of mobile number to the network of the new mobile operator As a transformation charge for the new operator the subscriber has to pay the amount of Rs 19

TRAI has issued the Regulation for MNP in India which includes

Subscriber Eligibility Criteria

Eligibility Criteria for making a porting request-- Every subscriber shall be eligible to make a request for porting his mobile number Provided that--(a) a period of ninety days has expired from the date of activation of his mobile connection in the case of a mobile number not ported earlier or from the date of activation of his mobile number after its last porting, in the case of a mobile number which has been ported earlier, as the case may be (b) there are no outstanding payments due to the Donor Operator by way of pending bills or bills, as the case may be, issued as per the normal billing cycle but before the date of application for porting (c) there is no pending request for change of ownership of the mobile number

Rights & Responsibilities of Donor Operator, Recipient Operator & MNP Clearing House

Subscriber Eligibility Criteria

Completed 90 days from date of activation

Completed 90 days from the last porting

Operator Criteria
Maintain records of all Port-out cases If customer does not clear the dues, get the number deactivated thru Recipient Operator

Rights & responsibilities of Donor Operator, Recipient Operator & Clearing House

Donor Operator

Recipient Operator

Pay Per Post Transaction charges to MCH Deactivate the number upon Donor Operators request Manage Porting Process Resolve inter operator issues Number reversal to Range Holder Maintain records of all Ported numbers

MNP Clearing House

Impact of MNP on Mobile Subscribers

Subscribers would likely to have efficient services at cheapest rate Can retain one number lifetime while choosing competitive plans from other operators CDMA users can switch to GSM network



A subscriber is eligible to make a porting request only after 90 days of the date of activation of his mobile connection Subscribers transferring the mobile number with some balance amount, no credit transfer would be allowed to the new account Consumers allowed to change operators within their registered circle only (So if you are moving to another city and want to retain your mobile number, MNP is not the answer)

Huge Customer Potential High Growth Rate Liberalization efforts by Govt Lower Capital expenditure for switching between Operators

Strengths Weaknes s

Poor Infrastructure Late Adopters Competitive Market Difficult to switch from one operator to other


Telecommunicati on Policies Declining ARPU Govt. policies Content Piracy

Better Service Quality Healthy Competitive approach for operators Promotes more services to customer


future seems to be bright for this technology in India. The reason for being so is that currently, according to the government statistics, about 68% of all mobile customers change their mobile phone number at least once in a year When Mobile Number Portability in India is complete, the number will drop significantly and only those people will change the numbers who really want to disconnect the mobile service or want to become anonymous again

The MNP process is relatively new to India but holds lots of scope. With the revolution of mobile telephony sector in India, the subscriber base has grown by leaps and bounds over the past decade

It can also lead to lots of errors like customer dissatisfaction, misalignment between the old and new service operator, loss of revenue and negative publicity. Hence proper infrastructure needs to be in place for it starts in India

MNP does not generate churn, it only removes one barrier from the way of free. As such, it brings challenges and opportunities for old and new telecommunications providers To be successful in the competitive telecommunications environment, carriers have to carefully analyze their network and administrative infrastructures, select the best MNP solution for their needs


Aoki, R. and J. Small (1999), The economics of number portability: Switching costs and two-part tariffs, working paper, University of Auckland. [2] INTUG (2003), Mobile Number Portability, International Telecommunications User Group (INTUG): []. [3] Numpac Oy, 2004. Company web-site. Available at: [4] Consultation Paper on Mobile Number Portability,Consultation Paper No. 7/2005, Telecom Regulatory Authority of India, New Delhi: July 22, 2005.

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