Change Management

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and Leading Organizational Change

Your Perceptions of Change

What are your reactions when you hear the word change?
Negative perceptions. Positive perceptions.

Types of Organizational Change

Anticipatory changes: planned changes based on expected situations. Reactive changes: changes made in response to unexpected situations. Incremental changes: subsystem adjustments required to keep the organization on course.

Strategic changes: altering the overall shape or direction of the organization.

Forces of Change
External Forces
Market Place Govt Laws and Regulations Technology Labor market Economic Change

Internal Forces
Changes in Organisational Strategies Workforce change New Equipment Employee Attitude

A Journey Through Change:

Stability Comfort and control Lookin g Back Learning Acceptance, Commitment Looking Forwar d

Fear, Anger and Resistance


Enquiry, Experimentatio n and Discovery

Individual Reactions to Change (contd)

How People Respond to Changes They Fear and Dislike?
Stages Getting off on the wrong track Laughing it off Growing self-doubt Destructive direction

Why Do Employees Resist Change?

Unannounced significant changes threaten employees sense of balance in the workplace. Employees have a desire to maintain a safe, secure, and predictable status.

Misunderstanding and lack of skills

Without introductory or remedial training, change may be perceived negatively.

Poor Timing

Why Do Employees Resist Change? (contd)

Emotional Side Effects
Forced acceptance of change can create a sense of powerlessness, anger, and passive resistance to change.

Lack of Trust
Promises of improvement mean nothing if employees do not trust management.

Fear of Failure
Employees are intimidated by change and doubt their abilities to meet new challenges.

Personality Conflicts
Managers who are disliked by their employees are poor source for change.

Why Do Employees Resist Change? (contd)

Threat to Job Status/Security
Employees worry that any change may threaten their job or security.

Breakup of Work Group

Changes can tear apart established on-the-job social relationships.

Competing Commitments
Change can disrupt employees in their pursuit of other goals.

Overcoming Resistance to Change

Strategies for Overcoming Resistance to Change
Education and communication Participation and involvement Facilitation and support Negotiation and agreement Manipulation and co-operation Explicit and implicit coercion

Making Change Happen

Two Approaches to Organization Change

Organization Development (OD) Formal top-down approach

Grassroots Change
An unofficial and informal bottom-up approach

Planned Change Through Organization Development (OD)

Organization development (OD)
Planned change programs intended to help people and organizations function more effectively. OD programs generally are facilitated by hired consultants,

Planned Change Through Organization Development (OD) (contd)

Objectives of OD
Deepen the sense of organizational purpose. Strengthen interpersonal trust. Encourage problem solving rather than avoidance. Develop a satisfying work experience. Increase personal responsibility for planning and implementing. Encourage willingness to change.

Planned Change Through Organization Development (OD) (contd)

The OD Process Unfreezing, changing, and refreezing social systems
Unfreezing: neutralize resistance by preparing people for change. Changing: implementing the planned change Refreezing: systematically following a change program for lasting results.

Unofficial and Informal Grassroots Change

Grassroots Change
Change that is spontaneous, informal, experimental, and driven from within. People who quietly try to change the dominant organizational culture in line with their convictions.

Managing Change

Work specialization,Departmentalization, Chain of Command Span of Control, Formalization,Job Redesign Work Process, Methods and Equipments



Attitude, Expectations, Perception and Behavior



Stimulating Innovation
The ability to combine ideas in a unique way or to make an unusual association.

Turning the outcomes of the creation process into useful products, services, or work methods.

System View of Innovation


Creative Environment, Process and Situation


Creative Individuals, Groups and Organizations

Innovative Products, Work Methods

Structural Variables
Adopt an organic structure Make available plentiful resources Engage in frequent communication

Minimize extreme time pressures on creative activities

Provide clear support for creativity

Cultural Variables
Accept Ambiguity Tolerate risk taking Tolerate conflict Develop an open system focus Provide positive feedback

Human Resources Variables

Actively promote T & D to keep employees skills updated Offer high job security to encourage risk taking Encourage individual to be Champion to change

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