Divine Plan and Truth

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Truth that illuminates Minds and saves the world

The gate way to Kingdom of God and the Golden Age

Truth is knowledge Truth is light Truth is path from darkness To light Truth is God Creator and Sustainer

All Spiritual Scriptures says Seek Truth and Truth will set you free

This means Truth is Freedom

Human quest is a quest to seek knowledge and thus Truth and freedom

The Tool and the Paths to Truth

The tool used to enquire Truth is the mind The possible path it can take is
outward into space-time of nature

Inward into the inner space-time of once own being and beyond it

Enquiry in to outer space Is done by Modern science

Enquiry into inner space - is done by Ancient Spiritualist

They have led to two contrasting world views

The former has led to materialistic view of the universe and the latter has led to living view of the universe

The union of the two is Truth

Is humanity aware of Truth? No is the Answer

The signs of lack of Truth is every where

Sign of Truth
Truth brings order, peace, happiness and prosperity--

Signs we see
Is the opposite of it

Disorder, destruction, restlessness --

Nature and her forces are getting increasingly violent and destructive Human mind is restless and is taking self destructive paths.

People are taking solace in religions and religions are striving for superiority by number and monetary power than qualitative transformation of people

The world is endangered by non illuminated religious organizations who try to fish in troubled waters and advance their self in the name of God

Both temples of science and religious institutions are failing humanity

Technology that modern science contributed has become a axe for self destruction in the hands of pathological criminal mind of humanity
Recall that humanity has stored weapons of mass destruction that can destroy earth in minutes

The spiritual institutions are vital faculty of humanity as a whole. Unfortunately they are filled with people possessing criminal minds that are slave to material force.

Both temples of science and religious institutions have made Truth complex and beyond the comprehension of common man

Is Truth beyond Human comprehension Definitely Not All spiritual Scriptures tells us that we

are created in the image of God [Truth]

This means Truth exist within all of us Why then we are failing to comprehend Truth Let us Introspect

We saw a tool and two approaches to Truth

A mind directed to outer spacetime field [ material field] A mind directed to inner space-time field [ spiritualistic world]

We need to introspect both the tool and our approach

The answer to question; Why human mind fails to comprehend Truth? is simple Human mind whether it is directed to outer material world or the inner spiritual world, it is always associated with a intent that is self-centered.

The ancient spiritual scriptures tell us that Truth cannot be sought by human mind but it comes to Humans by Grace or Divine intervention for a Purpose Truth reveals when mind surrenders and self dies Thus the tool it self is a impediment to seeking Truth.

The Key to understand the Reality of the Universe is to differentiate spirituality, religion and science and evolve it

Spirituality is Truth Spoken by the Spirit of Life

It is the whisper of Life Force when mind is still It is the Light that leads us back home It is the knowledge of Nature and Life

In contrast to spirituality, religion and science involves mind and self It works within defined boundaries and restrictions and fails to evolve ordinarily

Very clinically religious institutions deter humanity from acquiring Truth that Liberates They rule people and live by virtue of Unseen Spirit God

Christ condemned the religious Institution of His time

Truly interpreted, Jesuss Manifestation happened to Liberate humanity from the clutches of religious institutions

Modern science emerged when Christianity deteriorated and existed virtually ruling people ruthlessly amassing material wealth in the name of God the Unseen

In short the modern science is a quest of human mind to seek Truth to get liberated from the clutches of religious institutions.
It is a beginning of a journey from darkness to Light by Divine intervention.

The foundation of science was clinically laid separating soul/mind from matter and leaving the realm of soul/mind to the religious institutions

Science is built on the assumption that universe is material Scientific advances suppressed the hold of religious institutions and liberated human mind to seek Truth.

When religious organizations failed

to do, what they were called to do ,

The scenario was kept open for all

Thus working of a universal guiding force is evident

However, sciences evolution into quantum mechanical world view made mind and soul of the experimenter inseparable from the matter and its field.

A New Path to the Old was Created

Science and its advancement necessitated that it change its fundamental assumption that universe is material Noble laureate James Lovelock has proved that universe is living and self organizing system as the ancient spiritualist understood.

Physicist have invented black hole into which information gets lost
They have invented white hole through which information can reemerge

They have invented Parallel and Multiple Worlds

They have visualized a way out for perpetual existence of the universe in time, circumventing the Singularity
They have visualized that at Singularity one world pierces the other world and emerges on the opposite

It is matter of time and rearrangement of developments in science for physicist to understand the Truth This then will unify science with ancient spiritual knowledge, paving way for a New Era of Knowledge or Truth

Part -2 Comprehending the Reality of Nature

The Evolution into New World View

Spiritual Scriptures tells us that Divine Force act at appropriate time through ready and chosen minds

Thus simple observation of apple falling led Newton to develop Gravitational Theory
and herald Mechanistic World View When this world view was challenged another simple observation of spider crawling on a globe led Einstein to develop General Theory of Relativity and bring

Relativistic World View

Before Einstein can rest on his laurels New Discovery [ Uncertainty Principle] shattered the foundation of science and split the scientific world bringing another word view

Chaotic World View

The non-linear science then showed that a time direction exist in chaotic system and an order can emerge spontaneously out of disorder around an Attractor State

Thus came

Chaos and Spontaneous Order World View

However these developments have failed to answer the origin and existence of the system sensibly

Nature is stressing us to evolve to New World View in a definitive manner incorporating all the developments The new view is the

Living Universe View

Simple observation of life can facilitate it

A key failure of science exist in applying the second law of thermodynamics or energy to the universal system they are trying to understand.
The second law of thermodynamics meant that matter in motion should loose energy in time and collapse to a point Big Bang Point

Einstein's works extended gave rise to Big Bang origin of the Universe in Singularity Here all the laws of physics fail and it is beyond the comprehension of human mind

Non Linear scientist too failed to explain in a sensible and comprehensible way, how order can emerge out of disorder spontaneously in a universal system we live in

The second law of energy meant The space/environment in time gets energized and unwinds and begins to shear
The material world in contrast winds and begins to break down

If you stand back to observe atmosphere and the state of earth we note we are experiencing this reality Earths environment is shearing, material earth is collapsing

Human Mind is restless and taking self destructive path

Earths as a ecological system is peaking in disorder

The world has awakened to call it the effect of Global Warming and Accelerated Climate Change due to increased carbon dioxide

I call it the product of reckless release of heat without understanding the Principle, Design and functioning of Earth to maintain certain energy to matter ratio and thus the heat of the system within certain limit

Earth strives to maintain certain equilibrium We are interfering into her design and functioning and thus calling on wrath of Nature

We are Digging our own Grave

The observation of basic energy cycles in which we live speaks the Principle, Design and Functioning of Earth This cycle manifest as 12 hour day and night cycle, 12 month climatic cycle, and bigger cycles of energy which culminate in Universal Energy Cycle

We probably are in the end of one Universal cycle of energy and poised for a New beginning

The question is why time direction originates and how the universe conquers time and initializes to a New Beginning

Answering this question calls us to understand the Principle and Design by which Nature functions and invent a

New Force & New Space-Time Reality

that creates and sustains the material world.

Einstein for much of his life searched for it

Two critical and sensible and comprehensible facts can evolve Einsteins mind and lead us to Truth

Parallel World Design And a New Force Called AntiGravity

Most evident fact in Nature is that it has Parallel World Design

When west awakens to sunlight. Energizes, unwinds and goes into apparent disorder The East simultaneously winds, deenergizes and goes into new order and vice-versa

When light peaks in west it gives way to darkness and simultaneously the opposite happens in the east.

The Design and Functioning help maintain certain Energy to Matter Ratio

This Design and Functioning tells us certain facts

1] The system is instantaneously communicated 2] There is a Perceiver in the system that acts to sustain the system through movement

Light/Energy/Spirit is the Perceiver This movement of energy or spirit actually manifest into what we call electromagnetism

The observation of the 12 hour day and night cycle, 12 month climatic cycle and bigger cycles of energy means the design incorporates multiple worlds that function as dynamic unit and give it more stability

This implies that earth has many grid points and many layers of it, through which smooth changes of climate occurs.
The electro-magnetism of multiple dynamic world actually forms a dynamic protective shield of earth

As the grid points are decreased by reckless release of heat and intervention into the night cycle the change gets accelerated and dynamic protective cover of earth begins to break down.
This reality is experienced as Accelerated Climate Change

Accelerated Climate Change invariably means sudden peak and fall of energy states of earth

This is bound to cause huge destruction by all the forces of Nature

The destruction comes as twin edged sword.

When one part is getting destroyed by fire and wind another simultaneously gets destroyed by flash floods/snows

When Sun/heat Unwinds, Earth/Water Winds

This means earthquakes and volcanic eruption would increase both in number and magnitude
We are experiencing all of this

Beyond some critical point, it breaks up earth electromagnetic shield and earth begins to attract the space objects Earth it self goes fragile and begins to collapse to its center under gravity.

The tell tale signs are already there for us to see as increased meteor strikes, sink holes and mud slides

The sudden changes in the energetic state of earth can lead to wiping out of many species We are also witnessing this reality in the form of mass fish death, bird death and so on

Parallel and multiple world also means that earth is not only instantaneously communicated but also is communicated in time Both Newtonian instantaneously communicated world and the world of Einstein communicated in time is valid

The existence of two types of communication is evident in human life, where central nervous system coexist with autonomous nervous system that controls the vital organs and over rides central nervous system at times of danger to Life

Now this gives another stressing fact, in addition to Gaia Hypothesis and writings in ancient Spiritual Scriptures, to change our basic assumption from Material World to Living World

Most importantly the Parallel World Design and Living Vision opens the possibility of explaining time conquering and time initialization sensibly
Life has a process by which it conquers time and perpetuates in time

Very clearly the present energy cycle has time direction where disorder is increasing To find the cause

We now need to review the energy cycle of earth involving Life

Part-3 Understanding the Parallel World Design with Life

Living Universe Theory

Let us see how life influences the energy cycle and time direction
Plant Kingdom that is sedentary is two dimensional. It absorbs, light and heat to create living mass that grows against gravity and thus works against the disordering principle of energy

Plant Life works against material world and its time direction to collapse or death

It works against gravity thus resist the gravitational collapse

Animal kingdom, that is motor, is three dimensional It controls the plant kingdom thus prevents any collapse of the system in opposite way.
The earth with plant and animals is self sustaining Gaia

Even the Children's of Human kingdom add Life to Earth

The scenario changes when we include adult humans with developed mind
An adult human mind is self centered. A self centered human mind breaks the faith relationship with Higher Mind or God and fails to uphold Truth and Justice

Adult humans delinks from his consciousness and intelligence and becomes slave to material world and directs his mind and force with material world to gravitational collapse
In the process, he not only falls as an individual but affects all the hierarchy the family, community, -----

He is the only life that hinders the working of earth to maintain the ratio of energy to matter within certain critical limit and thus maintain the temperature for life to flourish

With reckless exploitation of fossil fuels and industrialization, he is not only exponentially increasing the heat of the earths atmosphere, but by his intrusion into night cycle he is hindering earths functioning to sustain her balance

Human mind thus becomes the cause for time direction to the World.

Nature now cannot be understood in separation from humanity and his mind.

Spiritual scriptures says man falls and takes the time direction to death, when he breaks the Faith with God If we take spiritual scripture a valid one, then we need to rediscover, terms like Love, Faith, Truth and Justice more sensibly and scientifically

Before we go any further let us see some golden quotes from scientist
All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force... We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent Mind. This Mind is the matrix of all matter. Max Planck

Anybody who has been seriously engaged in scientific work of any kind realizes that over the entrance to the gates of the temple of science are written the words: 'Ye must have faith. Max Planck

A new scientific Truth does not triumph by convincing its opponents and making them see the light, but rather because its opponents eventually die, and a new generation grows up that is familiar with it. Max Planck

Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind . Albert Einstein

Science cannot solve the ultimate mystery of nature. And that is because, in the last analysis, we ourselves are a part of the mystery that we are trying to solve . Max Planck

Faith thus we see is essential foundation to both science and religion However

Truth or God is beyond science as well as religion

Now comes a Paradox

God is Truth. He is the Creator and Sustainer Time direction is inevitable to the Created world whether we view it as material one or as a living one.

Human mind that seeks self and is slave to material world is the cause of time direction to deterioration and death. This means that we the mortals are stronger than God and we can destroy the Created world of God

This cannot be true because from both science and religious point of view it leads to dead end There should be a Divine Plan that conquers time and perpetuates everything in time cycles

Understanding this Divine Plan we need to go back to spiritual scriptures, where Truth and knowledge of life and the universe is kept hidden such that it can reveal it self in time in an appointed time.

There are many spiritual scripture from which religions have formed. All of them contain Truth and essential knowledge for sustenance of life.
If we critically evaluate they all Propose Universe as a Living Being

I personally found the eastern spiritual scriptures written very much logically and elaborately such that humanity can understand it and use it in various realms of human interest

But it is in western spiritual scripture [Bible] Truth and the Divine Plan Exist. But it is written in a very hidden manner such that it is not easily comprehended

To understand this we need to filter what all spiritual scriptures tell us to its essence
The essence of all spiritual scriptures is

Love and Faith Truth and Justice

Love is understood as Creative Force it is selfless

By Faith He gives Knowledge and Dominion

Truth and Justice is the sustaining Force

When Truth and Justice is broken The system begins to deteriorate Light and Knowledge gives way to darkness beyond a point it gets lost in darkness Creator resist this deterioration,

Time direction is inevitable reality Thus the system deteriorates and moves towards death

A Divine Plan of Recreation and Restoration now becomes inevitable

Part -4 Evolving Religion and Science to Know Truth

The Secret of Creation and Existence

To unearth Truth both science and religion take deductive path seeking the building blocks
Science thus sought Truth in atom and beyond

Religions deduced it down to souls and beyond

Beyond the realm of the atoms and souls exist the world of spacetime or field filled with spirit or energy
Truth has eluded the world when it came to comprehending this arena of Spirits

Unseen Spirit or Energy is common Keyword to both religion and science

Science and Religion we know tells us Universe is Sprit or Energy or Information

What we lack is proper perception of this keyword

Two laws govern the world of Spirits Nothing is created and nothing is destroyed everything is transformed There is a time direction to Universe

This means we need to understand the creation only as transformation process of time direction both at the lowest level of building blocks as well as the universal level

When God resisted humanity from eating from the tree at the center, He in fact was resisting this time direction

A time direction is inevitable from both modern materialistic vision of the universe as well as the ancient living vision of the universe
What we need to know is the cause of time direction and how it is conquered to go in cycles

Time direction to nature we noted came from the Human mind that is separated from Truth or God seeking self and being slave to material world
In short it came when we broke the Love and faith relationship and failed to uphold Truth and Justice

The question now boils down to how the time direction is conquered and the Universe exist perpetually

In other words it boils down to secret of Creation and Existence

The answer is simple and it exist in spiritual scriptures.

Scriptures say we the humans were Created in the image of God Scientifically we can compare it to life forming from one living cell to form trillions of cells in time

Bible says after Creation God infused life or Spirit into Humans and He was given dominion over Gods kingdom A restriction was laid not to eat from the tree at the center
This invariably means God gave Truth, Knowledge and all the information about His Kingdom to Humans

This knowledge and information was lost to humanity beyond some critical point, when humanity began to seek self and threatened the very existence of Kingdom of God

A time direction is inevitable once it is set in motion, this necessitates the intervention of God and His Divine plan to recreate and restore it back in to Golden Age

In Living world, creation and conquering of time happens in the womb of the Mother when the Spirit of the Father [Spirit of Life] leaves its body and enters the body of feminine or parallel world to Create New body

The Life and dominion to it is given at Birth

Note Biology tells us that Genes and DNA are the Creators we must understand that Gene and DNA are built up information as the vendor balances the balance Behind every life there is a Perceiver who perceives and acts This Perceiver is the Spirit of Life. It exist in the inner space and holds the original blue print, what we see as body is the image of it.

Modern Science needs a crucial evolution

At the universal level creation needs to be understood as transformation of souls and awakening of humanity to knowledge and Truth.

It needs to be understood as passage from darkness to light or death to life or disorder to order

From scientific point it is singularity in which one world [light] pierces the other world [dark world] and emerges on the opposite

The world and the Universal Time Cycle now can be understood as interaction of two worlds; light [knowledge] and darkness [ignorance]

Just as life cycle this interaction has four phases

1] When light world breaks the darkness and shines [Birth and childhood] 2] When light has superiority but darkness begins to intrude [ adolescence] 3] When darkness takes the lead [ adult hood with self-centeredness] 4] When darkness conquers - old age leading to death

The first part of this cycle, including the period in the womb is the time period when Light Shines and God is with Humans Leading us to Light
Second Part is where Light or knowledge has departed and disorder sets in Disorder is a way of resistance to time but time direction exist within this disorder

The second part is the time when Adam and Eve Eat the forbidden fruit and fell from the Grace of God and is thrown out of Garden of Eden

The World Enters the Dark Period

Before darkness leads to death A Divine Plan is executed. The Light gets encapsulated in darkness, just as seed of the Father gets conceived in the womb

It ensures that in time light can break the darkness and thus conquer death and darkness

We are Living in a time period where Light or knowledge is hiding in darkness as recessive and existing in creative state allowing darkness to grow

It is due to break the darkness to emerge to begin a New Time Cycle

This phase I believe began with Calvary Sacrifice

This however is not a support for a organized religion called Christianity

Universal Time Cycle can now be understood as knowledge or information unfolding and enfolding sustaining the system It can also be understood as consciousness and intelligence of the Creator unfolding giving New Life with Free Will to human souls to take new space-time positions

Time conquering and time initiation is simply a process of transformation of individual and the whole system

It is a Christ centered spiritual reorganization of the Universal System

I stress again that this has nothing to do with religion called Christianity
Modern day Christianity lack Christ and His Spirit in it It is material centered and largely strives to advance materially than spiritually

There is a Event Horizon happening that is Awakening People

It is happening beyond religion Christ never gave a call to build another religion His call was to spread the Good News His call was to spread Fire and transform Souls and give it New Life

Spiritual institutions and people have higher position than of Kings

They are the source of Light and knowledge Darkness enters the kingdom because of failure of these institutions

The world we live in today is led by nations of west and its thinking where Christianity exist as a spiritual institution
The fact that western nations have filled the world with weapons of mass destructions and is the source of the present world that is endangered speaks the failure of Christianity The religion called Christianity lacks the Spirit of Christ

Part 4 Bible as a Living Universe Science

Bible says we are Created in the Image of the Creator from Mud [matter] and life was breathed in to Us

In faith we were then give dominion over the kingdom of God with a restriction

Bible says that we the humans fell when we lost the Faith relationship with God
Bible also says that when Christ manifested there was not one soul that has not broken this faith relationship with God

It says Jesus manifested to conquer time and death and give New Life to all souls and restore the kingdom back to God the Father

All Life Begins with one cell, divides into two and eventually form a system with trillions of cells

Spirit of Life or Creator it self sits as judge and strives constantly to sustain the balance between the left and right of the system

When faith is broken man becomes self centered and fails to uphold Truth and Justice kingdom deteriorates When all souls that form the body fall from Grace of God there comes point where Spirit of Life no longer can sit as Judge

Vedas of the east have described universal time scale in terms of deterioration of Truth and Justice In four quantum proportions Golden age, silver age, bronze age and Iron Age In Life scale it is Child, adolescent, adult and old age leading to death

In Living Universe every soul is part of one living being. When the billions of souls which form the body of God go against God, He is denied the existence.

Thus a Secret Plan comes into effect to revive His Body or His Kingdom

Bible clearly tells us that Jesus manifested when not one soul was left who could be Justified Before God

The Divine Plan thus becomes a necessity to restore Truth and Justice and Faith relationship with God

The Divine Plan should essentially have two stages

1] Where all Souls are Transformed and given New Life with Free Will 2] Illumination of human mind and judgment to its Right and Left

In short

God exposes His Heart and Mind

The former actions conquers time and latter initializes the Time

Faith, Truth and Justice therefore cannot be a scale on which God executes His Divine Plan of restoration

Bible tells us that New Life and New Order comes by Grace through Free Will

What Criteria then Governs Grace

One thing is clear It is not our Education, not our worship, not the sacrifice we conduct, not the money we give to temples --

For Christ selected ordinary people, not heads of temples and learned ones, who spent life time in temples and synagogues

Jesus spoke to disciples before his self sacrifice After self-sacrifice He descended back as Spirit to Transform these disciples and breath New Life into them.

The Words He spoke took Life and power when the Holy Spirit descended

Holy Spirit here acted as transforming Principle, Giver of New Life, Conqueror of Time and Time initializer to souls

With Christs Calvary Sacrifice

A Controlled Big Bang Creation Began

In Christ Linear Physicist can visualize Big Bang Sensibly

Non Linear Physicist also can Comprehend their vision in Calvary

Calvary is the beginning of Great Disorder Calvary also ensured the seed for Great Attractor State around which New order can spontaneously emerge

Since Calvary God Force or Light or Knowledge is growing from within sustaining it from inside The Gods Force or Spirit of Life is transforming Souls and giving them New Life

There is time ahead when the Gods Force Breaks the darkness and emerges. When this Light or knowledge emerges Truth becomes known and people are set free from the bondage of religion

The world gets New Life

A Judgment fallows separating Light and darkness And New Time Cycle Begins

If Calvary is the exposure of Gods Soul, the Second Coming is the exposure of His Mind Through His Spirit that came to Earth on the Pentecostal day

This means it also accounts for quantum mechanical vision

The system begins to collapse to order and life when God opens the box and observes
A human mind can never open the box to find Life For his mind is self-centered

This means what the Bible speaks is Living Universe Theory

It complies with both the laws of thermodynamics and gives us the Secret of the Creation and existence

We the humans are simply the cells of one Living Universe We are born from one Primal cell and one Primal Soul in time and have different space-time locations and functions

Universe we see emerges from Consciousness and Intelligence field of one Primal Soul
Every cell formed to its right and left are supposed to live in faith It needs no Truth for he is created with Truth His duty is to protect Truth and Uphold Justice

The search for Truth begins when Truth is lost by our faithlessness and self centeredness The necessity of light and its importance comes when we are throne into darkness and get lost in it

One must note here that search for Truth always takes a deductive approach to seek the building blocks
Science thus discovered Atom, their confusion emerged when they broke atom and began to enquire into emptiness filled with spirit or energy or power

The ancient spiritualist understood the building block as soul They understood that beyond it exist the Living Spirit field that controls The spiritualist visualized a Primal Soul and the Spirit contained it as the basic field that Creates and sustains.

When all human souls that form the body of the Universal Being, work against Him it becomes inevitable that the Spirit of Life that judges and sustains the body leave its position And go into Creation Phase

Let us look at it from the point of science

We noted that the parallel and multiple world is designed to resist the collapse of the world
We also noted that all Life resist the collapse

The only exception we noted is self-centered humans A time direction to gravitational collapse to a center comes from human mind

This means the Spirit of Life or the Universal Spirit should begin its creation and restoration process from earth itself

We all know Life originates from one single cell that is given life by the Father Spirit

From this point of thinking we need not have difficulty in comprehending the scientific reality of Jesuss Birth

Now Christs Calvary Sacrifice also becomes a Sensible Science It is the First Breath or New Breath to New World

The time direction to death came because human self and breaking of his faith relationship
What he lost in the process is both Life and Light The restoration process therefore is process of giving New Life to the souls and illuminating the Minds

This process is happening since Christ Calvary Sacrifice The hope for survival of the world that is endangered exist in Christs great sacrifice for our Sake

The role of teachers of this world is to turn our mind from outer world to once own soul so that he can open the door and enter the realm of the Primal Spirit field that has transformative potential

All created souls when it knocks and enters it will have a self centered intent thus it fails
Vedic scriptures speak of a word that all student scream when the door opens

neti means this is not

Every created soul fails

Thus the Divine Plan through Christ manifests

Since Christ Calvary Sacrifice The Spirit of God exist on earth with Free Will to all souls. Truth has come to the world seeking us it is matter of awakening to it

Some experienced this Spirit as healing and thus initlizing them in faith Some experienced it as Light and knowledge

The spiritual scriptures have its base in this revelations from the Spirit of Life

Bible calls this Spirit of Life Holy Spirit Vedas call it Brahman Chines philosophy calls it Tao And so on

They understood the spirit field the Universal Consciousness and Intelligence field from which everything gets Created and to which every thing returns eternally in time.

Ancient people knew Parallel Space-Time that Creates and Sustains

We as human as the cell of universal being have complete information of the whole system but the information is truncated for specific duty and functions God resisted us from working against His force and become cancerous cell. But with our self and material slavery we all crossed the line

The only way for God the Creator to sustain His Kingdom is to bring us back to New Life and to His Glorious Period with Free Will and Grace

Now this boils down to what is Gods call, His Grace and what is His Force

Gods call is His Free Will Only He can perceive souls intent

His yard stick probably is clean slate [heart and mind] Thus He selected ordinary people You cannot fill a vessel that is already filled or slate on which you have already drawn a picture

This call and selection are important Because Spirit needs a Vehicle to speak
Thus Spirit God manifested in a body as Jesus Christ Jesus chose people as disciples spoke to them and then filled them with His Spirit

Gods Grace is Transforming Principle Called Holy Spirit It is free for all

Bible tells us that in the last days God will pour out His Spirit on all

The depth of transformation and life one attains can differ from people to people. It is one to one interaction and depends on what you seek

The Next important question is what is Gods force

This is vital for it Leads us to Big Bang Creation and sustenance of the Universe


Inventing God Force Its field and its working

Logically God force should be a force that acts against gravity and thus sustains the material world or body and its field. In short it should be Anti-Gravity force and a Field

It becomes now inevitable that we must invent a parallel space-time and energy field that works against gravity and incorporate it with gravity and the knowledge we have acquired of the material world

Einstein we know struggled to invent it for much of his Life

This key reality can be invented from simple observation of life

All life is basically are anti-gravitational. Observe a plant. It absorbs, light and heat, creates living mass and grows against gravity to work against time direction in material world.

All life has its origin in one cell This means we can explore the New Space-Time and unearth the secret of creation and existence form a Single Cell

But this cell is union of two parallel worlds; male and female.

The male and female are not opposite but the parts of one Whole
They are two phases of the same coin. They form the right and left, in and out of the one system

The one cell has complete information of the whole system

This means the Truth can be unearthed from a single cell

Knowing how Gravity is converted into anti-gravity in a cell can open the gateway to knowing God and His Force

Now to understand this reality we must study life its structure, information and its flow

All life, from a soul, cell to whole system has a Inner Space and Outer Space.

The inner space and outer space are the home of Spirits What we observe as material body is the product of these two Spirits and Spaces

Erwin Schrodinger said

What we observe as material bodies and forces are nothing but shapes and variations in the structure of Space.

His statement really means information that determines the material systems we see exist in space-time field

In other words it also means Information of life exist in spacetime field not in Genes

The only key step left for Science to comprehend is a second space-time field and its Spirit that Creates and Sustains the Universe in Time

There are two basic Spirits one material or gravity that act to the center and other the Living Spirit that creates and sustains
It opposes Gravity

The two basic spirits though are opposing are one

One of this is dominant and determining the other recessive and supportive in short they exist as a ratio 4:3

This means one of the spaces inner or outer at any moment is dominant and the other is recessive
A quantum flow occurs from the dominant to the recessive leading to systems existence in two alternating states 4:3 and 3:4

Movement of Spirit from one space to another in quantum manner results in the observed motion in life and planets

This leads to perpetual quantum dance and cyclic existence

The Quantum Dance in life has three types

1] one that leads to breathing process that sustains 2] one that leads to mitotic division and expansion in space and time leading differentiation of two and multiple worlds out of one. 3] Mitotic [reductive] division where Life conquers time

The first two process is life sustaining process in time

But the third process; mitotic division and reproduction is a time conquering and time initialization process

Here the Spirit from the male world leaves its body and enters the feminine to create new world out of the old.

This thinking invariably means that information is basically a spiritual one and it is contained in the inner and outer spaces of life. What we see as Gene and DNA are simply information carriers

This also means the spiritual science known to the ancient east and cultures around the world is far more superior than what modern science is dealing with

Modern west and its science simply deals with the images not the Reality

It is important that we must recall Dr. Bruce Liptons works which states - a cells life is controlled by the physical and energetic environment and not by its genes
The mainstream science may not have given much importance to his work but time will

Here I am tempted to recall a allegory of Platos Chair and the description of scientists, I read in some book years back

It said that scientists are prisoners chained to a chair at the mouth of the cave. They see the shadows of the objects moving behind them on the wall of the cave and they make their scientific theories out of them.

It went on to say - the Truth and theories realized by one who breaks free from the chair to turn his face to the source is far superior and real

The modern science and the knowledge it has contributed comes from a mind that is in bonded state

This means bonded states can never see the Truth or understand the reality

In other words neither science or religion can lead us to Truth

This in Turn means we Need a Liberator who can Liberate and lead us to Truth

This Liberator is Christ He is the Big Bang point of Creation He is the Great Attractor State

The Salvation or Liberation or New Life and Truth comes as Grace

Not by Human Effort

The Truth come to us as Grace Mind that surrenders and exist still will see Truth
Dilemma is that there is no way to communicate the Truth and Knowledge to the one who is still Chained

Both scientific world and religious world are bonded worlds Thus Spiritual Truth is beyond them. In their ignorance they are leading the world to both materialistic and Spiritual Instability

I believe there is a time, a event horizon, when the disorder peaks to the highest level and edifice we have built begins to shake and humanity cries for Light or knowledge that can save them
Truth then reveals according to Divine Plan to lead the world to Golden Era

I am a sinner, given New Life and called to do a duty

I keep struggling against odds tapping the doors of intellectual world and nations and wait

The way to enter Golden Age is to Know the Designer and The Principle and Design on which the system exist and Functions

Part -5

The Designer and The Principle and Design

Our thinking now gives us a design and Principle on which the universe exist and functions The design is parallel world and non equilibrium [4:3] Principle is to seek equilibrium by the flow of Spirit

In the process of flow of Spirit there is near equilibrium state around which the system wishes to exist The quantum nature of Spirit Transfer now leads to perpetual quantum dance between two states

The Spirit here is the Creator and Sustainer

The Process of Creation needs to be understood as transformation process This begins when Father Spirit dissolves His body and His Spirit exist in Parallel World Creating a New body

There are four realms for quantum matter, quantum life and the quantum universe
An outer Spiritual Space, middle material and inner spiritual space
The figure in the next slide explains

Outer spiritual worlddominant - heaven

Middle Material World - Earth

Inner Spiritual world recessive hell

The Outer Spiritual Space is where Creator force exist - It is the center of Life
The reality we see is the middle material world - body

The inner spiritual world is the forbidden world of darkness

The term heaven and hell is used just to bring spiritual context

The reality is the inner and outer space and the spirit contained in it. It is the movement of Spirit from outer to inner and back that manifest into observed motion

This motion of Spirit between two spaces is quantum in nature, it is mutual and very importantly it is Spiral.

This calls us to Change the very basic perception of force and motion

The world of internet through Nassim Haremeins work is aware of it. But mainstream scientists have failed to awaken This is discussed and logically argued in simplicity in my site and writings

You need to observe a drill to know the Truth of Nature and its functioning
Nothing can move unless it displaces something else in the opposite way Human Mind and its Intent thus becomes critical

Ancient scriptural creation written in spiritual scriptures can be interpreted from this.

The indestructible souls of humans can be distributed in these four realms

The souls in outer and inner world do not take a body. The reality is middle world where life takes a body. The dominion is given to middle world to rule. But a resistance not to turn the face from the Light [Creator] to dark world is kept

In the initial state probably all the souls existed in the top three realms. Nothing in the dark world
However, in time Souls turn their face away from God and Light and directs their mind and force towards the dark world and takes the forbidden path

What causes this fall is subtly written in Bible. It is Ego and Self and the material affliction of souls in Higher world.
It is written that it is a fallen angel that manifest as the serpent .

This serpent manipulates the mind of eve [feminine] and through her makes Adam [masculine] eat the forbidden fruit.

It is beginning of Expression of Self Probably the beginning of Religion and journey to darkness that lacks Truth and Justice

The scriptures says fall originates from Gods people

Adam fell because of Gods people Christ was crucified by Gods People Even the judgment is forced by Gods people

It now forces us to think who are Gods People

Common man has a forcefully in built perception that it is people in religious institutions conducting sacrifices to God and studies spiritual scriptures day in and day out

This cannot be right

Christ chose ordinary people as His disciples and anointed them with His Spirit
In the modern world we see ordinary people being anointed by the Spirit of God and in whose midst miracles are occurring

We can conclude people anointed by the Spirit of God are Gods People But this can also be questioned

Very clearly we see many anointed people making their own Church and Amassing wealth Bible says that in the end days many will come in His Name

Christ statement that on the judgment day He will not consider any of the miracles done or chasing of evil spirits as criteria for judgment, further strengthens it

The statement of Bible that in the end days I will pour out my spirit on all and the vision that Universe is living invariably means that -

All are Gods People

The judgment is forced on God when the spiritual institutions and the anointed people fail to uphold Truth and Justice rather work for self and material advancement Then the Cry of common people the believers who suffer will force Creator to Judge

Very clearly Bible tells who are in front will find themselves at the back Logically this means God rewards not the preachers of Gods word but the one who practices it in his life and works to uphold Truth and Justice

For Kingdom of God deteriorated because souls self and its slavery to material world and its inability to uphold Truth and justice

Logically then the Principle criteria for Judgment is Selflessness, Truth and Justice and Faith in Spirit of Life in the Period of darkness
The faith spoken here is the faith that has come with New Life Experience

All Absolutes exist with One who creates and sustains We have only relative positions
No body thus can claim to be perfect

Spiritual deterioration is the beginning all deterioration

It is qualitative deterioration of human ability to see the Divine in the suffering of others and extend His hands to them. It is the failure to uphold Truth and Justice and the manifestation of self

By Grace humanity will be lifted from darkness to Light by the power of Christ who sacrificed Himself for the sake of others in True Faith

He is the Big Bang Point of Creation

Christs Faith and its fullness and Godliness can be understood from the fact that all life instinctively struggles to sustain life To accept physical death and that too most torturous one to attain New Life is beyond human mind. Only the Creator Mind can manifests such act

Our Salvation and Liberation exist in Him

This liberation happens when the Truth emerges and every thing hidden comes to Light and is made known to Human

We then enter the Golden Age or The Kingdom of God

The judgment and separation of Light and dark world becomes inevitable and fallows this event
Scientific realization of Calvary Sacrifice can help Good News break the barriers of religion and help in transformation of the world

Scientifically judgment can be compared to one fertilized egg, after all the internal process is complete, twitching into two A radiating body
called Centriole emerges in the Cell before the division begins

A New Time Cycle then begins which differentiates the Light and darkness, Superior knowledge and inferior knowledge
As superior knowledge emerges the inferior knowledge gives way to it

In short The universe is one whole being with right and left worlds one being dominant the other being recessive The Master exist in the middle as the Perceiver and Good Judge

He Creates, gives Life, resists and works to balance the system Every time a soul breaks the resistance He pays a Price to sustain the balance

Eventually there comes a point when He pays the ultimate price to conquer time and give New Life and initialize the whole system back to its initial state

This event is happening through Christ

Christ and Calvary is beyond religion, it is a Science. It is unfortunate that it was made into religion and people began amassing wealth in the name of God

Old and New are separate

The old period is where Faith was called and Law and Rule Existed
The New period is a Period of Grace and Free will

Life and Truth that sustains, which cannot be attained by human mind came as Flesh and Word and showed the Path through self sacrifice

In this the Hope for the world exist

The purpose of this Coming is to giving New Life with Free Will to all Souls And illuminate human minds initializing the system to New Time Cycle

God has nothing to do with religion Religion is human Creation

History speaks of God manifesting and leading the war for Truth and Justice The Bhagavad Gita of the east is a direct recitation of Ancient Spiritual Scripture to warrior Arjuna by God.

Arjuna could only comprehend the Truth by Grace of Spirit or Divine Eye

By the time of Christ, there was none who could be justified and God had to execute His Divine Plan to salvage His kingdom and restore it to the pristine glory

Couple of centuries after Christ, the Spirit of Christ declined when organized religion called Christianity was formed mixing old and new part of the Bible.
The evil minds in filtered into the new religion and made it a means to rule and acquire material power

Prophet Mohammad came speaking of Truth and justice and judgment to come. A new religion formed around Him and His preaching's
Later science came as an antithesis to church

Very clearly a evolution process is in progress leading us back to Light

We are due to be liberated and salvaged into true freedom

We are due to enter the Golden Age where Truth and Justice Prevails

Emergency action that the nations and its intellectual population should take to save the world

Saving Souls and giving New life and evolving humanity may not be any interest to modern intellectuals and nations who are engaged madly with acquisition of material wealth

But the intellectuals and nations should realize there is danger ahead for their Life

The earths environment and earth is collapsing to go into New Order This can be disastrous to Humanity if it is not facilitated by Knowledge and understanding of the process

The nation and intellectual population of the world needs to awaken to two basic fact
1] Parallel and Multiple World Design and functioning of Earth to sustain certain energy to matter ratio

2] The New Force and Parallel SpaceTime Reality that sustains

Breaking of this design and functioning by reckless release of heat into the environment and intrusion into the night cycle is the main cause of the Accelerated Climate Change and associated destruction that the world is witnessing

If we fail to awaken, beyond certain critical state we will face disastrous destruction by fire because of increased heat of the environment and the unwinding force.
The earths reaction to this is to wind and it would lead to huge flash flood and snow bound destruction

Winding earth could lead to shift in tectonic plates leading to huge earth quakes and volcanic eruptions.
History speaks of environment cooling by volcanic eruptions

Another important fact to be noted is the break down of electromagnetic shield of earth

This would attract space objects and make earth fragile and prone for collapse under gravity
We are witnessing these events

It is time that we awaken to this basic reality I have been communicating this reality to world for the last one and half decade
But the main stream intellectuals have over looked it

It is time we Awaken to Truth before greater destruction strikes us Knowledge can facilitate and smoothen the evolution and transition into Golden Age

The intellectual world at the top are recalcitrant What is at risk is common peoples Life.

Every one reading this should viral it and shout from roof top

It is time for intellectuals to awaken and take steps The first step it can take is to reduce the intrusion into night cycle of earth allowing earth to recover.
The second step it can take is to increasing the greenery

Energy management of earths environment is vital to human survival and every nations should work at it.
It is important that we give up our oil based existence and look for more nature compatible ways to generate energy and use it

Solar and wind energy needs to be given a push

We must look to life for new technologies - The living world is full of potentialities and can give clues to energy saving and efficiency

One must recall that heart the size of left fist, pumps blood carrying trillions of cells along 100,000 Km of blood vessels, 20 times per minute, and at the same time, it conducts multiple functions as digestion, excretion and trillions of information processing. All this is done with little water and few pieces of bread The heat it releases to the environment is very little compared to a laptop

Intellectual world should awaken to life and take clues from life to develop new technologies to take the world forward.

The second important point the intellectual world should focus their attention is the instability of human mind that are politically, geographically, religiously, economically divided.

Instability has given scope for resurgence of religious fervor. In the ignorance of Truth world is tending to self destruction in the name of God
Only Truth can save Humanity

This Truth can only emerge from the invention of New Space-Time field or God field that supports the universe and sustains it beyond religion

This can bring social awakening to oneness of God and Nature and its functioning and show the importance of Truth and Justice to our social system and help herald peace to the world

In addition to energy the knowledge shared here can bring revolutionary changes in human thinking in all the fields of human interest such as health/medicine, food and agriculture, information processing and so on

It can lead us to reinvent the ancient knowledge of the east and other parts of world

The culture and practices of ancient east in every field can emerge as a higher science

Simple Technological ideas that revealed in my own journey to Living Universe Theory are innumerable and nature compatible
But I believe what is more important is to illuminate the mind of humanity with Truth and thus conquer his criminality

Other wise as Einstein said all technological progress becomes a tool to human destruction than human prosperity

The world need to know the whole Truth of the abode in which he lives before one can think of furnishing it with New Technologies

Hence within my limitations and circumstances I have saved my energy and resources to concentrate on calling attention to principle and parallel world design on which earth functions and the New Space-Time Reality and field that exist in Life that is crucial to understand Nature

It is Time We Awaken
I hope and Pray the intellectual population awakens at least in the dead end of it

About the Author and An Appeal

What is written here is the product of Life time research after author left a lucrative field of biotechnology and began to seek Truth from a point of freedom from Platos Chair

Living as a small farmer in an interior village, when author approached Nature She spontaneously began to open pages of her Book.
She began to show simple answers to complex problems of the world

But my attempts to reach back to intellectuals of temples science and religions to discuss the matter was quite disappointing. It virtually drained me

Many simple applied ideas was tempting me to convert it into business to make money rather chase the Truth

But some thing was calling from within to go ahead to unearth the Truth of cyclic existence of the Universe in Time Cycle

With my mind as tool I worked hard at it. Those few years of mental exercise was like Dog trying to catch its tail I simply went round and round draining my self

Eventually Mother Nature led me to a Retreat Center I went there as an observer and ended in participating

And in a great moment I surrendered my mind and accepted death.

In those few moments of surrender, Truth flashed like bolt from the blue
A strange peace filled me I wished to study scriptures in depth and speak it

But in a second retreat, it became clear the call to me is to advance science such that it unites with spiritual secrets This in a way was a call to take Good News beyond religion

I resisted this call For I found it is impossible for a biologist to reach out to the world that is ruled by physicist It made no sense to speak of living universe from raw experience and from a small village in third world county with no chair of reputation.

My previous experience trying to communicate to temples of science sharing the new thoughts and ideas emerging in me was a waste of resources
It was stupid even to make an attempt at a subject that Noble Laureates James Lovelock is not taken seriously

However, the call was Great So I choose to use my mind to break the reality I experienced. But with every attempt I made, it became more and more convincing and real
Eventually I yielded for I saw destruction coming at us

I left my village and source of my livelihood to move to the city living a uncertain Life The objective was to use internet to write and keep everything revealed to me and leave it to time Years have gone by much of my energy and resources are drained

I see huge destruction around me I wonder how much more destruction humanity needs before it can awaken to the simple realities of Nature

Circumstances are forcing me to me to return to my village to give time and attention to source of my livelihood

I cannot hang on in the city without any Job or a source of income and strive to Awaken the World

My Village and Home is rather interior and so my connectivity with the world is going to be curtailed as I shift in month or so

There no regrets for following my consciousness and the call and spending over two and half decades moving the opposite way to the world and becoming materially poor

For all, including my family, I am a looser, but I know deep within that I am on the way Some day when cornered to the wall the world would awaken to see the path Christ opened

It hurts to see millions suffer for the failure of intellectual world

A pinch of pain exist in retreating, without successfully calling worlds attention to the simple and vital realities that Nature and Her Master revealed to me But I have done my best

Many simple practicable and nature compatible ideas were picked from nature during my journey to Living Universe Theory I have resisted to speak and write on them extensively

I stand with the ideology

That everyone in this world needs to know the whole Truth of the abode in which we the people live and our relationship with it in simplicity, before any one of us can think and speak of any New Technologies

Einstein said
Technological progress is an axe in the hand of pathological criminal mind Every advancement in science is technologically exploited by criminal and self-centered human mind thus pushing the world to peak of its deterioration

What needs to be addressed first is the criminality of human mind

Human mind needs to be illuminated and Liberated from its Criminal bondage Only Truth can do it

Hence I have strived to concentrate my energy and resources to call the world attention to the Principle and Design and New Space -Time Reality and bring Living universe Theory

I hope I would see the awakening of the world to Living Universe Theory in this life and get time and space to speak and explore the technological ideas that flashed in me
No Regrets here too For I know once the world Awakens the millions of brilliant mind will discover it

I appeal to the reader, give a helping hand to viral this Knowledge on the net. My expertize to create good multimedia presentation or use net to its full potentials is wanting
Help in this area are also welcome

Further Reading from Author

Truth and Knowledge that Can Save Us FromAccelerated Climate Change and IncreasingNatural Catastrophes http://www.scribd.com/doc/127585586

Reinventing Gravity and New Space-Time Reality http://www.scribd.com/doc/112583263

Site- 2012 - science Meets the Mind of God http://sites.google.com/site/2012sciencemeets god

All the articles in the above site is spontaneously written They all are directed to the same point

People with similar thinking who have impacted the net

1] Dr.Nassim Haremain 2] Dr. Bruce Lipton

3] Dr. John Hagelin

5] Dr. Amit Goswami

6] Dr.Johan Oldenkamp

Contact johnpaily2002@yahoo.com

john.paily@gmail.com Leave the message - I will be checking it from time to time

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