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Date :- 24 Oct 10 By Mahesh Limaye

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5 S is a tool for WASTE ELIMINATION

Copyright 2007 Larsen & Toubro Limited. All Rights Reserved.

Different wastes
Defect Over production Waiting Not utilizing persons talents Transportation / material handling Inventory Motion Excessive processing

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Needs for a product or service

Quality Safety Availability Delivery Variety Cost

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Tool Kit Comparison

Major Tools Cp/Cpk DOE SPC FMEA Regression Process Map 5 whys /2 hows Pareto Fishbone 5S Visual Mgmt Poka-Yoke Spagetti Chart Kanban Takt Time Std Work SMED TPM Cellular Flow CPI (6s) 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Kaizen Lean Description Process capability assessment Design of experiments Process control based on statistics and data analysis Risk assessment tool Correlate effect one variable has on another Map process steps to communicate and identify opportunities Determination methods for root cause discovery Column chart ranking items highest to lowest Cause / Effect Diagram Elimination waste Emphasis on visual techniques to manage process Error proofing techniques Product / people / paper flow mapping Material storage technique used to control process Determine pace or beat of a process Evaluate tasks done during a process Single minute exchange of dies - Quick machine set up Integrate maintenance strategy with process Reduce inventory & cycle time thru process layout and pull production techniques

4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

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5 S lays foundation for

Clean workplace improved safety & productivity Making problems Visible Create space for new activity Continuous Process Improvement Positive perception of members & outsiders

Copyright 2007 Larsen & Toubro Limited. All Rights Reserved.

What is 5S
5S Original Japanese
1S 2S SEIRI (Segregation) SEITON (Arrangement)

Meaning in English
Sort out unnecessary items in the workplace and discard them Arrange necessary items in good order so that they can be easily picked for use A place for everything Everything in its place Clean your workplace thoroughly so that there is no dust on floors, machines and equipments


SEISO (Clean)


SEIKETSU (Standardize)
SHITSUKE (Discipline)

Maintain high standards of workplace at all times

Train people to follow good housekeeping discipline automatically 7/20
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First S - Seiri : Segregate

ACTIVITIES 1. Go through what you have 2. Segregate/identify what you need 3. Categorize needed / not needed items 4. Discard What Is Unnecessary 5. Establish a well defined disposal system

INDICATOR OF SUCCESS 1. Decrease in unnecessary items and reserve stock 2. Percentage of area / space saved
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First S - Seiri : Segregate

Removal of unwanted material from workshops and offices

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Second S - Seiton : Arrange

ACTIVITIES 1. Set things in order by creating a place for everything. 2. Put everything in its place 3. Keep accessibility as easy as possible. 4. Use the principle of wide range and shallow depth for storage. SUCCESS INDICATORS 1. Time saved in searching 2. Time saved in handling material
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Second S - Seiton : Arrange

How to promote good order
Putting in order

Things needed Seldom used But still needed

Enclose in a separate Designated Place

Things not needed

Things used Constantly

Things used occasionally

Potentially Useful
Consider where useful and move to designated place

No potential use Disposal after careful analysis

Place as close as possible

Place a little further

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Second S - Seiton : Arrange

Arrangement of Tubes boxes Files Offices

Lifting tackles

PEEP Place for Everything & Everything in its Place

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& storage racks

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Third S - Seiso : Cleanup

ACTIVITIES 1. Clean equipment, tools, furniture, records, etc. 2. Keep the workplace spotless 3. Sweeping, wiping, polishing, painting, etc. SUCCESS INDICATORS 1. Reduction in machine downtime 2. Increased life of the machine parts 3. Reduction in number of accidents 4. Reduction in rejection / rework
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Neat & Clean office

And pantry


Third S - Seiso : Cleanup

5 Levels of Housekeeping 1. 2. Horizontal surfaces / floor full of unwanted material. Vertical surfaces / areas near walls having clutter.


Horizontal, vertical surfaces clean and have no unwanted items. However, storage areas, record rooms disorganized.
Storage areas, machines, offices are clean. All materials, furniture, documents properly organized, labeled and numbered. Factory / office is immaculate at all times
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Fourth S - Seiketsu : Maintain Standards

Activities 1. Create standards and initiate steps to maintain them 2. Devise ways to a. Expose hidden problems b. Surface abnormalities 3. Create visual control systems SUCCESS INDICATORS 1. Number of areas / covers made transparent 2. Number of new problems exposed and solved
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Fourth S - Seiketsu : Maintain Standards

Standardized Building Signage

Workshop signanges

Emergency evacuation plan

& emergency telephone numbers

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Fifth S - Shitsuke :Discipline

ACTIVITIES Create general awareness about 4S Training to everyone Share success to get more enthusiasm SUCCESS INDICATORS High employee morale Involvement of people in the movement

Efforts to make discipline .. a way of life !

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Commitment from the top leadership Participation from all people in the organization. Allot a day and time for the activity Understanding of following:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. A clean workplace is high in PRODUCTIVITY A clean workplace has high QUALITY A clean workplace keeps COST down A clean workplace ensures DELIVERY on time A clean workplace is SAFE for people to work A clean workplace is high in MORALE

The program would be more effective when it is included in the small group activities
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Excellence through 5S

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