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Case Study: ASEAN

Sagita Arhidani Natural Resources Unit ASEAN Secretariat

Workshop on the Management of International Networks for Knowledge Sharing

St. Galen-Switzerland, 25-28 April 2006

This presentation is made based on the experiences and observations of the Natural Resources Unit of the ASEAN Secretariat for the purpose of the Workshop on the Management of International Networks for Knowledge Sharing 25th 28th April 2006, St. Galen, Switzerland

Association of Southeast Asian Nations

ASEAN Vision 2020
We will create a stable, prosperous and highly competitive ASEAN Economic Region in which there is a free flow of goods, services and investments, a freer flow of capital, equitable economic development and reduced poverty and socio-economic disparities enhance food security and international competitiveness of food, agriculture and forest products, to make ASEAN a leading producer of these products, and to promote the

forestry sector as a model in forest management, conservation and sustainable development

(Sixth ASEAN Summit, Ha Noi, December1998)


(2005 - 2010)
Tenth ASEAN Summit, Vientiane, November 2004 The Heads of State and Government of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), gathered in Vientiane, Laos, on 29 November 2004 for the Tenth ASEAN Summit agreed to pursue the comprehensive integration of ASEAN towards the realization of an open, dynamic and resilient ASEAN Community by 2020 as envisioned in the Declaration of ASEAN Concord II comprising three pillars, namely the:

i) ii) iii)

ASEAN Security Community (ASC): political and security cooperation; ASEAN Economic Community (AEC): economic cooperation and ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community (ASCC): socio-cultural cooperation.

ASEAN Organization Structure on Food, Agriculture & Forestry Cooperation

AWG on Halal Food Guidelines
Working Group Secretariat (Malaysia)

ASEAN Food Security Reserve Board

AFSRB Secretariat (Thailand)

ASWG on Crops
EWG on Harmonization of Phytosanitary Measures EWG on Harmonization of MRLs of Pesticides PCG for QA System for Fruits & Vegetables

ASWG on Livestock

ASWG on Fisheries

ASWG on Agric. Cooperatives

ASWG on Agricultural Training & Extension

ASEAN Senior Officials on Forestry (ASOF)

AEG on Herbal and Medicinal Plants AEG on R&D in Forest Products

Joint Committee on ASEAN Coop. & Joint Approaches in Agric. & Forest Products Promotion Scheme NFPWG/ Industrial Clubs
Carrageenan Cocoa Vegetable Oil Pepper

ASEAN Focal Point on Animal Vaccines

FCG on ASEANSEAFDEC Collaboration TEG on ASEAN Sea Turtle Conservation & Protection


ATF on Avian Influenza

ACEDAC Secretariat (Indonesia)


Rubber Forest Products Coffee

AEWG on International Forest Policy Process

Tea Pepper Peas & Beans

Ad-hoc WG on Pan ASEAN Timber Certification

Five Commodities: (Frozen Chicken, Frozen Prawn, Canned Pineapple, Canned Tuna, Tapioca)

Note: AWG: ASEAN Working Group ASWG: ASEAN Sectoral Working Group EWG: Experts Working Group AEG: ASEAN Experts Group NFPWG: National Focal Point Working Group TEG : Technical Experts Group AFP : ASEAN Focal Points ATWG : ASEAN Technical Working Group ATF : ASEAN Task Force ATWG on Agricultural Research & Development ASEAN Network For Pesticide Regulatory Authorities Ad-Hoc TF on ASEAN Public Awareness on GMOs Ad-hoc TF on ATF on ASEAN Agric. Genetically Hazards & Early Modified Food Warning System Testing Network

ATF on Codex

AFP on Food Safety Network

ASEAN Institutional Framework for Forestry Cooperation
ASEAN Summit (ASEAN Heads of State/ Government) ASEAN Ministers on Agriculture & Forestry (AMAF) ASEAN Senior Officials on Forestry (ASOF)
Secretary General of ASEAN

ASEAN Secretariat (Natural Resources Unit/ NRU)

Forestry Desk

Project Management Unit (PMU)

AEG on Herbal and Medicinal Plants

AEG on R&D in Forest Products NFPWG on Forest Products Promotion


AEG on International Forest Policy Processes

Ad-hoc WG on Pan ASEAN Timber Certification

Task Force for the Conservation of Edible-nest Swiftlets

Role of the ASEAN Secretariat in Forestry Cooperation
Provide support for the institutional bodies (AMAF, ASOF and the working groups);

Act as a resource base;

Provide advice and information; Coordinate the implementation of regional activities and programs; Communicate Decisions and Recommendations to the relevant parties; Ensure coordination among activities of other sectoral bodies to promote synergy and avoid duplication; and Promote coordination among ASEAN bodies and its programs and those of dialogue

partners and other international organizations in terms of resource mobilization,

program implementation and institutional linkages.

Future Prospects
Promote ASEANs stature to coordinate regional efforts in forestry issues & matters, and as a voice to be heard in international fora; Improve networking with relevant organizations to mobilize resources and coordinate programs at the regional level; diversify resources mobilization from the traditional dialogue partners; Endeavour greater role in international development assistance; Identify and prioritize regional issues for implementation.

Some of the ASEAN Secretariats Roles through IKM

1. Coordinate the implementation of regional activities and programs 2. Communicate Decisions and Recommendations to relevant parties

3. Pursue and Facilitate Consensus in Discussions.

Roles of The ASEAN Secretariat

Located in Jakarta, Indonesia,

The ASEAN Secretariat serves all Ten Member Countries of ASEAN, and is an indispensable central administrative body.
Among others are
increase the efficiency and coordination of ASEANs projects and activities;
initiate, advise, coordinate and implement ASEAN activities; provides regional perspectives on subjects and issues before ASEAN; convenes meetings of officials & experts and is the custodian of all ASEAN documents; represents, coordinates dialogues w/ international organizations & dialogue countries.

Approaches Used
The ASEAN Secretariats:

The ASEAN Secretariat mediates communication among Members; The ASEAN Secretariat informs decisions and newly proposed activities; The ASEAN Secretariat gathers comments from Member Countries; The ASEAN Secretariat uploads documents approved by Member Countries and posts achievements and calendar of activities for public; The ASEAN Secretariat seeks funding for projects that are relevant with priorities of potential donors; The ASEAN Secretariat carries out monitoring and evaluation to be reported to ASEAN Member Countries and relevant donors; The ASEAN Secretariat networks with other organizations for the benefit of the ASEAN Member Countries; The ASEAN Secretariat identifies opportunities of capacity building for ASEAN Member Countries and The ASEAN Secretariat.

Approaches Used
ASEAN Member Countries:

ASEAN Country initiates and proposes project(s) for ASEAN;

ASEAN Country leads initiatives until the conclusion of certain project(s); ASEAN Country Chairs a Working Group on rotation basis (annually); ASEAN Country Hosts a Working Group Meeting on yearly rotation; ASEAN organization of annual Meetings are on cost-sharing basis; ASEAN Working Groups reports progress to the Senior Officials and subsequently, the Senior Officials report to the Ministers, for the Ministers to report to the ASEAN Leaders;

ASEAN Leaders monitors progress on the implementation of the Vientiane Action Programme (VAP) through Mid-Term Reviews.


Structural Changes; Changes of Personnel in Ministries of Member Countries;

Mandate of Focal Points and Country Representatives;

Approval Process and Internal Consultations; Funds Availability;

Different Levels of Development among Members;

Different Priorities and Concerns of Member Countries.

Challenges for ASEAN Member Countries and their Strategic Partners in IKM

More active communications among ASEAN Member Countries & their strategic partners through an established Network; More updates from the international fora; Enforce inter-agency discussions Cooperation among different sectors on cross-cutting issues; Proper Handing-Over in response to Changes in Personnel; Reaching the most relevant people/ resource persons; Development Gap among Members; More active involvement of decision makers; Traditional customs in responding letters with letters; ASEAN tasks are sometimes considered additional responsibilities; Renew and Strengthen trust to share.

Lessons Learned

Completed Projects/ Success Stories highlighted to the ASEAN Ministers and the ASEAN Leaders;
Major Achievements informing respective Country Leaders be uploaded to the Website;

New Priorities of ASEAN be informed to Dialogue Partners;

Designation and Update of Focal Points; Cost-Sharing and Establishment of Trust Funds; Capacity Building for Group Members; Priorities Updates through Country Reports; Use of ICT to supplement face-to-face Meetings.

Lessons-Learned in Sustaining the ASEAN Networks

Both financial and technical assistance in the earliest years of the established network is crucial in ensuring that the Network does work towards its agreed objectives and can sustain after the completion of such assistance;

National Focal Points of a Network play a great role as supporting pillars of the Network in ensuring that it can continue deliver the services for the benefit of its Members;
National Focal Points must ensure that activities of the Network at the regional level are integrated to the national priorities; Trust among Members of a network can be re-established and strengthened through regular face-to-face Meetings such as trainings, workshops, seminars, country visits, teleconference, field studies, etc; A Network should be flexible in providing deliverables taking into account the changing needs of its Members in addressing global issues.

Forestry professionals, researchers, policy makers, and other interested individuals and organizations can now access the ASEAN Regional Forest Clearing House Mechanism. The ASEAN Forest Clearing House Mechanism is a web-based information platform to serve as a one-stop information source on Forest Policy in ASEAN. The system includes a document center and a discussion forum for registered users to support knowledge and information exchange among ASEAN Member countries. Complementary features are a News Center, an Event Calendar and an extensive collection of web links. It aims to be a widely recognized and consulted source of information on forestry in ASEAN. Materials are provided from a variety of organizations and experts within the ASEAN region. Additional prominent feature are the ASEAN Forestry Yellow Pages, an Expert Roster geared to serve as an Expert Pool on Forestry in the ASEAN region. Just send an email to the following address: with your Name, Organization you belong to and position. A registered account for you will be created and sent to you with a User ID and initial password to register and include yourself in the Expert Roster.

ASEAN-IRRI Collaborative Activities

Presentation by IRRI entitled From Endorsement to Action-a New Generation of Rice Farmers and Rice Scientist for ASEAN during:

The Preparatory Senior Officials Meeting of The 27th Meeting of the ASEAN Ministers on Agriculture and Forestry (PrepSOM-27th AMAF), 26-27 September 2005, Tagaytay City, Philippines

The 27th Meeting of the ASEAN Ministers on Agriculture and Forestry (27th AMAF), 29 September 2005, Tagaytay City, Philippines

Note: Images are with the courtesy of Department of Agriculture Philippines

ASEAN-IRRI Collaborative Activities

Last AMAF Meeting in Yangon, 2004: AMAF endorsed IRRIs Ten-Year, Three-Point Plan for rice (i.e. water, global warming and human resources) at its meeting last year in Yangon. Latest Developments: IRRI has focused on the environmental issues for rice production in ASEAN, namely on water resources, global warming, pesticides, land degradation and biodiversity, which are major issues facing rice production in ASEAN. IRRI has focused on the development of human resources in two crucial areas: farmer extension services, training, and education of a new generation of rice scientists and researchers. IRRI has developed its rice production technology focused on increasing productivity of small scale farmers. Next Steps: SOM-AMAF and AMAF agreed to the following proposals: The adoption of the Rice Knowledge Bank as an ASEAN project, An ASEAN Workshop organized by IRRI on the Rice Knowledge Bank, and An ASEAN Workshop organized by IRRI on Developing the Next Generation of ASEAN Rice Scientists.

ASEAN-IRRI Collaborative Activities

The Rice Knowledge Bank (RKB) was established in 2002 by IRRI to effectively transfer technologies to farmers in rice producing countries, utilizing internet and Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). RKB, also termed as digital extension service, has been developed bilaterally between IRRI and its recipient Member Countries. The ASEAN-IRRI Workshop on RKB with the objective to institutionalize it at the regional level proposed that 2 participants each from ASEAN Member Countries would be invited to the Workshop, one from policy making level and the other who is also a member rice scientist in the Council for partnership on Rice Research in Asia. The Workshop is planned to be held back-to-back with the 13th Meeting of the ASEAN Sectoral Working Group on Agricultural Training and Extension in July 2006.


ASEAN Knowledge Kit: ASEAN, An Overview (July 2005) Vientiane Action Programme (2004-2010), AUPF 2005 Towards Peace, Freedom and Prosperity: An Introduction to ASEAN Agreements, ASEAN Secretariat (2005) Food, Agriculture and Forestry, ASEAN Briefing Paper no. 8, ASEAN Committee on Culture and Information, Jakarta (2001) ASEAN-German Regional Forest Programme (ReFOP) Fact Sheet: Regional Information and Knowledge Management (2004) ISO 9001:2000 (Clause 7.2.3: Customer Communication, Clause 7.5: Service Realization, Clause 7.5.1: Identification and Traceability) User Manual Project Monitoring application (14 January 2003). ASEAN Secretariat Financial Rules and Procedures (June 2005), Chapter 6: (Accounting System and Annual Audit) and Chapter 9 (Management of Funds Held in Trust, including Bilateral and Multilateral Funds ASEAN Secretariat Financial Rules and Procedures (June 2005), Chapter 4: Procurement and Acquisitions ASEAN Secretariat Financial Rules and Procedures (June 2005), Chapter 5: Asset Management Draft ASEAN Project Management Manual dated December 1997.

Thank you

ASEAN: Ten Nations, One Community

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