IT Strategy Assignment

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Outline of the Topics

Introduction of Information Systems and eBusiness Strategies to e-Business Success Steps to e-Business Success

Why e-Business?
Revolution, Revolution ... The e-Business revolution is impossible to ignore. It is transforming businesses in virtually every industry and reshaping the global economy. The e-Business revolution is as fundamental a change to current society as the industrial revolution was to its preceding agrarian society.

Why e-Business?
Revolution, Revolution ... The e-Business revolution is impossible to ignore. It is transforming businesses in virtually every industry and reshaping the global economy. The e-Business revolution is as fundamental a change to current society as the industrial revolution was to its preceding agrarian society.

How is e-Business Changing Traditional Business?

Globalization of markets One-to-one marketing Customization of site and product Integration of systems with clients New forms of E-Service
UPS setting up new computers

Commoditization of products
Low margins and brand differentiations

How is e-Business Changing Business Processes?

Increased pre-and post- sale care of customers Increased use of databases and user interfaces Flatter organizational structures Development and use of customer profiles Increased reliance on cooperation software Faster product-to-market strategies Increased reliance on third parties Faster turnaround of cash flows

Solutions for e-Enterprise Organizations (e-Power Corp.)


Streamlines buying and selling between trading partners Maximizes trade efficiency across the entire supply chain Strategic e-commerce capabilities in Internet time



Delivers compelling ROI

Core Competencies
Detailed Customer Knowledge and Focus We will seek to understand, anticipate, and be responsive to our customers needs. Large-Scale System Integration We will continuously develop, advance and protect the technical excellence that allows us to integrate effectively the systems we design and produce. Learn, Efficient Design and Production Systems Our design and production systems will be among the best in the world, characterized by efficient use of assets, short time-to market, short flow times, short cycle times, high quality and high inventory turns.

Why e-Commerce Model is beneficial to your Business?

The e-Commerce model is a basic model of competitive strategy, based on the principles of low costs, high volumes, and comprehensive service, combined with a product range unapproachable through traditional channels.

Seven-step Process ...

The following seven-step process can help guide a company through its e-Business transformation.
Cover the gamut of e-business activities, from conception to operation

Seven-step Process (continued)

1. Start High 2. Think Fresh 3. Know Your Market 4. Set Vision 5. Define Strategy 6. Create 7. Refresh Regularly

Seven-step Process (continued)

1. Start High
e-Business is more than developing a fancy Website e-Business is a business rather than a technical endeavor radical change (BPR) e-Business initiatives may also cut across corporate boundaries, shifting organizational structures, redefining job descriptions, and upsetting established processes. Only corporate executives can marshal the forces and commitment to launch an e-Business program and respond the concerns of internal and external stakeholders.

Seven-step Process (continued)

2. Think Fresh
The Internet revolution is radically changing the business game. Start with a fresh viewpoint and assume that everything is open to question and change.
What your customers are really buying from you? Is how you deliver your product more important than the product itself? Porters model (commodities vs. differentiation from competitor, e.g., DELL)

New ways of pricing your products and services. SWAT, outsourcing

Seven-step Process (continued)

3. Know your market
assess your companys current market
needs of your customers, partners, and suppliers how you can meet or exceed their needs through e-Business capabilities.

expand upon this market awareness by identifying possible new products, services, and business lines encroaching competition from existing and unknown sources formulate your e-Business vision and strategy. Knowing your market means exploring your:
branding, customers, competition, supply chain, demand chain (e.g., auto online)

Seven-step Process (continued)

4. Set Vision
a long-term vision to guide your company as it enters the e-Business world the vision defines
what a company wants to do, what it wants to be.

do not rush to strategies, actions, and results

Vision <--- Mission <--- Goals/objectives <--- Strategies <--- Tactics

Complete executive buy-in is essential; executives must promote the vision and make it part of the corporate culture therefore, employees will be imbued with new corporate vision

Seven-step Process (continued)

5. Define Strategy
define, select, and prioritize the initiatives needed to implement the companys e-Business vision the strategy defines
how the company is going to get there.

incremental actions are not enough

expect high potential returns and advantages

other factors to consider:

process change, organizational change, technical architectures, creative needs, fit within overall vision

Seven-step Process (continued)

6. Create
a company transforms itself through a set of coordinated initiatives that implement that needed organization, technology, and process changes the most difficult part of an e-Business transformation is changing the underlying business model (but does not mean to undercut the importance of technology nor underestimate the complexity of the implementation) when building e-business site, consider:
design, content, promotion, legacy integration, development (SDLC), organizational change implementation, training

Seven-step Process (continued)

7. Refresh Regularly
to be viable, a company must continually review, reexamine, and revise its vision, strategies, and implementations. Speed, innovation, and change are implicit parts of the e-Business world survey customers continually to learn if it is meeting their needs and goals - making money, reaching prospects, satisfying stakeholders - in order to know when and what to change keep companys Website design and content fresh and exciting to attract new visitors and to keep them coming back for more.

Seven-step Process (continued)

7. Refresh Regularly (continued)
launch promotional campaigns to drive traffic to its Website. Products, and services; to maintain and enhance its brand identity; and to garner a greater share of a market where switching costs are low or nonexistent e-Business promises lower prices and better selection for consumers, and unlimited opportunities for new businesses.

The need for interdisciplinary thinking has never been greater companies that can continually combine
innovative business thinking, creative design and content, and advanced technology

will lead the way in e-Business success.

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