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Understanding Anorexia

Dr.Sapna S. Patil

Learning Outcomes
Demonstrate deeper insights into the family and social networks that influence and are affected by teenage health problems, including anorexia nervosa Describe the basic medical sciences and social health care context of puberty and anorexia

The condition
Eating disorder Serious mental health condition Problems with eating Concerns regarding weight arise because of the feeling of
Being fat/overweight Strong fear of becoming fat Wanting to be thin

Facts and Figures

Uncommon, however, a leading cause of death due to mental health related conditions. Common amongst girls and women. 1 in 200 women affected. Symptoms first develop during teenage years, average of 15,but can develop anytime during childhood. Amongst men,1 in 2000 affected.

Unknown Combination of psychological, environmental and biological factors

Psychological factors
a tendency towards depression and anxiety poor reaction to stress excessive worrying and feeling scared or doubtful about the future perfectionism setting strict, demanding goals or standards inhibition where a person restrains or controls their behaviour and expression feelings of obsession and compulsion

Environmental factors
Puberty Hormonal changes feelings of stress, low self esteem and anxiety a stressful life event, such as losing a job or a relationship bereavement pressures and stress at school, such as exams or bullying difficult family relationships physical or sexual abuse Size zero culture

Biological factors
Malnutrition affects hormonal balance. Various theories about how brain is affected
Sensitivity to tryptophan System controlling appetite affected

Spotting anorexia

Symptoms and signs

The main symptom of anorexia is losing a lot of weight deliberately. For example, by:
eating as little as possible making yourself vomit doing too much exercise

Signs of regular vomiting could include:

leaving the table immediately after meals dental problems such as tooth decay or bad breath, caused by the acid in vomit damaging their teeth and mouth hard skin on their knuckles, caused by putting their fingers down their throat

Other signs
Eating too little for a long time can result in physical signs, such as:
Low blood pressure Oedema Low body temperature fine downy hair (lanugo) growing on their body more hair on their face their pubic hair becoming sparse and thin

Delay in puberty and growth spurt

Self esteem and Body image

Distorted view of body image Display of body checking behaviour by repeatedly and persistently
weighing themselves measuring themselves, such as their waist size checking their body in the mirror

Low self esteem and low self confidence

Hi Im Tammy Im 13 + yrs old

How my life was before

Active Good in Studies (currently also) Cheerful Young Girl Bright Future Strong Willed /Determined

My First Encounter
13 Years Old (abt 10 mnths back) Diagnosed to have Anorexia Nervosa, Personality problem & Anger management issues Underweight(30kg) Scared will put on weight Friends had stomach, scared I will also get No Appetite and Energy Attained puberty (only 1 episode), didnt want any more as it was troublesome to keep myself clean

What I have been through

Rejection Inferiority People do not understand my situation Problems more complicated than just the issue of eating Affected physically , emotionally, mentally, socially etc. Felt Abnormal/Unable to fit in with others Unable to express my inner struggles Criticized and cursed by others Battling with myself every single second of the day

What I Feel About it

Ugly Useless Lonely Fearful Rejected Unloved Insecure Depressed Self-Hatred No Motivation to Continue Living

Treatment for anorexia usually includes:
psychological treatment talking to a therapist or counsellor advice on eating and nutrition to help gain weight safely

Various types of psychological treatment can be used to treat anorexia, such as:
cognitive analytic therapy (CAT) cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) interpersonal therapy (IPT) focal psychodynamic therapy (FPT) family therapy

CBT (Cognitive Behaviour Therapy)


Focusses more on failure than success Oversensitive Stubborn Perfectionist Anger Selfish Imposes her values on younger sibling Low self-confidence No self-respect Poor self-esteem

Tremendous efforts trying to overcome this disorder Most people are stumbling blocks instead of stepping stones Withdraw myself from social community due to fear of rejection Criticized by everyone , even family members Lack of achievements

What Ive learned from my experience

The whole painful process has been a classroom for me I have become stronger and even more determined Ive experienced something that is certainly not experienced by many Im able to understand others experiencing the same struggles I went through Learning to accept and Love myself (still trying) Still on the road to recovery Giving up is never an option

My Wish is To recover completely and help other adolescents who are struggling like me

What I Expect from Care Givers...

Make an effort to understand my feelings Consider putting themselves into my shoes Realize that although it might be painful for them, I suffer twice as much as they do struggling with these disorders Be gentle and provide appropriate attention rather then continuous nagging, despise & criticism Take time to listen to what I have to say without giving harsh comments, lectures, advices, critiques etc. Accept me for who I am by showing love, care/concern & affection Protect me from getting hurt emotionally Feel proud & happy for my achievements Look at the improvements Ive made & give me credit by praising me frequently

Last but not Least Prevention of eating disorders is always better than cure

Thank You for Your Support!!!

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