Leadership Values: Oscar Ty Cabahug, M.D

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Oscar Ty Cabahug,M.D.

Focus of Discussion

Focus on positive looking forward

Instead of assigning blame looking backward

Are you good enough to get better?

Accepted but invalid assumptions

Experienced med reps are well-trained

- How much training have they received, books read or seminars attended recently?

The majority of the present med reps already knows how to sell their products
- Are the med reps demonstrating intuitive selling skills instead of structured selling?

Accepted but invalid assumptions

Even without the DMs leadership and involvement, med reps will work on opportunities to pro-actively grow their territories
- Are the med reps rainmakers or reactive weathermen?

The sales team doesnt need a good DM because it is already a solid organized team
- Are the med reps acting like mountain guerillas or as members of a SWAT team?

Sales Force Performance Improvement

Knowledge and selling skills training

Motivation enhancements Critical commitments Med Reps leadership development

Critical Commitments

1. Values - Are the values of everyone in the sales

team in alignment?

2. Leadership Does everyone in the sales team

agree to follow the present leadership?

3. Communication structure Does everyone

in the sales team agree and support the required reporting structure?

Critical Commitments

4. Responsibilities and expectations

Does everyone in the sales team understand and agree with their responsibilities and expectations?

5. Rewards and consequences Does

everyone in the sales team understand and agree to the rewards of good performance and the consequences of not achieving the assigned goals?

Critical Commitments

6. Focus and strategy Are all members of the

sales team rowing in the same direction?

Corporate Values

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Customer delight Respect Excellence Achievement Trustworthiness Empowerment Sense of urgency

Sales Force Values

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Professionalism Assertiveness Willingness to learn Integrity Diligence

Critical gaps in CARELS organization

The sales team is pushed to sell more but there is no definition on what selling more involves
No definition of what best practice is

Leadership Power

1. Personal 2. Informational 3. Positional

Leadership Values
1. Being a leader instead of a lead doer 2. Having empathy, loyalty and trust in your sales team 3. Being a leadership visionary 4. Believing in the structures of selling

Being a leader instead of a lead doer

Successful leadership occurs when you actually lead your team instead of just being a lead doer
The success of a leader is measured on how you help the sales team accomplish their assigned responsibilities

Having empathy, loyalty and trust in your sales team

A successful leader offers more than just suggestions, critiques and ideas, they offer support and affirmations
- maintain a balance between positive and negative feedback

Having empathy, loyalty and trust in your sales team

- if you need to communicate a negative feedback the overall the theme should still be positive - difficult for memos to convey an overall positive message - when conversing while being emotional, it is perceived to be a personal attack rather than just a part of the job

Being a leadership visionary

Be a proactive initiator rather than a reactive leader Reactive efforts tend just to maintain business but proactive efforts create growth opportunities Do not focus on today and on history, you should look forward to improve the future

Being a leadership visionary

Strengthen the following skills:
1. Commit to being a proactive in all endeavors 2. Continually evaluate and check on all areas you are responsible for 3. Look for skill or awareness transfer opportunities to and from yourself 4. Keep asking yourself And then what?

Being a leadership visionary

Think of multiple moves ahead
Ask future focused questions Prevention is better than cure

Believing in the structures of selling

Structures of selling
1. Operational fundamentals of day-to-day selling steps of a sales call, personality awareness, product knowledge 2. Tactical ability to understand and control the steps and structures of the selling process, time and territory management 3. Strategic communication of the company philosophy and competitive market positioning

Believing in the structures of selling

Most sales reps deal only with operational and transactional issues The only way for a sales rep to succeed is to understand more the skills and structures of selling

Good things happen with planning

Though good things may also happen on their own, so do bad things

What must be done?

Identify what the present status is

Identify the best practices that should be adopted Train, coach and track yourself to get closer to doing the best practices Raise the bar to a higher level

Are you good enough to get better?

Thank You

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