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MITs EHS Program 2000-2005

Bill VanSchalkwyk
Environmental Programs Office Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Reported New Program to HERUG- 2001: EHS Management System Concept

Now 75%+ Complete No Longer a Concept Reporting Today on Progress & Outcomes


Todays Report:
What is EHS? Intent- Why a Management System? How- The EHS Development Process Concept in 2001 and Outcome in 2005 Technology (SAP and other) Support Opportunity and Barriers Expectations as We Complete Build Phases

What EHS is: (Environment, Health, Safety)

Environment- Conserving Air, Water, Soil, Plants, Animals, Wildlife, Our Community (causing no damage) Health- Preserving Human Health both Chronic and Acute (preventing illness)
Safety- Preserving Human and Community Safety/ Well Being (preventing injury)

Intent: Why an EHS Management System at MIT?

Professional Management:
Manage Cost (2nd and 3rd order) Lower Risk Avoid/ Mitigate Incidents Address Local Culture and Issues Enable- not Impede


Scope of EHS Management System:

43 Departments Laboratories and Centers Facilities, Student Life, Athletics
Cogeneration Facility, Research Nuclear Reactor, Linear Accelerator Campus Community ~ 20,000 people

3351 Lab Rooms (2481 Campus, 870 MIT LL) 575 Principal Investigators (incl. LL) 49 Departmental EHS Committees 40+/- Local (DLC) EHS Coordinators 18 Central (EHS Office) Lead Contacts

The EHS Development Process

Sustainability: Involve Faculty, Researchers, Administration and Students in EHS-MS Systems Design to Ensure Client Satisfaction, Utility, Widespread Ownership

Institute Direction
Senior Officers Provost Chancellor Executive Vice President Institute Committee on Environmental, Health, and Safety Ad Hoc Subcommittee Overseeing the EHS Management System Development

Leadership and Oversight

Work Production
Working Committee EHS Management System Design and Implementation

Heavy Lifting
Project Team

Project Manager


Senior Administration

Students Researchers
Rep. Faculty, Researchers, Administration



Concept: 2001and Results: 2005

(* = Major Technology Support Indicated)
2001 Design Element
1. EHS Policy 2. Organization* 3. Inventory* 4. Training Program* 5. Auditing Program* 6. Incidents* 7. EHS Manual* 8. Pollution Prevention 9. Measurement* 10. Third Party Audit

2005 Outcome
Policy Complete 12/01 Installed 06/2002* Alternative Implemented 12/2002* Interim System 09/2002* Began 04/2003* Developing Now* Went Live 06/2004* Planned 10/2005 Mgmt Reports Planned 4/06* Planned 06/2006


2001 Inventory Proposal

MIT-EHS Management System Concept Components
1. Controls/Preventative Measures/Compliance Oversight Linchpin Purchasing Automation and Integration: Chemical/Biological/Radioactives Inventory Automated tracking of purchase, destination and disposal of chemicals/biologicals/radioactives (Later phase may track internal consumption and transport.) Facilitated by vendor (bar coding/other electronic transfer of information) Facilitated by e-commerce service

Interface with regulatory briefing/training and auditing

Interface with internal marketplace Interface with toxic use reduction opportunities

Inventory Alternative
Central and Departmental Objectives of Inventory Purchasing System Not Optimized for Inventory Inventory Not Providing EHS Second Order Data Needed Positioning MIT to be Prepared for a Regulatory Imposed Inventory Limit to Prospect of Internal Marketplace


Alternative: PI/Space Registration,

PI/Space: Modeled on Radiation & Biological Programs Based Upon
Who is in Charge, What Areas Under Control, Hazard Potentials in Area

3300+ Areas Registered


Inventory Support, Proactive P2 Program

Local Inventories Popular Position MIT to Expand Institute-Wide Central Support to Keep Awareness High
P2 Encourages Less Hazardous Use
Student Studies Possible Integration w/ Procurement


Training: Needs Determination

Not Possible to Determine Needs by Job Description Several Thousand Personnel Not Classified Employees (Students) Needs Assessment Based Upon Activities Over 6,000 Persons (Users) of Program to Date


Training Implementation
Needs Based Approach Web Based Modules Live Training Options Central Record Keeping Non SAP Now- But Conversion Planned for Appropriate Components

Subset of Institute-wide Training Initiative


Findings Results of
Audits, Incidents

Track Corrective Actions Notify Affected Parties Initiates Work Orders (Integration) Paper System In Conversion Now

SAP Implementation Notes

EHS Business Processes Not Mature
- Business Process Development is Concurrent DesignBuild Due to Regulatory Requirements Roll Out New Process Manually and Paper Based (Audit)

Enforce and Re-Enforce Lock In of Business Processes (Vote on Lock-in) Make Hard Decisions on Enhancements and BP Changes

SAP Implementation Notes

Academic Development Process Different from Tech Development Process Central EHS Office New to Entire Business Process Development and Modeling
Nature Of Research Culture is One-off, Not Always Systematic, and Change Oriented Technology Personnel Seek Stable, Mature, TriedTested Processes to Model and Support

Need to Collaborate at All Levels for Groups to Learn How Each Other Operates Need Small Success Early to Ignite Change and Innovation

SAP Implementation Notes

Academic DLCs Decentralized- Not a Monolithic Client No Single Person Can Represent the Client
SAP Implementation Methodology Suggests a BP Expert Join Development Team EHS Office Unable to Satisfy This Need with an Wide-Knowledge Resource

Variation to this Process- IS&T Attend EHS Meetings, EHS Attend IS&T Development

SAP Implementation Notes

PDA Support
Desired by Clients especially for Inspections Determined Support in EHS Committee

Planned for later Deployment


Future Activity
Future Business Processes
Pollution Prevention Local Inventory Support TSCA and other Regulatory Programs

Retirement of Local and EHS Office Systems

Select Agents Bio and Rad Protocols Asbestos Sampling and Abatement Data

Balanced Scorecard Approach


Bill VanSchalkwyk MIT Environmental Programs Office

Hal Burchfield MIT Information Services and Technology


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