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The Side effects of radiation therapy may happen because of high doses of radiation used to kill cancer cells

can also damage healthy cells in the treatment area. Side effects are different for each person. Some people have many side effects; others have hardly any. Side effects may be more severe if you also receive chemotherapy before, during, or after your radiation therapy.

Skin changes Fatigue Other changes depend on the part of body being treated: Diarrhea Hair loss in treatment area Mouth problems Nausea and vomiting Sexual changes Swelling Trouble swallowing Urinary and bladder changes Infections







Bacterial Infections

Oral mucositis refers to the particular inflammation and ulceration that occurs in the mouth. 2. Oral mucositis is a common and often debilitating complication of cancer treatment. 3. Oral mucositis can present as patchy mild erythema to frank confluent ulceration.

It cannot be easily distinguished from other infections. Along with this lesion alteration of taste sensation and lack of saliva is also seen. It may be exaggerated with the local factors.

topical oral preparations can reduce symptoms of oral; chlorhexidine mouth wash If pain is severe enough to limit eating, systemic analgesia should be considered. Prevention ; Limit the radiation to affect the soft tissues and to prevent its reoccurance

Xerostmia is termed as dry mouth or dry mouth syndrome. Local and total body irradiation may irreversibly affect the production and quality of saliva in the major and minor salivary glands. The reduced saliva affects the speech, taste and nutrion. Saliva contains antimicrobial agents which reduces due to lack of saliva leading to caries,candidiasis and other periodontal diseases. Saliva also mechanically keeps the oral cavity clean which is impossible. Management :it is managed by giving sialogogues and suitable electrolytes

Colonization of the yeast on damaged tissue can intensify the symptomatic effects of radiation on the mucosa. There is multiple presentation of candida including pseudomembranous (removable white plaques with an erythematous base), chronic hyperplastic (leukoplakia like plaques that do not wipe away), and chronic cheilitis. These infections should be eliminated to decrease mucositis and the chance of distant gastrointestinal infections. Management : Nystatin or clotrimoxazole mouth wash


Soft Tissue Necrosis


This condition is secondary to fibrosis which occurs in the muscles of mastication after being within the field of radiation. Best management is to encourage physical therapy during and after the radiation is administered.

The primary etiologies for this type of chronic complication are due to excessive doses delivered to the tissues via interstitial implants or secondary to soft tissue irritation from an inadequate fitting prosthesis.

Osteoradionecrosis (ORN) is a condition of nonvital bone in a site of radiation injury. There is absence of reserve reparative capacity is a result of the prior radiation injury. There is decrease in healing capacity of the tissues due to decreases in blood supply

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