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Theology The Study of God

Systematic Theology
Studying God by looking at the different aspects of His character separately.

Different Areas of Systematic Theology

Bibliology (Bible) Anthropology (Man) Christology (Christ) Pneumatology (Spirit) Eschatology (End Times) Angelology (Angels) Hamartiology (Sin) Soteriology (Salvation) Ecclesiology (Church) Theology Proper (God)

We Are All Theologians.

Why is it important?
It is foundational to all other areas of theology. The Bible is the basis of the Christian faith and life know what you believe about the Bible before you spend time studying it. Every area of Theology comes from the Bible so this is the starting point.

7 Key Areas of Study in Bibliology Revelation What is the content of the Bible? Inspiration How was the Bible written? Authority What weight does the Bible have for faith and practice? Canonicity How were the true Bible books determined? Illumination How can the Bible be understood? Animation What is the inherent quality of the Bible? Interpretation How is the Bible to be explained?


A. Revelation 1. Introduction 2. Types of Revelation a. General b. Special B. Inspiration C. Authority D. Canonicity E. Illumination.

Bibliology 1. Revelation Introduction Types of Revelation General Special

Revelation - from the Greek apocalypsis Occurs 18 times in the NT (Galatians 2:2; Revelation 1:1) Literally means a disclosing or uncovering of something previously hidden

Bibliology 1. Revelation Introduction Types of Revelation General Special

General Revelation
It is called general because anyone can get it
2 Forms of general revelation are from the

World (of Nature)

Conscience (Of Man)

World Of Nature

Psalm 19:1-4; Romans 1:19-20

What is revealed about God (what does the Bible tell us is revealed about God from nature)? God exists God is powerful God has knowledge God is Supreme / Great God is Good (Acts 14:16-17)


Bibliology Revelation Introduction Types of Revelation General Special

Conscience of Man
Romans 2:15

Its function in a person implies the existence of God or a Supreme lawgiver because this ability is not selfacquired but created (probably at conception)

General Revelations Limitations

It brings enough truth to bring responsibility so people are without excuse and guilty
It does not provide enough truth to be saved because we cant know about Jesus from just looking at nature or thinking about god.

Bibliology 1. Revelation Introduction Types of Revelation General Special

Special Revelation
Personal Experiences (audible voice; dream; vision; angel) Miracles Prophecy Life of Jesus On Earth Bible
(Over 3800 times the Bible claims to be divine (Gods) revelation)

Special Revelation
Arguments for Believing that the Bible is from God
Self-Claims If the Bible is true when it talks about science, geography, history, math we would tend to accept that all of it is true
Indestructibility Both physical and intellectual attacks have come against the Bible for thousands of years and its still standing (Voltaire) Fulfilled Prophecy about 20% of the Bible was prophecy about the future when it was written and much has been fulfilled. There were over 300 prophecies about Jesus written hundreds of years before He came.

Arguments for Believing that the Bible is from God

Scientific and Historical Accuracy No science or history book is without error, yet the Bible, in all of its statements, is proving to be true. Influence for Goodness and Justice The Bible has helped promote social, cultural, and humanitarian good as no other book The Bible has helped change countless lives Contents (the Bible is not a book man would write if He could)

(sin; salvation not by works; highest ethical standards; people God uses are often major sinners;
(Unity it all fits together yet written by more than 40 authors over 2000 years)

Concluding Facts
Written Revelation is not exhaustive Written Revelation is progressive Written Revelation is primarily intended for the believer Written Revelation has been completed
So realize how much there is to know about God and how little we know and be in Awe of our Awesome God Think about how to use General Revelation in sharing the Gospel with your friends. Dont ever forget about the importance of Special Revelation especially the Bible

I hope these slides help you in some way (feel free to delete this slide).
Feel free to contact me for any reason. I have some handouts and extra info for some of the slides that I did not include. There are also a few notes at the bottom of some slides, but not as much as I should have. If you have some great ideas or help or criticisms, or just want to talk, give me a call or shoot me an email. (515) 448-5414

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