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Aditya College of Technology & Science Satna, M.P.

Presentation on Thermodynamic Cycle

Illustrated By : Kumar Aman B.E. IVth Sem. 0307ME111033

Submitted to : Mr. Alok Ranjan Tiwari Sir (H.O.D. of Mech. Engg. Dept.)

Real Gas Ideal or Perfect Gas Ideal Gas Laws :1. Boyles Law 2. Charles Law 3. Gay-Lussacs Law 4. Avogadros Law

Thermodynamic Processes :1. Isochoric Process 2. Isobaric Process 3. Isothermal / hyperbolic Process 4. Adiabatic / Isentropic Process

Various Thermodynamic Cycles :-

Synopsis Contd

Air Standard Cycles :

1. Carnot Cycle 2. Otto Cycle 3. Diesel Cycle 4. Dual-Combustion Cycle / Limited Pressure Cycle / Semi-Diesel Cycle 5. Brayton Cycle

Phase Change Cycles :

Conclusion Bibliography.

1. Carnot Vapour Cycle 2. Rankine Cycle 3. Modified Rankine Cycle 4. Reheat Cycle 5. Binary Vapour Cycle

Real Gas
The behavior of all gases at high pressure and at low temperature is different. All these gases are called Real Gas. Examples : Air, O2 , H2

According to Experimental Result, all real gases tends to behave similarly at very low pressure and at high temperature, where volume tends to infinity. It shows that behaviour of all gases tends to be ideal at the state of zero pressure & infinity volume. Such state of gas is called Ideal State. And the behaviour of real gas at ideal state is called Ideal or Perfect State. Thus Ideal gas is such gas which would behave in an ideal manner at all pressures and temperatures.

Ideal or Perfect Gas

Ideal Gas laws

Ideal gas follows all gas laws and characteristics gas Equation. Behaviour of ideal gases based on experimental results are governed by following laws known as ideal gas laws : 1. 2. 3. 4. Boyles Law Charles Law Gay-Lussacs Law Avogadros Law

Boyles Law
Boyles Law states that the absolute pressure of a given mass of an ideal gas is inversely proportional to its volume, if temperature of the gas is kept constant.
1 V

This gas law was formulated by Robert Boyle.

(if, T = Constant) ; P.V = C (Constant) P1.V1 = P2.V2 = Constant

This law represents Isothermal process whose P-V curve represents Rectangular Hyperbola.

Charles Law states that the volume of a given mass of an ideal gas is directly proportional to its absolute temperature if the pressure of the gas is kept constant.

This gas law was formulated by Jacques A.C. Charles.

Charles Law

(if, P = Constant) ;
V1 T1

V2 T2

= Constant


= C (Constant)

This law represents Isobaric process.

Gay - Lussacs Law states that the absolute pressure of a given mass of an ideal gas is proportional to temperature if the volume of gas is kept constant.

This gas law was formulated by Gay Lussac.

Gay - Lussacs Law

(if, V = Constant) ;
P1 T1

P2 T2

= Constant


= C (Constant)

This law represents Isochoric process.

Avogadros Law
Avogadros Law states that equal volume of different ideal gases at the same pressure and temperature contains the same number of molecules.
Number of moles (n) =

Total mass (m)

Molecular weight (M)

{m= n.M }
Characteristics Gas Equation :
P1 .V1 T1

P2 .V2 T2

{ PV = mRT } ; where, R= characteristics Gas Constant.

This equation is known as Characteristics gas equation for ideal gas.

Thermodynamic Processes
Isochoric Process : follows Gay-Lussacs law
P1 T1

P2 T2

= Constant

Isobaric Process : follows Charles law

V1 T1

V2 T2

= Constant

Isothermal Process : follows Boyles law

P1.V1 = P2.V2 = Constant

Adiabatic Process : no heat exchange between system & surroundings

P-V Diagram of various thermodynamic processes

Various Thermodynamic Cycles

Air Standard Cycles :

1. Carnot Cycle

2. Otto Cycle

3. Diesel Cycle

4. Dual-Combustion Cycle / Limited Pressure Cycle / Semi-Diesel Cycle

1-2 : Adiabatic Compression

2-3 : Constant Volume heat addition 4-5 : Adiabatic expansion

3-4 : Constant Pressure heat addition

5-1 : Constant Volume heat rejection

Efficiency () = 1 -

Cv (T5-T1)
(T3-T2) + (T4-T3)

5. Brayton Cycle

Phase Change Cycles :

1. Carnot Vapour Cycle

Process 1-2 :
Q1-2 = change in entropy x absolute temperature = (s2-s1)T1 = (s2-s1)T2

Process 3-4 :
Q3-4 = (s2-s1)T3 = (s2-s1)T4

Work Done = (s2-s1)T1 - (s2-s1)T3

Efficiency () =

(s2-s1)(T1-T3) (s2-s1)T1

(T1-T3) T1

2. Rankine Cycle

Efficiency () =

(h2-h3) (h3-hf3)

3. Modified Rankine Cycle

Efficiency () =

(h2 - h5) + 100(P5 - P6)V5 (h2 - hf6)

4. Reheat Cycle

5. Binary Vapour Cycle

Efficiency () = Hg(1 - s) + s

Since we went through various topics related to Thermodynamic Cycles, now we can draw conclusion that with all the existing developments in the field of Thermal Engineering there can be various other technologies to be adopted and if they are adopted, it would bring out further new innovations in the field of thermal engineering. Research into future alternative thermodynamic cycle can bring out other revolutionary inventions stuffing thermal engineering resulting in increased efficiencies of the products developed with the help of thermal engineering. There are also certain technical problems which should be solved in future. Firstly, it can be integration of more than one thermodynamic cycles in the developed system which would increase the efficiency of the the system based on the thermodynamic cycle. Furthur then the system will become more interactive and intuitive.

Websites : gineering The Thermal Magic (London magazine), November Vol 1, No. 2, 2005, pp. 16-45

Engineering Thermodynamics (P.K. Nag) Thermal Engineering (R.K. Rajput) Thermodynamics (Cengel Y )

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