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What is a library?

An EndNote library is like a file cabinet. Just as a

file cabinet holds many files, Endnote holds many references.

EndNote is a program that will put your references and citations into the format EndNote will automatically create your reference list for you Each time you cite a new reference, the new reference will be added to your reference list (in the right place)

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Benefits of using EndNote:

manage references for long term research projects save time by importing references from major databases,

retaining search results for reuse; output records in your chosen citation style including the Harvard Style; easily share references with colleagues; easily add references to your documents, and reformat bibliographies as required.

Create an EndNote Library File

Begin by activating the EndNote program

application. The EndNote X "Get started with EndNote X" pop-up window will appear on your screen. To create a new library, click on the CREATE A NEW ENDNOTE LIBRARY BUTTON. Then click the OK button.

When you open EndNote the following box appears:

You may choose to create a new library or open an existing library.

EndNote default settings usually make the Journal Article reference type as the default so it is the automatic selection.

Note: If the Journal Article reference type is not visible click on the Reference Type pull-down menu (red circle) to locate and select the "Journal Article" reference type.

Enter the authors name in the Author field. Names may be entered in two different ways: 1) First Middle Last, 2) Last, First Middle. Type the name of the first author then press ENTER: Vicki J. Rosser Now enter the second authors name: Barbara K. Townsend Use the TAB key to advance to the YEAR field.

Note: For complex author names (Jr., II, multiple-words) always enter last name first, followed by titles: de Gaulle, Charles Smith, Alfred, Jr. For organizations, include a comma: U.S. Department of Education,

Year: 2006 Title: Determining public two-year facultys intent to leave: An empirical model Journal: The Journal of Higher Education Volume: 77 Issue: 1 Pages: 124-147 Keywords: Community colleges, faculty, employment, job satisfaction, attitudes, worklife, intent to leave Abstract: This study examines the extent to which demographic variables, the quality of worklife, and satisfaction have an impact on community college faculty members' intentions of leave. The findings indicate that faculty members' worklife had a direct and powerful impact on their satisfaction, and subsequently on their intentions to stay or leave.

Note: Providing information in the "Keywords" and "Abstract" fields facilitates searching for references within the EndNote library.

Otherwise use the keyboard shortcut (Ctrl+W) to close the reference. The MAIN LIBRARY now displays the Rosser and Townsend entry. The bibliography format of the Rosser and Townsend entry may be viewed in the Show Preview window at the bottom of the library window. If you dont want to see the complete reference entry, click the up arrow adjacent to the Hide Preview option.

Book Example Create a new reference by using the keyboard shortcut (Ctrl + N) or selecting REFERENCES, NEW REFERENCE.

Change the reference type to "Book" by clicking on the Reference Type pull-down menu (red circle) and selecting "Book".

Figure (Image) Create a new Reference Type by using the keyboard shortcut command (Ctrl + N) or by selecting REFERENCES, NEW REFERENCE.

The New Reference window appears and shows the default reference type Journal Article and needs to be changed to "Figure". To change the reference type to Magazine Article click on the Reference Type pull-down menu (red circle) and select FIGURE.

Enter the authors name and tab to advance to the YEAR field.

Continue entering the remaining information, using the TAB key to move to the next field and the SHIFT+TAB key to move to the previous field (if necessary). You can also use your mouse to select the desired field. Year: 2006, August 15 Title: Bar chart of system-wide faculty distribution based on associates, baccalaureate, and doctoral institutional types Name of File: Gender by Institution Image Source Program: SPSS (exported object) Image Size: 316 x 319 Type of Image: BMP

NOTE: Including information in the Keywords and Abstract fields facilitates searching for references.

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