ECE 4371, Fall, 2011: Introduction To Telecommunication Engineering/Telecommunication Laboratory

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ECE 4371, Fall, 2011

Introduction to Telecommunication Engineering/Telecommunication Laboratory

Zhu Han
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Class 6 Sep. 17th, 2012

Co-channel Interference

Source: Acoswct, Interference: Icos(wc+w)t r(t)= Acoswct+Icos(wc+w)t=E(t)cos(wct+) =tan^-1(Isinwt/(A+Isinwt))~=(I/A)sinwt PM: y=(I/A)sinwt, FM =(Iw/A)coswt When A is large, suppress weak interference better than AM. Capture effect
Winner takes all 35dB for AM 6 dB for FM/PM

White Gaussian noise

Noise increases linearly with frequency in FM.

System Model and Noise Model

Discriminator consists of a slope network and an envelope detector.

Signal after bandpass filter

The incoming FM signal s(t) is defined by

At the bandpass filter output

Discriminator Output

Note that the envelope of x(t) is of no interest to us (limiter)

Because Ac >> r (t ) r (t ) (t ) (t ) + sin[ (t ) (t )] (2.138) Ac t r (t ) = 2 k f m( )d + sin[ (t ) (t )] (2.139) 0 Ac The discriminator output is (Fig 2.40)

v(t ) =

1 d (t ) 2 dt = k f m(t ) + nd (t )
message additive noise


where 1 d { r (t ) sin[ (t ) (t ) ] } (2.141) n d (t ) = 2 Ac dt

Noise After Discriminator

Assume (t ) (t ) is uniformly distributed over (0, 2 ), then nd (t ) is independent of message signal. We may simplify nd (t ) as 1 d { r (t ) sin[ (t )]} (2.142) nd (t ) 2 Ac dt

From definition of r (t ) and (t ) , we have nQ (t ) = r (t ) sin[ (t )] (2.143)

(2.144) 1 dnQ (t ) nd (t ) 2 Ac dt

The quadrature appears

Noise After Discriminator cont.

The average output signal power = kf2P


d F .T j 2f dt


S NQ ( f )

1 d 2 Ac dt


S Nd ( f )

f S Nd ( f ) = 2 S NQ ( f ) Ac


Noise After Discriminator cont.

Assume that nQ(t) has ideal low-pass characteristic with bandwidth BT N f2 B

S Nd ( f ) =

>W 2 At the receiver output If N0 f 2 S N0 ( f ) = , 2 Ac f W (2.147)


2 c


N0 W 2 Average power of n0 (t ) = 2 f df Ac W 2 N 0W 3 = 3 Ac2
(SNR ) O ,FM = 3 Ac2 k 2 f P


1 noise quieting effect 2 Ac

2 c

2 N 0W A The average power of s (t ) is , 2 the averagenoise power in message bandwidth is WN 0


Ac2 (SNR )C , FM = 2WN 0




3k 2 f P W



Single Tone FM SNR

f s (t ) = Ac cos 2 f c t + sin(2 f mt ) fm t f We may write , 2 k f m( )d = sin( 2 f mt ) 0 fm

d f both side m(t ) = cos(2 f mt ) dt kf (f ) 2 The average power of m(t ) (across 1 load) is P = 2k 2 f 2 2 2 2 3 A (f ) 3 Ac From (2.149), (SNR )O , FM = c = 4 N 0W 3 4 N 0W

(SNR )O 3 f 3 = ( )2 = 2 (SNR )C FM 2 W 2


( SNR )O 1 compare to AM , = (from Example 2.4) (SNR )C AM 3 3 1 When 2 > , FM has better performance. 2 3 2 > = 0.471 3 Define = 0.5 as the transition between narrowband FM and wideband FM.

FM Preemphsis and Deemphasis

FM Preemphsis and Deemphasis

FM Threshold Effect

When there is no signal, i.e., carrier is unmodulated. The composite signal at the frequency discriminator input x(t ) = [ Ac + nI (t )] cos(2 f c t ) nQ (t ) sin( 2 fct ) (2.153) nQ (t ) Ac + nI (t )

(t ) = tan 1

Occasionally, P1 may sweep around the origin , (t) increases or decreases 2

' (t ) The discriminator output is equal to 2 P



nQ(t) 0

x (t )





Illustrating impulse ike components in (t) = d (t)/dt produced by changes of 2 in (t); (a) and (b) are graphs of (t) and (t), respectively.

Threshold Effect

Dependence of output signalto-noise ratio on input carrierto-noise ratio for FM receiver. In curve I, the average output noise power is calculated assuming an unmodulated carrier. In curve II, the average output noise power is calculated assuming a sinusoidally modulated carrier. Both curves I and II are calculated from theory.

Comparison of modulation systems

Comparison of the noise performance of various CW modulation systems. Curve I: Full AM, = 1. Curve II: DSB-SC, SSB. Curve III: FM, = 2. Curve IV: FM, = 5. (Curves III and IV include 13-dB pre-emphasis, deemphasis improvement..)


Encryption is a translation of data into a secret code. Encryption is the most effective way to achieve data security. To read an encrypted file, you must have access to a secret key that enables you to decrypt it. Unencrypted data is called plain text; encrypted data is referred to as cipher (text). Encryption can be used to ensure secrecy, but other techniques are still needed to make communications secure: authentication, authorization, and message integrity. Message integrity - both parties will always wish to be confident that a message has not been altered during transmission. The encryption makes it difficult for a third party to read a message, but that third party may still be able to alter it in a useful way. Authentication is a way to ensure users are who they say they are that the user who attempts to perform functions in a system is in fact the user who is authorized to do so. Authorization protects computer resources (data, files, programs, devices) by allowing those resources to be used by resource consumers having been granted authority to use them. Digital rights management etc.

Encryption cipher taxonomy



Transposition Method

Da Vincis code Ex. I am a student Imsuet aatdn

Substitution Method


Julius Caesar to communicate with his army

Language, wind talker

Rotor Machine

The primary component is a set of rotors, also termed wheels or drums, which are rotating disks with an array of electrical contacts on either side. The wiring between the contacts implements a fixed substitution of letters, scrambling them in some complex fashion. On its own, this would offer little security; however, after encrypting each letter, the rotors advance positions, changing the substitution. By this means, a rotor machine produces a complex polyalphabetic substitution cipher. German Enigma machine used

during World War II for submarine. Movie U571, Italian Job


Public Key System - RSA

Named after its inventors Ron Rivest, Adi Shamir and Len Adleman Base on Number Theory y=ex (mod N) => x=?? If the size of N is 100, it takes 100 billion years to decipher with 1GHz computer. Applications
Digital Signatures Digital Cash: Movie, swordfish Timestamping Services: Movie, entrapment Election

Movie, mercury rising

Encryption cipher taxonomy

Historical pen and paper ciphers used in the past are sometimes known as classical ciphers. They include substitution ciphers and transposition ciphers. During the early 20th century, more sophisticated machines for encryption were used, rotor machines, which were more complex than previous schemes. Encryption methods can be divided into symmetric key algorithms and asymmetric key algorithms. In a symmetric key algorithm (DES, AES), the sender and receiver must have a shared key set up in advance and kept secret from all other parties; the sender uses this key for encryption, and the receiver uses the same key for decryption. In an asymmetric key algorithm (RSA), there are two separate keys: a public key is published and enables any sender to perform encryption, while a private key is kept secret by the receiver and enables him to perform decryption.

Quantum Cryptography

Use physics law, if the signal is measured (eavesdropped), the receiver can always detected.

Mission is really impossible

When you see it, the information has been already changed

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