MC Donalds

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HRM in Action

Presented by: Haris Manzoor MBA (AB) 1st Year

IABM Bikaner



Introduction Restaurant management structure Learning opportunities in McDonald Conclusion Learning Preferences

Types of Learning Preferences

Culture based preferred learning style

IABM Bikaner



According to McDonalds founder Ray Kroc if we are going to anywhere, weve got to have talent, and Im going to put in my money in talent The success of the organization lies in two key HR processes recruitment & selection and learning & development McDonalds hires for attitude and not for qualification or skills Nearly half of companys 400 odd senior management in India joined at crew level with class 10 or 12 certificates Company hires school drop outs too from rural areas Selection level opportunities followed by robust learning environment &

25-30% of the ground staff opts for further education

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Restaurant Management Structure

Restaurant manager

First assistant manager

Second assistant manager Trainee floor manager Floor Manager Training squad Crew member Trainee Manager

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Learning opportunities in McDonalds

1. 2.

Two types: Internal Universe of Learning Opportunities External Universe of Learning Opportunities

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Internal Universe of Learning Opportunities

Wide array of courses depending on employee role & level Courses are job oriented, ranging from few weeks to few months & funded by company At crew level, classes conducted at the store Management Development Programme (MDP) for those showing interest & competence to grow Operations consultant course (OCC) & Training consultant course (TCC)

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Levels of Management Development Programme (MDP)

Basic shift management (BSM): Trainee Managers Advance shift management (ASM): Second assistant manager System management course (SMC): First assistant manager Restaurant leadership programme (RLP): Leadership skills

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External Universe of Learning Opportunities

Bachelors of Business Administration (BBA) from IGNOU: manager level


Veta Fluent English Course from IGNOU in association with Retailers Association of India: 60% discount for company GCAP (Graduate Career Advancement Programme): get crew members directly to second assistant manager post on its completion Employees free to pursue higher studies in areas of their interest & 60-70% fee funded by the company In addition, Talent management team employees to provide coaching & guidance selects high potential

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McDonalds provides excellent learning opportunities to its employees which prove to be highly motivational McDonalds believe in Hire for Attitude and Train for Skills McDonalds global culture ensure that even a 21 year old can run a business McDonalds attach great value to its human resource, which is one of the key contributing factor to its success

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Learning Preferences

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With the growth of multinationals, trainers now face multicultural audience If handled well, multi-cultures can create a wonderful learning environment & if not done so, it can create a roadblock to learning Learning preferences vary from culture to culture Learning is most effective when learning preference of learner is taken into account

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Types of Learning Preferences:

(Honey & Mumford-1982)
1. 2. 3. 4.

Activists: I like to have a go & see what happens Reflectors: I like to gather information & mull things over Theorists: I like to tidy & reach some conclusion Pragmatists: I like tried & tested techniques that are relevant to my problem

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Culture based preferred learning style

Preferred learning style Power Distance High Activist Reflector Theorists Low Y Individualism High Y Y Y Y Low Masculinity High Low Uncertainty Avoidance High Low



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Thank You
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