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Carmen Yan Ponti Saquicela

Whats promotion?
Refers to the method of communicating messages to the market with the intention of selling something.

For example: sales promotion, branding, publicity, advertising campaign and so on.
Its important especially for the early stage of the products life cycle, but its really expensive.

Objectives of promotion



Objectives of promotion

Types of promotion
Above-the-line (ATL) Below-the-line (BTL) Pull promotion

Push promotion

Types of promotion

Above the line promotion

Television advertising
Radio advertising Cinema Newspaper advertising Magazines Outdoor advertising

Above the line promotion


Below the line promotion

Branding Slogan

Packaging Word-of-mouth promotion Direct marketing Direct mail Sales promotion

below the line promotion


Below the line promotion


Promotional mix
A set of tools that a business can use to communicate effectively about their products and services.

Considering the next acronym (AIDA):

Attention- raise awareness of the product. Interest- keep customers interested. Desire- generate the feeling of desire of the product. Action- encourage customers to take action.

Alternative approach: FAB (Features, Advantages and Benefits). Cost of promotional medium The nature of the product The products position in its life cycle Legislation

The science of arresting the human intelligence long enough to get money from it Examples: advertisements on television, radio, billboards, in-store displays, etc. What is said and how it is said, is important when trying to stand out of competence.

Common advertising techniques.

Bargain appeals Celebrity endorsement Comparative advertising Direct response advertising

Feel good factor

Guarantees Numerical or scientific claims Sex appeal Slogans

Types of advertising

Personal selling
Relies on representative that help and persuade potential customers.

Methods: face-to-face meetings, telemarketing, door-to-door sales.

Advantage Sales person can tailored the customer needs and establish a long-term relationship Disadvantage Sales agents can be expensive to hire, because they are skilled in the knowledge of the product.

Personal selling

Public relations (PR)

Establishes and protects the desired image of an organization. They report events in a positive way and form a businesss point of view. Is a long-term and ongoing strategy.

Heavily relied when a business has to face a crisis.

Sales promotion
Short-term incentives to stimulate sales of product. Example: discount coupons, prize draws, free product sample and trade fairs. Get rid of excess or old products. Attracts new customers. Sales promotion can be very expensive.

Sales promotion

Promotion and business strategy

Considered to be socially irresponsible. It creates jobs for people.

Promotion leads to substantial increase of sales.

High advertising elasticity of demand.

Ambushes or catches the attention of customers through unusual or shocking techniques. It uses the Guerrilla marketing.

Guerrilla marketing
Bag-vertising Bra-vertising

Fancy dress

Buzz marketing Lavatories

Guerrilla marketing

Unethical and socially irresponsible promotional techniques.

Pester Power
Confusion marketing Ambush marketing Infiltration marketing Pop-up advertisements

Unethical promotion

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