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Experiment #1

The goal of the experiment was

to find the separation between slits of a diffraction grating, with the known wavelength of a green laser.

The separation of the slits was

then used to find the unknown wavelengths of a red and a violet laser.

The equation dsinq=ml was

used to find the separation of the diffraction gratings slits.

d = separation of slits sinq = angle formed between grating , m=0, and m=1 m = # of order l = Wavelength of the green laser (532 10 nm)

The distance from the

diffraction grating to the center of the interference pattern and to the first order was used to find q. diffraction grating was found to be 1.33 mm 0.03 mm.

The separation of the

Red and Violet Lasers

With the separation of the slits known, it was now

possible to use the equation dsinq=ml to find the unknown wavelengths of a red laser and a violet laser. The wavelength of the red laser was found to be 637 nm 14 nm. The wavelength of the wavelength of the violet laser was found to be 399 nm 9 nm.

Laser color Position of 1st order Green
155.5 mm

194.5 mm

267.5 mm*

Distance from grating Separation of slits
*Value is position of 2nd order

532 nm 10 nm
356.5mm 1.33 mm 0.03 mm

637 nm 14 nm

399 nm 9 nm

Laser Color Measured Value Accepted Value Error Red 637 nm 14 nm 650nm 2% Violet 399 nm 9 nm 405nm 1.48%

The purpose of the experiment was to determine the unknown

separation of the slits of a diffraction grating, then find the unknown wavelengths of a red laser and a violet laser, given the wavelength of a green laser.

The red lasers wavelength was found to be 637 nm 14 nm with

2% percentage error.

The violet lasers wavelength was found to be 399 nm 9 nm with

1.48% percentage error.

Improvements Secure the laser rig to prevent it from shifting Project the laser on an area that makes marking the location of each fringe easier
1. 2.

Repeat experiment to decrease error Gather more data points

Experiment #2
A tube of an unknown gas was given.
A diffraction grating was given. The separation of

the gratings slits was told to be 1.67 mm. The goal of the experiment was to identify the gas inside the tube using the diffraction grating and the gass spectral emission lines.

Diffraction Grating
During the experiment, the given value of the diffraction

gratings slits was called into question.

Using the known wavelength of the green laser, we were

able to tell if the correct value for the diffraction gratings slits was given.

The equation dsinq=ml was used to find the separation

of the diffraction gratings slits.

The actual separation of the gratings slits was calculated to be 2.04 mm 0.05 mm.

Finding Wavelengths
Using the equation dsinq=ml, with the known diffraction

grating slit separation and distances to the center of the interference pattern and the first order, it was possible to find the wavelengths of the spectral lines that were emitted by the gas.

Red, blue, and violet were observed, of wavelengths 647 nm 23 nm,

480 nm 19 nm, and 421 nm 14 nm, respectively.

The Gas
Using the wavelengths found and by comparing the

spectral emission lines to the picture below, it was determined the gas was hydrogen gas.
*Source: http://chemed.chem.purdue.edu/

Data d Check
Color Wavelength Distance to left Distance to right Distance from grating Angle Grating separation Green 532 nm 10 nm 406 mm 402 mm 1500 mm 15.1 0.1 2.04 mm 0.05 mm

Data Spectral Lines

Color Wavelength Distance to left Distance to right Red 647 nm 23 nm 507.5 mm 498 mm 1500 mm 18.5 0.2 2.04 mm 0.05 mm Blue 480 nm 19 nm 366.5 mm 358 mm 1500 mm 13.6 0.2 2.04 mm 0.05 mm Violet 421 nm 14 nm 313.5 mm 316.5 mm 1500 mm 11.9 0.1 2.04 mm 0.05 mm

Distance from grating

Angle Grating separation

Measured Value Accepted Value Percent Error

Red 647 nm 23 nm
656.2nm .93%

Blue 480 nm 19 nm
486.1nm 1.34%

Violet 421 nm 14 nm
410.1nm 2.51%

The setup was slightly off-centered by the end of the experiment.

Improvements Repeat the experiment Gather more data points Secure all measurement devices

The purpose of this experiment was to identify the

unknown gas contained in tube by determining the wavelengths of spectral emission lines. Red, blue and violet spectral emission lines were seen. The wavelength of the red line was calculated to be 647 nm 23 nm with an error of .93% The wavelength of the blue was calculated to be 480 nm 19 nm with error of 1.34% The wavelength of the violet was calculated to be 421 nm 14 nm with an error of 2.51%

Work Cited

w/bp/ch6/bohr.html http://chemed.chem.purdue.edu/chemed/bodnergrou p/Advisor.htm

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