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Some Facts
every year. More than five times the Tsunami toll

More than 1.2 million people are killed in Road Accidents, worldwide,

One child is killed in Road Accidents, every three minutes in the World A total 136,834 accidental deaths were reported in the country during

the year 2011

1.6% increase over the previous year

Source : NCRB- National Crime Records Bureau

Some Facts

Source : NCRB- National Crime Records Bureau

ROAD SAFETY is a matter of

The vehicle Technical properties (engine power, brakes, tyres), Safety equipment (Traction Control, airbags) The road environment Road layout, signaling The driver = all of us

The driver
Technical knowledge highway code, start the car, change gears

Driving ability
take a bend, overtake, park Driving experience How to react in a difficult situation, how to drive in dense traffic Driving attitude = the right mentality to drive safely and avoid accidents

What makes a good driver?

Experience Ability


What is attitude?
Conscious of possible dangers Conscious of own limits

Social: not alone on the road

Understanding: everybody makes mistakes-no revenge The will to avoid accidents at any cost!

Major safety issues

Speed - A little slower, please! - Speed increases accident risk Seatbelt - Buckle up!
-With seatbelt: 75% less risk at head injury, 61% less risk at breast injury

Drinking and Driving- Heavy Penalties!

- Alcohol - narrows viewing angle, Slows down reactions
Inhibitions disappear even at low concentrations!

Objective- in Social Marketing

Eliminate problematic behaviour of the target group and convert it into a lasting behaviour change Eliminate existing behaviour: speeding New, adapted driving style Avoid potential risk behaviour (not adapted to traffic circ.) CHANGE IN KNOWLEDGE (RULES + RISK PERCEPTION) oattitude (speeding = not done)

o behaviour (speed adapted to circ.)

9 Ps of Social Marketing
Instruments to bring about behaviour changes


1. ProductAdapted driving style (change the problematic driving behaviour)

2. Price (non-financial efforts) Time for awareness Attention

3. Place
Traffic situation + where to reach target group Highways Traffic signals Educational Institutions Television


Cinema Theatre Major sports tournaments

4. Promotion- The Strategy

Strategy: First establish brand , then deepen concept through repetition Tools: strategical media planning (media mix) tactical media planning split up per target group Approach: Positive, emotional (involvement) Emotionally destabilize speeding drivers Instigate good/right behaviour


Simple message: baseline Safe driveStay alive

REPETITION! (time & place) + positive feedback evaluation (post-test)

4. Promotion- Media Mix

Billboards Small posters

Radio ads Leaflets Internet (website + game) Electronic mailing

Local trains, buses

Social Media

5. Partnerships
Ministry of Youth affairs & sports National Highway Traffic safety Administration


National Highway Authority of India

Regional Transport office Educational Institutes NGO e.g. Arrive Safe Parents Society

6. Public
External College students Youths Drivers Vehicle owners Parents Victims Pedestrians Bikers Internal NGOs Automotive manufacturers RTO Policy makers Media


Emergency and health professionals


7. Policies
Education Enforcement


Environment /Infrastructure Emergency care Effective CSR

8. Purse strings
Central / State Government grants Business Houses


Automotive Manufacturers
NGOs World Bank Funds MPs/ MLA/ MLS Community

9. Patience
Ongoing awareness program
Efforts to make culture for safe driving
STAGE 1 Unknowingly Unconscious STAGE 2 Knowingly Unconscious STAGE 3 Knowingly Conscious STAGE 4 Unknowingly Conscious


Top 10 Good and Safe Driving Habits

Dont Drive Drunk Dont Speed


Dont Let Any Thing Distract You

Drowsy Driving Always wear your Seatbelt

Dont use your smartness in bad weathers

Deal with the Idiots on the road Always follow the traffic signals Practice safe driving Love and maintain your car


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