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Understanding Discipline Self Discipline


To understand the importance of self discipline in the uniformed public services

Objectives Describe the key qualities related to self-discipline Identify your individual self-discipline qualities wE&feature=related g&feature=related

Self- Discipline Do you have it???

Qualities and Self-Discipline

Group Task

What is self-discipline?

Self Discipline
Essential Quality for a member of the Public services

the ability to apply

yourself in the correct manner Gray et al 2008

Personal Grooming
First impressions DO COUNT! You are the only pages of the uniformed public services book anyone may see Important to create the right impression

Is needed to run efficiently and effectively

If you are late for a shift or meeting you could be preventing your service working effectively

Time Management
Needed to prioritise workloads Work comes first the paperwork or the emergency ?????? What if the paperwork is the emergency ????

Organisations are only as reliable as their members Increased reliability = Increased Dependability Decreased reliability = Destructive public confidence

We all have to do things we don't want to do
List some!!!!!!!!!

What kind of person you are depends on whether you battle can through In the U.P.S. You are part of a team Previous hard work can be put at jeopardy

How cool are you under pressure?
Prove it !!!!! Group task !!!!

People will turn to the U.P.S. first Order can be brought through calmness and clear thinking

Can you show sympathy when your annoyed??? Examples!!!! You can not allow personal feelings to affect your judgement You must be someone who can be trusted You should be able to alter your attitude to the situation


Personality in the U.P.S. = Distinctive, attractive qualities We are not lemmings Can be altered through work and reflection Can make you liked or dis-liked

You cant just think of yourself in a U.P.S. Reduced performance = Reduced moral and Team spirit You are always monitored (pages of the U.P.S)

Always Disciplined??
The Uniformed Services still like to have some fun.......

Lack of Self Discipline

No self discipline = unable to do job, un reliable, not accepted, low moral etc Teams are only effective if people have faith in them Disciplinary action if rules and regulations are broken This can not replace the lack of trust from the

Consequences of a lack of discipline jg&feature=related 8im4Ix8

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