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Hardian ningsih w cenik Tri handayani

Definision smallpox
Smallpox is a disfiguring disease. Three out of ten cases may die. It is caused by variola virus. The disease is spread by secretions from the patient's mouth and nose, and by material from pocks or scabs. It is transmitted directly from one person to the next. Close contact with patients, or their clothing or bedding, is thus required for infection. A patient who has developed the

Symptoms of smallpox
At the beginning, the patient will feel a slight fever, runny nose, feel tired, lethargic and weak. These symptoms are typical for viral infections. In more severe cases, can be obtained joint pain, headache and dizziness. A few days later it came redness small size that was first discovered in the chest and abdomen or back and then followed arise in the limbs and face.

Redness of the skin is then turned into a resilient fluid with thin walls. This rash may seem a little pain or itching that can accident. If resilience is left it will soon dry to form a scab (crust) that will be released and leave spots on darker skin (hyperpigmentation). These patches will eventually fade over time so it will not leave a mark again.

Causes smallpox
The cause of smallpox is a virus causes chickenpox Variola.Virus is orthopoxvirus genus, which also includes viruses such as cowpox, monkey pox and molluscum contagiosum. There is no animal reservoir or vector insect causes smallpox, and no carrier (a period in which the smallpox virus in the body, but the person is not actively sick) happen. Before smallpox recover, the disease can be transmitted from person to person constantly. Pregnant women and children are at high risk for smallpox. The cause of smallpox disease is also

Variola virus obtained from inhalation (breathing into the lungs). Smallpox virus particles can remain on objects such as clothing, bedding, and surfaces up to 1 week. Virus starts in the lungs, from where the virus attacks the bloodstream and spreads to the skin, intestines, lungs, kidneys, and brain. Virus activity in skin cells called macular rash create.

Immunizations are available for children over the age of 12 months. Immunisation is recommended for people over age 12 who do not have invulnerability . disease is closely related to immunity.

Varicella is actually able to heal it self. However, do not rule out the possibility of an attack when the individual is experiencing recurrent endurance. Varicella disease can be treatment "Acyclovir. After a healing period of varicella, can proceed with the treatment of scars caused by eating plenty of mineral water to neutralize the kidney after taking the drug. Consumption of vitamin C placebo or directly from fresh fruits like guava juice, tomato juice and wine. Vitamin E for skin moisture can be obtained from the placebo beverage of aloe vera, or seaweed. The use extra moisturizing lotion when the wound is completely healed necessary to avoid further irritation.

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