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Prepared By: Pradeep Thomas (1430)


Key factors in the brands rise among the elite science companies in the world Strong corporate brand and ingredient brand Revitalization from Better things for better living to Miracles of Science How this revitalization will affect the corporate brand image?

Company Background

Founded in Delaware, 1802 by E.I. du Pont de Nemours Started with gunpowders and later became a leader in chemical industry Acquisition of smaller companies and establishment of research lab

Early Branding of DuPont

Not trade marking their products, as it could not safeguard the integrity of the product Started with ingredient branding Creation of strong corporate identity, that allowed them to bargain with other players in value chain Newspaper advertisements No aggressive marketing Logo creation Creation of advertising department which developed various ads

Early Branding of DuPont

Sponsoring of radio and television shows Use of Bill Dempy, who used prosthetic legs made of DuPont plastic Sponsoring of scientific events and other high profile events

DuPont NASCAR NASCAR driver Jeff Gordon

Ingredient Branding


started buying products based on the components An ingredient with multiple uses could be marketed as a component in more than one product


to distinguish between diverse markets

The benefits of ingredient marketing also transferred to the retailers

Ingredient Marketing

Teflon Stainmaster Lycra Kevlar

Branding Strategies

Two initiatives

new uses for core brands Foster relations with partners

Brand extensions Supported by extensive investment in scientific research

Revitalization of DuPont

More emphasis on biological sciences because of less consumer awareness New tagline Miracles of Science Entering and exiting from pharma sector Shifting away from biological research and movement towards chemicals used in electronic devices Focus on only core business

Revitalization of DuPont

Five new SBUs of DuPont


and Communication Performance Materials Coatings and Color Technologies Safety and Protection Agriculture and Nutrition

DuPonts Brand Equity

Science and technology leader Innovation through extensive R&D Working for the people Factors contributing to it:
Advertisements Aggressive

investment in R&D Investment in sectors appraised by the people Ingredient Branding Strong Corporate Brand

Corporate Brand Strategy


consumer behavior Can be leveraged across the brand hierarchy Effective with brand extension


with diverse product categories Spill over effect of one product

Ingredient Branding


be transferred with products Leveraging secondary brand associations


to negative secondary brand associations Loss of control Inconsistency

Miracles of Science

Memorable and inspirational Strong linking to science heritage Conveys the strong investment in research and innovation Supports the ingredient branding of DuPont. Every ingredient is seen a different miracle

DuPonts Business Model

Possible misuse of ingredients Brand equity dilution Reaching the final consumers


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