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Good GP Grades

- students from the class of 2012 share the things they did to get it

I went to the library almost everyday after the June holidays to read the newspaper. I took down important news and main details down on my notebook ... I dont think reading the newspaper would help if I didnt record things down.

I used Microsoft Word to type my essays. I used the grammar check to see my errors and learn from them....I did the Qn on equality in Singapore.

Write neatly. So, it is faster when you check through after writing. You dont have to decipher your own handwriting....I was better at Paper 2 so, I just did normal prep.

Thank God ... I dont know why I got it ... I went for comprehension consultation. It really helped a lot in my compre method.

I revised by reading articles and newspapers to form opinions about various topics.

I have a bad memory... Read Broader Perspectives and take down points to remember in my notebook.

I studied all the exam requirements and notes. For last minute revision, I read ks bull.

I read my past essays.

I did the question on Singapore society ... I just used whatever knowledge I had.

I did the Singapore Qn ... I answered based on my own content knowledge ... None of the topics I studied came out.

Thank you for being encouraging... I got a C6 for Olevel English .. Getting a B for GP is a great improvement.

I did the Qn on violence, and watched all those nat geo and discovery channels.

Thanks for always forking the time to coach me ... I did the tech Qn.

(When I write, I have) the tendency to drift away from the topic, so all the more I had to be extra careful and kept reading the Qn throughout the paper, no matter which paragraph I reached.

I wrote the tech Qn. I did whatever you gave me and the weekly essay a month before the actually exam.

I did the inequality (in Spore) Qn... Ijust read the Straits Times everyday in JC2.

I prefer to research on my own materials and read the papers rather frequently. I did a lot of copy-writing (copied from KS Bull) during my JC1 Dec break to get me attuned to the framework and also, build up on my vocabulary through reading.

An essay on technology came out which was close to what we did before. Thanks, thanks, thanks.

... I felt I chose the wrong Qn but I didnt have time to change... For revision, internet, the online blog, BP, the class project about regions

... consultations from you and at random occasions, drafted out essay outlines...your blog was a big life saver... Nearer the A level, I wrote many pieces, tried many styles & just studied the many essays I had written.

I did the Violence Qn, which I did for practice before A lvls.

I did the Violence Qn ... I called J and asked him for the key points for the essay that he did for you ... When we stepped out of the exam hall, we were like Oh, yeaaa. Haha.

I did the Government Qn... Finally got my A for GP

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