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UWE Bristol

The Progression Examination

Dr Paul Spencer
Researcher Skills Development Officer
+44 117 32 83974

The Progression Examination

Why have the examination?

Procedures who does what?
The report what is a doctorate?
The viva what to expect
The outcomes

Why have the progression examination?

It is a university requirement
Identify any problems at an early stage of the

research - appropriate action taken

To provide students with constructive/critical advice
from independent examiners
To enable the student to reflect on progress made so
To ensure the student, supported by the supervision
team, has; (see next)

Ensuring the student has;

Adequately defined the objectives and scope of the

research project
Actively engaged in working on the research project,
and has made progress commensurate with the time
Appropriate survey of the relevant research literature,
and has demonstrated an ability to make a critical
evaluation of published work

Acquired an appropriate knowledge of research

methods applicable to the area of research, and

can explain and justify her/his choice of research
Addressed any conditions of ethical approval
Developed an adequately detailed plan of work
to enable research degree to be completed
within the expected time period

Procedures who does what?

Registration letter gives the month and year of

the viva
Faculty Research Degrees Committee is
responsible for appointing examiners for the
progression examination
Examination to be conducted by two independent
members (not associated with the project)
Supervisors are responsible for giving advice to
the student on the report

Progression Exam
the progression examination is a formal test of
progress in the early stages to ensure a suitable basis
for continuation on the programme has been
Two elements:
1. Progression report
2. Progression viva voce exam

The Progression Report

Should include the following: i Provisional title of thesis or collection of

published works
ii Concisely worded statement of aim of research
iii Reference to work already completed and
planned future work, and how this fulfils the aim of
the research

Progression Report Part 1

(written for the examination)
Word limit: 3000-6000 words

Background to the research proposal

A critical summary of the relevant related

research work
The methods being used
Timescales for the remaining stages of the
work, including proposed submission of the

Progression Report Part 2

(material already written)
This is optional with no word
Full literature review
Published papers
Thesis chapters already
Anything else you want to

The Viva
Proceeds automatically
following submission
Advice as well as probing

The examiners have the following options to consider

Approve - continue registration

Fail - withdrawal of registration
Additionally from October 2013*
Resubmit with or without a further viva voce
*Applies to candidates registered from this date forward

If examiners are satisfied then they complete a

report recommending student be approved to

continue their registration.
Faculty RDC submit report to Research Degrees
Award Board for confirmation
The Examiners report (feedback) is made available
to the student & supervisory team


Where the recommendation is a resubmission, there shall

be a clear rationale and feedback for the candidate of what
needs to be done to bring project back on track
This information will be sent to the candidate & supervisory
Maximum time to resubmit is 5 months (for Part Time
Candidate will only be exempt from further viva if the report
is sufficient to demonstrate the project is back on track


If examiners are unable to agree then they submit a report

to Faculty RDC
A second viva will then be held
Faculty RDC will nominate a third examiner to conduct the
Recommendation is then made to the University Research
Degrees Award Board (RDAB)

Candidate may appeal as per H27 of regulations

(Appeal against a decision of an examining board)

Supervisors required to submit a statement on
progress of the candidate
Previous progress reviews can be taken into
account (if appropriate)
RDAB can uphold the decision or require a second

Online resources
The UWE Graduate School webpages
Guidance notes of progression exam
The Digitally Connected Researcher blog
UWE Gradschool twitter account

The power of ideas

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