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By:M.Dinakaran Joseph


Introduction Existing system Proposed system Hardware & Software requirements Advantages Modules Design Screens Conclusion

As per the facility of the patients the Hospital management introduces Smart Card. Smart card include one year plan, two year plan etc and also include lifetime plans, patient should choose according to the requirement. Smartcard also benefits not only to the patients but also his family members. Smartcard stores the details of the patients and also his treatment details.

The scope of the project reaches the common people where carrying of data becomes easier to the patients and maintaining of the data becomes easier to the hospital management.

This allows the card-transaction participants (Card name, acquiring bank, issuing branch, etc.) to store a lot of additional information on the card. Data on a smart card should be protected against unauthorized viewing. Just one card can be used as your license to get treatment at any hospital throughout the state. As a result of this confidential data (PIN, Passwords) can be stored on a smart card. This means, merchants do not have to go online every time to authenticate a registration.

Existing System:
In the existing system the patient or the user has to go the hospital with his total prescriptions and everything. All the lab reports and scan reports will be given to the patient and he has to carry all the reports at the time checkup. If the patient loses the prescriptions then he should again undergo tests. If the patient migrates from one place to another then he should carry all the prescriptions where he may again undergo some tests.

Proposed System:
In the proposed system, no need to take all the prescription, every test report will be stored in the smartcard. The patient personnel details and medical details will be stored in the smartcard. Here, the patient as well as his relations are benefited because cards will be issued to the family according to the plans(1year,2year etc). When the patient has to migrate from one place to another place, then branch manager also transfers the card as well.

Hardware requirements:
Pentium processor RAM Capacity Hard Disk Floppy disk CD-ROM Drive KEYBOARD 233 MHZ or above 128MB 20GB 1.44 MB 32 HZ 108 Standard

Software Requirements:
Operating System Browser Web/Application Server Database Server Windows 95/98/NT/2000 IE Java WebServer2.0,Tomcat5.0 Oracle

Database Connectivity
Other Tools & Technologies

Java(JDK),Servlets(JSDK), HTML.

Flexibility Security Portability Increasing data storage capacity Reliability.

Basically we have two modules 1) Chairman module 2) Branch manager

Chairman Module:
Here the chairman is the HEAD of the system. The Main Roles of the Chairman are: Create a New Branch Assign a Branch Manager. Generate a new Type of Health Card. Assigning of Health Card Specifications. The chairman can also view the reports of the patients

Branch manager Module:

Branch manager will be the head of the branch where branches are decided and created by the chairman. The Main Roles of the Branch Manager are: Taking the Enquiry details from Customers. Register the New Customers And also Register the customer Relation details Modify the Customer Details (If required) Branch manager can view the details of the patient

Install Apache Tomcat Server 6.0 with port number as 2011, username and password as smartcard, and install Java Software, and set class paths for Java as well as Apache Tomcat Server. Run Apache tomcat server with above mentioned port number, username and password, it will take u to Home screen with two modules chairman and Branch Head. Select the module as per the requirement, select chairman module.

The chairman can perform three activities of Branch Head, Card and Reports by successfully login in i.e. he can add branch heads, cards and can view reports. The Branch head can perform the actions of enquiry, registration and viewing reports only after login in. He cannot view customer details as per amount, district and branch until the registration and enquiry from Branch Head completes. Once Branch head enquiry completes on the customer, then Chairman can view the details.

UML Diagrams
Add Branch Head

Add Card type



Use case Diagram for Chairman

Use case Diagram for Branch Head



Registration BranchHead


Sequence Diagram of Chairman

: Chairman login details Login Add New Branch Head Add New Card Reports

verify Branch Details Branch created

Add New Type of Card

Card Created

Request for Reports Reports Generated

Collaboration Diagram of Chairman

2: verify

1: login details Login 3: : Chairman 7: Card Created 6: Add New Type of Card

4: Branch Details Add New Branch Head 5: Branch created

8: Request for Reports 9: Reports Generated

Add New Card


Sequence diagram for Branch Head

: BranchHead login Details verify login Succed Enter Enquiry stoted enquiry details login Enquiry Registration Reports Logout

Request for Registration Registration Successful

Requst ing for Reports Generate reports

Reques for Logout

Logout Success

Collaboration Diagram of Branch Head:

2: verify


4: Enter Enquiry

1: login Details 5: stoted enquiry details 3: login Succed


7: Registration Successful : BranchHead 6: Request for Registration 8: Requst ing for Reports 9: Generate reports 11: Logout Success Registrat ion 10: Reques for Logout

Logout Reports


Home Screen

Chairman Home screen

Branch manager Home screen

This project "Smart Card" is very useful and helpful because the effiency will improve with better way of communication among Chairman-Manager, Manager- Customer. Reliable and accurate reports could be available with in a very short time, which is not possible if done manually. Data is secure.

Thank you & Any Queries.?

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