Assessment of Elderly

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Assessment of Elderly

Patrick Henry B. LaO, RN,MAN Clinical Instructor

Person that ages nearing or surpassing the average life span of human life cycle. Also calld as Senior citizen Have limited regenerative abilities and more prone to disease and syndrome Gerontology is the study of disease in elderly.

Differentiate the findings related to the usual wear and tear of aging from those pathologic process. Requires systematic and interdisciplinary approach and awareness to the effect of aging and disease. Acquire the Biographic data of your patient Consider the cultural norms

Skin, Hair and Nails ask for any changes occur on skin, hair and nails. Any rashes developed after medication? Rashes may result to allergy, inflammation : infection or cancer. Ask for dry/itchy skin, routine bathing, how do you care for your skin? Use of moisturizers. Dry itchy skin may result from drying properties of soap and alcohol base after bath.

Health Assessment Subjective Data: health history

Review of Systems

Skin, Hair and Nails any history of ulcers (open wound)on feet or lower legs? May be due to Diabetes mellitus or Arteriosclerosis obliterans

Eyes and Vision ask for any changes in vision. Any floaters or flashes of light Any feeling of dryness/irritated, excessive tears. Ears and hearing How well do you hear? Any changes in hearing ability Ringing sound in the ears

Head and Neck any pain on the neck area and head. Mouth and Throat Amount of food can eat Feeling of choking while eating and drinking. Nutrition change in the appetite for the last 6 months Feeding assistance Depression, dementia, diarrhea, vomiting affects your nutrition. Describe the amount of food can eat.


Thorax and Lungs

Amount of fluid can eat every each day. Any medications that affects hydration. Any shortness of breath during activity or at rest. Recurrent cough, hemoptysis Use of tobacco. Weight loss Vaccination: pneumococcal, flu

Heart and blood vessels

Feeling of lightheaded/dizzy Discomfort on the legs/calf, cramping aching. Distance able to walk

Heartburn, indigestion,hiccups Problem in digestion(delay in gastric emptying) vomiting.

Urinary Continence/incontinence
Any problem in controlling urine flow

Bowel Elimination
Constipation/diarrhea Kinds of foods, drinks, exercise do you enjoy each day.

Sexual function Erectile dysfunction Medication taken at this time Vaginal itching, discomfort blood tingged

Prostate screening

Diffuculty of getting out of the bed Stiffness Feeling of legs are going to give way Crepitus Use of cane/assistive device Fall history pain

Neurologic Function
Ability to concentrate Ability to recognize person, things etc. Any inconsistencies Ability to recall

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