Food & Obesity Politics 101

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Food & Obesity Politics 101

Its more fun than it sounds, promise!

Food Politics, huh?

What are food politics? In simple words Food politics are the systems, legislation, influence, and power that govern our food system.

Food Politics, huh?

How are food choices both personal and political?

The way we eat is the result of a social, economic and cultural environment that in most cases supports making unhealthful choices rather than healthful choices We could, as Michael Pollan & others suggest, vote with our forks and make personal choices to eat more healthfully, but that is one component of a complex web of change we need. We must also bring about governmental reforms that will truly empower people to make sustainable & healthful food choices

Food Politics, huh?

Some basics: What is the USDA?

The United States federal executive department responsible for developing and executing U.S. federal government policy on farming, agriculture, forestry, and food. It aims to meet the needs of farmers and ranchers, promote agricultural trade and production, work to assure food safety, protect natural resources, foster rural communities and end hunger in the United States and abroad. [per Wikipedia] Some things the USDA does: SNAP, Healthy Hunger Free Kids Act, federal meal programs

Food Politics, huh?

Some basics: What is the FDA?

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA or USFDA) is an agency of the United States Department of Health and Human Services, one of the United States federal executive departments. The FDA is responsible for protecting and promoting public health through the regulation and supervision of food safety, tobacco products, dietary supplements, prescription and over-the-counter pharmaceutical drugs (medications), vaccines, biopharmaceuticals, blood transfusions, medical devices, electromagnetic radiation emitting devices (ERED), and veterinary products. [per Wikipedia]

Food Politics, huh?

Whats wrong with our current food system?

Our industrial food economy is led by an increasingly small group of transnational food conglomerates. For example, did you know Kelloggs owns Kashi? Did you know General Mills owns Larabar? Big Business infiltration into our food policy is one of the causes of a host of preventable public health, environmental, and social justice issues.

Food Politics, huh?

Whats wrong with our current food system?

Why is our Standard American Diet so SAD? SAD has enabled diet-related diseases such as heart disease and diabetes to proliferate. Other things it causes: environmental & ecological devastation due to unsustainable agricultural practices (i.e. factory farming); and the widespread exploitation of farm and food industry workers across the world (not just U.S.!).

Food Politics, huh?

Cant people just choose to eat better?
Consider this: We make Twinkies dirt cheap and fruits & vegetables expensive. 84% of subsidies are commodity crops (cotton, wheat, corn, rice and soy); 15% are dairy, livestock & other; less than 1% is fruits and vegetables Lack of access to healthful foods is a HUGE issue. 23.5 million Americans live in food deserts (roughly 75% of these are in urban areas)

Food Politics, huh?

Cant people just choose to eat better?

Food insecurity & poverty are the real crisis. 50 million people in the U.S.-one in four children- are food insecure (i.e. dont know where their next meal is coming from) despite the U.S. having the means to provide nutritious, affordable food to all Americans The United States ranks worst amongst the IMFs Advanced Economy countries on food security $0.90-$1.00 is all schools have per student per day for reimbursable school meals

Food Politics, huh?

Cant people just choose to eat better?

The cost of hunger and food insecurity to the US economy is $167 billion a year We dont know what were eating!

Lack of transparency in labeling Natural is meaningless Health washing GMOs infiltrating our food supply

Food Politics, huh?

Speaking of GMOs.70% of processed foods on supermarket shelves have GMOs!

The Monsanto Protection Act

Food Politics, huh?

Speaking of GMOs.

The good news?

Food Politics, huh?

Cant people just choose to eat better?

Nutrition label deception


Trans fat loophole Additives When juice isnt juice When flavored means chemically-flavored Low-fat is good? Low cal is good? Marketing $s Organics

Food Politics, huh?

Cant people just choose to eat better?

The USA has more liberal additive & GMO standards than the EU & other developed nations

Food Politics, huh?

Cant people just choose to eat better?

Our government, non profits & public institutions are in bed with Big Food

What is obesity?

What is obesity?
Obesity is a clinical definition that attempts to pathologize size via BMIwhich is the number that is generated after dividing someones weight in pounds by their height squared in inches and then multiplied by 703.

What is obesity?
In other words BMI is gobbly goop.

What is obesity?
Why did BMI gain public health cred?

Met Life began using it to predict mortality in the 1940s (too bad its sample pool had as much diversity as the cast of Mad Men) NIH decided to use it & in 1998, lowered BMI cutoffs, effectively making 25 million people overweight overnight. The horror! ;) Its profitable to use it

What is obesity?

What is obesity?
What does BMI measure?

Your height-to-weight ratio. How very scientific, doctor! Potentially--your rights! Unfortunately, employers are using this AGAINST employees! See CVS. Your health Your worth Your moral character

What doesnt BMI measure?


What is obesity?

Obesity is a weight-focused paradigm With such a paradigm, how do we measure success? How else can we measure success of public health reform?


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