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An integrated pattern of human knowledge, belief, and behavior that depends upon the capacity for symbolic thought

and social learning

Personality of the organization. Organizational culture is an idea in the field of Organizational studies and management which describes the psychology, attitudes, experiences, beliefs and values (personal and cultural values) of an organisation. A system of meaning shared held by members that distinguish one organization from another organization

Innovation & Risk Taking Attention to Details Outcome Orientation People Orientation Team Orientation Aggressiveness Stability

Organizational culture is concerned with how employees perceive its characteristics, not they like them or not. Job satisfaction seeks to measure affective responses to the work environment (organizations expectations, reward practices) Organizational culture is descriptive, job satisfaction is evaluative


Sub culture

More member accept core value & have greater commitment. Strong cultures have a greater impact on employee behavior The organizations core values are both intensely held and widely shared.

Strong Culture Values widely Shared Convey Consistent message Employees know history Strong Connection between Shared values & behavior

Weak Culture Values limited to few people Convey Contradictory message Few employees know about history Little Connection between Shared values & behavior

Boundary-defining role Sense of identity for organization members Commitment is larger than self interest Social glue Enhance Stability of social System Influencing employee behavior

We are treating culture in a nonjudgmental manner. Culture enhances organizational commitment and increases the consistency of employee behavior, but there are potentially dysfunctional aspects of culture Barriers to Change Barriers to Diversity Barriers to Acquisition & Mergers

How a culture begins? An organizations current customs, traditions and general way of doing things are due to what it has done before and the degree of success it has had with those endeavors.

They have a major impact on companys early culture. They have a vision of what the organizaton should be. First, founders hire employees who think the same way they do. Secondly, they instruct and socialize these employees to their way of thinking. Finally, their own behavior acts as a role model for employees.








Emphasizes building on employee strengths, rewards more than it punishes, and emphasizes individual vitality and growth.


Anchor the present into the past and provide explanations


and legitimacy for current practices

Repetitive sequences of activities that express and

Material Symbols

reinforce the key values of the organization

Acceptable attire, office size, opulence of the office


furnishings, and executive perks that convey to employees who is important in the organization meanings specific to an organization

Acronyms and Jargons of terms, phrases and word

Characteristics of Organizations that Develop High Ethical Standards

High tolerance for risk Low to moderate in aggressiveness Focus on means as well as outcomes

Managerial Practices Promoting an Ethical Culture

Being a visible role model Communicating ethical expectations Providing ethical training Visibly rewarding ethical acts and punishing unethical ones Providing protective mechanisms so employees can discuss ethical dilemmas and report unethical behavior without fear

Having right type of employees Having few rigid rules, procedures and regulations Using widespread empowerment of employees Having good listening skills in relating to customers messages Providing role clarity to employees Conscientiousness

Workplace Spirituality
The recognition that people have an inner life that

nourishes and is nourished by meaningful work that takes place in the context of the community
NOT about organized religious practices

People seek to find meaning and purpose in their work.

Concerned with helping people develop and reach their full potential Directly addresses problems created by work/life conflicts Four characteristics of spiritual organizations: 1. Strong sense of purpose 2. Trust and respect 3. Humanistic work practices 4. Toleration of employee expression

Improved employee productivity Reduction of employee turnover Stronger organizational performance Increased creativity Increased employee satisfaction Increased team performance Increased organizational performance

What is the scientific foundation? Are spiritual organizations legitimate: do they have the right to impose values on employees? Are spirituality and profits compatible?

When person from one cultural background, meet, interact with, understand and deal with person from other cultural background. That is cross-culture. It is also known as the journey into the world of multiculturalism To understand different cultures in this era of global environment

Invite to see opportunities & innovative strategies in a diverse workforce. Manage to interact fruitfully with people of unique values & backgrounds. To comprehend the challenges & opportunities of intercultural negotiation. Expatriates: learn the tips for adaptation in an intercultural environment.

Canada Decision making is fast Attitude is business to business; efficiency, quality, accountability and time. Partnership is more legal, or is contractual agreement Personal relationship is not important as business itself Communication is direct

It is time consuming Greater emphasis is placed on personal relationships Partnership is built on long term, personal relationship Business partners who are well connected, are generally considered important Communication is indirect


Do one thing at a time Concentrate on the job Take time commitments seriously Are low context and need information Are committed to the job Adhere religiously to plan Are accustomed to short term relationship

Do many things at a time Highly distractible & subject to interruption Consider time commitment as an objective Are high context and have information already Are committed to people and human relationship Plans change often and easily Have strong tendency to build lifetime relationship

Concepts Attitude & behavior Social Institutions Public Policy & Legal Framework Societal Cultural Values

It is becoming increasingly important to be sensitive to the culture of the nation where a business operates Tata consultancy services trains employees on cross-cultural sensitivity, tolerance and respect for other cultures sssand people.`

Thank you !!!

Venkatesh Rao Behnaaz Kapadia Snehal Kanase Aditya Tongo

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