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Essentials of Marketing Research

Kumar, Aaker, Day Instructors Presentation Slides

Essentials of Marketing Research Kumar, Aaker, Day

Chapter Three
The Marketing Research Process
Essentials of Marketing Research Kumar, Aaker, Day

Marketing Research Process

MR Process Evolves From Answers to Five Key Questions

should we do research?
research should be done?

What Is

it worth doing the research?


should the research be designed to achieve the research objectives? will we do with the research?


Essentials of Marketing Research

Kumar, Aaker, Day

Market Research Process

Marketing Planning and Information System Planning System Strategic Plans Tactical Plans Information System Databases DSS

1. Agree on Research Process Problems or Opportunities Decision Alternatives Research Users

2. Establish Research Objectives

Research Questions Hypothesis Boundaries of Study
Kumar, Aaker, Day

Essentials of Marketing Research

Market Research Process

Estimate The value Of information


Do not conduct Market Research

4. Design the Research
Choose among alternative Research Approaches Specify the Sampling Plan Design the Experiment Design the questionnaire

5. Collect the Data

Essentials of Marketing Research Kumar, Aaker, Day

Market Research Process

6. Prepare and Analyze the Data

7. Report the Results and Provide Strategic Recommendations

Essentials of Marketing Research

Kumar, Aaker, Day

Market Research Process

1. Agree on Research Purpose 2. Establish Research Objectives 3. Estimate Value of Information

4. Design the Research

5. Collect the Data 6. Prepare and Analyze Data 7. Report Research Results
Essentials of Marketing Research Kumar, Aaker, Day

The Marketing Research Process

(Research Purpose)
Research purpose is a shared understanding between manager and researcher about

or opportunity to be studied of decision alternatives




Essentials of Marketing Research

Kumar, Aaker, Day

The Marketing Research Process

Step 1

or opportunity analysis of decision alternatives


Evaluation Research


Essentials of Marketing Research

Kumar, Aaker, Day

The Marketing Research Process

(Research Objective)

A statement, in as precise terminology as possible, of what information is needed


be framed to ensure information obtained will satisfy research purpose

Three Components:
Research Question Hypothesis Development Research Boundaries

Essentials of Marketing Research

Kumar, Aaker, Day

The Marketing Research Process (Contd.)

Step 2

Research Objective

statement, in as precise terminology as possible, of what information is needed


be framed to ensure information obtained will satisfy research purpose

Research Question Hypothesis Development Sources of Hypotheses Research Boundaries

Essentials of Marketing Research Kumar, Aaker, Day

The Marketing Research Process

(Research Objective)
Research Purpose Research Question Hypothesis The design that conforms to the advertising message is best. Builders Squares image is not as good as its competitors image.
Kumar, Aaker, Day

Develop a can How effective is design for the each of several new Miller beer different design alternatives? How can What is the current Builders Square image of Builders increase store Square? traffic?
Essentials of Marketing Research

Hypothesis Development


Research Purpose

Research Question

Management Experience Exploratory Research


Research Design

Essentials of Marketing Research

Kumar, Aaker, Day

The Marketing Research Process (Contd.)

Step 3

the Value of Information

Value Concept


Essentials of Marketing Research

Kumar, Aaker, Day

The International Marketing Research Process


research process is consistent for both domestic and international markets


of market environments affect international marketing research process

Essentials of Marketing Research

Kumar, Aaker, Day

Major Environmental Forces Influencing International Marketing Research Process


Environment Environment Multimedia and Infrastructural

Social-cultural Political

and Legal Environment



Essentials of Marketing Research

Kumar, Aaker, Day

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