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Facultad de administracin y negocios internacionales


Custodio Acua, Frank Ormeo Salazar, Walter Gmez Donayre, Maritza Ingles II VI Ica Per 2013

Teaching: Course: Cycle:

Used to do
We use 'used to' for something that happened regularly in the past but no longer happens. I used to drive to work walking but now I take the bus. We also use it for something that was true but no longer is.

There used to be a theater in the town but now there isn't.

The collaborators of the company have to identify with the company where they belong and hereby to have an alone thought to reach the aims planned during a period.

Profile of the businessman

I/You/ We/ They He/She/It

Used To

Be work have play etc.

When use the used to in afirmative Pronoun / used to / verb / Complement present simple FOR EXAMPLE

She used to eat meat, but now she eat vegetables.

The companies used to feast the day of the worker. Las empresas solan festejar el dia del trabajador.

Used to

The companies used to employ only eight hours of daily work. Las empresas solian emplear solo ocho horas de dia laboral.

Used to

The persons used to feast in a suitable way the holidays. Las personas solian usar de manera adecuada los dias de feriado.

Used to

The companies did not use to the bank holidays to work. Las empresas no utilizan los feriados para trabajar.

Did not use to

The companies now use to new trends are pending. Las empresas ahora estan pendientes de usar la nuevas tendencias.

Use to

Workers now use to the technology. Los trabajadores ahora utilizan la tecnologa.

Use to

The employees of the company must identify the company where they belong and this way have a single thought to achieve the goals set for a period. People used to meet Sunday afternoons. The companies worked only eight hours of daily work. The companies did not worked on Sundays and holidays.

10 Hbitos que solan hacerse.

1. La gente sola comprar en los mercados minoristas y mayoristas. People used to buy in the retail and wholesale markets.
2. La gente sola utilizar el telgrafo. People used to use the telegraph.

3. La gente sola pagar solo en efectivo. People used to pay cash only.

4. La gente sola tener mas de tres o cuatros hijos en su familia. People used to have more than three or four children in his family. 5. La gente sola dejar la manutencin de la familia al sexo masculino. People used to leave the family support male.

6.Las empresas solan hacerse cargo de las pensiones de sus trabajadores. Companies used to be in charge of pensions for their workers. 7.Las empresas solan competir cada una por su lado. Companies used to compete each by hand. 8.Las empresas solan enviar a sus empleados a clases de formacion corporativa. Companies used to send employees to corporate training classes.

9.Las empresas solan impartir formacin especializada con instructores y docentes. Companies used to provide specialized training with instructors or teachers.

10.Las empresas solan invertir en I+D propia y protegan sus ideas y tecnologas. Companies used to invest in R & D and protecting their ideas and technologies.

10 Preguntas de habitos
1.Tu solas comprar en hiper o supermercados? You used to buying on Hyper or supermarkets? Answer: No, I didn't used to buy at hyper or supermarkets. 2.Tu solas tener tarjetas de debito o credito siempre? Your used to have debit or credit cards forever? Answer: No, I didn't used to have debit or credit cards.

3.Tu solas pagar tus deudas solo con efectivo? You used to pay your debts with cash only? Answer: Yes, I used to pay my debts in cash. 4.Tu solas asistir siempre a festividades locales? You used to always attend local festivities? Answer: Yes, I used to attend my local festivities. 5.Tu solas usar el autobs? You used to ride the bus? Answer: Yes, I used to use only the bus.

6. Tu solas comunicarte siempre por telefono celular? You used to always communicate with Cell phone? Answer: No, I didn't always used to use the cell phone. 7. Tu solas siempre usar el internet para realizar tareas? You used to always use the Internet to perform tasks? Answer: No, I didn't always used to use the internet for homework.


Tu solas escuchar la misma msica que ahora? You used to listen to the same music now? Answer: Yes, I used to listen to other music.

9. Tu solas utilizar disquettes para almacenar informacin? You used to use floppy disks to store information? Answer: Yes, I used to use floppy disks to store information. 10.Tu solas utilizar casettes para escuchar msica? You used to use cassettes to listen music? Answer: Yes, I used to use cassettes to listen music.

5 Hbitos que no solia hacerse

1. La gente no sola usar redes sociales en internet. People didn't use to social networking sites. 2. La gente no sola usar telfonos celulares para comunicarse. People didn't use to cell phones to communicate. 3. La gente no sola usar dinero plstico. People didn't use to plastic money. 4. La gente no sola preocuparse por la salud fsica. People didn't use to worry about physical health. 5. La gente no sola tomar fotografas con un telfono celular. People didn't use to take pictures with a cell phone.

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