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Biofuels are a wide range of fuels which are someway derived from biomass.

The term covers solid biomass, liquid fuels & various biogases. Biofuel is gaining increased public & scientific attention due to factors such as Oil price hikes Need of increased energy security Green house emission from fossil fuels

Generations of Biofuels
First generation biofuels First generation biofuels are biofuels made from sugar, starch and vegetable oils. Bioalcohols Biologically produced alcohols, most commonly ethanol and less commonly butanol, are produced by the action of microorganisms.

Ethanol is most common biofuel worldwide. Ethanol provides replacement for gasoline because it is directly used in gasoline engine. Ethanol can also be used in petrol engine after mixing with gasoline. Ethanol is also used to fuel bioethanol fireplaces.

Green Diesel
It is also known as renewable diesel.
It is sourced from various oils such as canola, tallow, jatropha. It is different from biodiesel. Green diesel is mainly used in Ireland.

Biodiesel is the most common biofuel in Europe. Biodiesel can be used in any diesel engine when mixed with mineral diesel. Biodiesel is also an oxygenated fuel, meaning that it contains a reduced amount of carbon and higher hydrogen and oxygen content than fossil diesel.

Solid biofuels
It is densified form of biomass. Example -sawdust, dried manure, charcoal. Densification includes grinding the raw biomass to an appropriate particulate size (known as hogfuel), which depending on the densification type can be from 1 to 3 cm (1 in), which is then concentrated into a fuel product.

A derivative of solid biofuel is biochar which can substitute wood charcoal since wood stock is becoming scarce.

Hydrogenated Vegetable Oil (HVO)

For petroleum refining corporations, biodiesel seizes a portion of market formerly monopolized by them and, worse, has the attribute of clean fuel (in contrast to their dirty/polluting petroleum diesel). Network of (multinational) petroleum refining corporation developed and promote the product and technology of Hydrogenated Vegetable Oil (HVO) or Biohydrofined Diesel or Green Diesel. Large minimum economic size !. ( back into the centralized, giant-scale industry era) Some automobile manufacturers [who are quite familiar and thus feel comfortable with these fuels] support the HVO development and utilization.

Second Generation Biofuels

Second-generation biofuels refers to the non-food crops i.e. waste biomass,stalks of wheat,corn,wood.

Second generation (2G) biofuels use biomass to liquid technology, including cellulosic biofuels. Scientists working in New Zealand have developed a technology to use industrial waste gases from steel mills as a feedstock for a microbial fermentation process to produce ethanol.

Some plant species produced (hydrocarbon) oils having combustion/burning characteristics nearly similar to kerosene. Example : cubeb oil from rinu/kemukus/piper cubeba, oils from fruit-seed of Pittosporum sp., gurjun balsam oil (minyak keruing) from Diphterocarpus sp. (keruing), sindora oil (minyak sindur) from Sindora sp. The main components of these oil are terpene hydrocarbons. Cubeb and Pittosporum oils seems most attractive to be explored in the near term. Electrochemical hydrogenation would also be an ideal technique to upgrade the quality (smoke point).

Third Generation Biofuels

Algae fuel, also called oilgae or third generation biofuel, is a biofuel from algae. Algae are lowinput, high-yield feedstocks to produce biofuels.
With the higher prices of fossil fuels (petroleum), there is much interest in algaculture(farming algae). The United States Department of Energy estimates that if algae fuel replaced all the petroleum fuel in the United States, it would require only 15,000 square miles.

Fourth Generation Biofuels

There is no one established definition of "fourth-generation biofuels, Some fourth generation technology pathways include: pyrolysis, gasification, upgrading, solar-to-fuel, and genetic manipulation of organisms to secrete hydrocarbons.

Second, third, and fourth generation biofuels are also called advanced biofuels.

Technology Progression
Direct Synthesis? Gasification



Cellulosic Bioethanol

Extraction from algae

Issues with Biofuel Production and Use

There are various social, economic, environmental and technical issues with biofuel production and use, they are: Effect of oil price rise The food vs fuel debate Poverty reduction potential Carbon emission levels

Air Concerns
Biomass processing technologies and biofuels use have the potential to increase emissions of ozone precursors. Increase in Nox emissions Excessive inhalation of ethanol is harmful

Combustion of ethanol would result in increased atmospheric concentrations of carcinogens

Emission of relatively large sized particulate matter

Soil Concerns
Burning biomass deprives local eco-systems of


Production of dedicated energy crops renders land fallow

Reduced land availability for cattle grazing Increased use of pesticides and fertilizers to produce energy crops contaminate ground and surface water Affects fish and wildlife

Pros and Cons of Biofuels

- Reduce the amount of greenhouse gases emitted. Much cleaner source of energy than conventional sources. - First generation biofuels can save up to 60% carbon emissions and second-generation biofuels can save up to 80%. - Create a brand new job infrastructure and will help support local economies. - Reduction in fossil fuel use. - Help rural development. - If used in any diesel vehicle and it reduces the number of vibrations, smoke and noise produced. - Biodegradable. - Non-toxic. - Renewable.

Capital cost is over 700 million dollars to develop secondary biofuel processes which would yield a better quality and more efficient fuel and reduce greenhouse gas emissions even more. Neither carbon neutral or negative as all the processes which are used to create them such as transportation, fertilizer manufacturing, fuel used for machinery, etc. Production of biofuels from rapeseed corn actually leads to more green house gas emissions then they decrease. Take a large expanse of area to grow. Land will have to be cleared for more growth. If rainforests and other high biomass lands are cleared on a mass scale for biofuel production then the amount of green house gases emitted would be staggering, up to 420 times more GHGs emitted. May raise the price of certain foods, which are also used for biofuel.

Biofuel development and production is still heavily dependent on Oil. As other plants are replaced, soil erosion will grow. A lot of water is used to water the plants, especially in dry climates. New technologies will have be developed for vehicles for them to use these fuels. This will increase their prices significantly.

Production and Trade Trends

Brazil (sugar) and the US (maize) are the leading producers of ethanol EU (esp. Germany) is leading producer of biodiesel (rapeseed) although production in the US (soybean) is rising Malaysia and Indonesia are increasing production of biodiesel from palm oil Very limited trade in biofuels to date, mainly some Brazilian bioethanol to EU


India with just 2.4% of global area supports more than 16% of the human population and 17% of the cattle population India is one of the largest importers of edible oil Where do we find the oil for biodiesel? A sustainable source of vegetable oil is to be found before we can think of biodiesel


1 MILLION HECATRES OF WASTE LAND IS BROUGHT UNDER JATROPHA CULTIVATION Can yield 0.8-1 million tons of oil For 66.9 MMT diesel (Projected 2011-12) 13 MMT bio diesel for 20% blend 11 MH land required 11 million jobs

Biofuels in india
Jatropha incentives of india (green diesel) is a part of India's goal to achieve energy independence .
Large plots of waste land have been selected for Jatropha cultivation and will provide much needed employment to the rural poor of India.

The Indian Railways has started to use the jatropha oil to power its diesel engines blended with diesel oil with great success. Currently it is used to run locomotives from Thanjavur to Nagore section and Tiruchirapalli to Lalgudi.

Initiatives taken by Government

Planning commission Committee formed Report Indian Railways Planted 7.5 million Jatropha plants on the sides of railway track Bureau of Industrial Standards (BIS) has given specification for pure bio-diesel (B100) MOP&NG MSP of Bio-diesel Rs.25/- per liter 20 centres designated for blending Oil marketing companies to make available comprehensive industry guidelines Operation, Quality & Safety IOC R&D taken up extensive studies .

Phase I Demonstration Project

4 lakh ha has been phased in 3 years i.e. 80,000 ( 2006-07), 1.6 lakh (2007-08)and 1.6 lakh (2008-09) by the MORD The quality planting material for total 4 lakh ha areas is to be arranged by the NOVOD(National oilseeds and Vegetable oils Development Board) and DST Quality planting material means- The seed should be selected from superior plants having yield of 2 kg per plant and oil content should be more than 30%

Initiatives taken by State Government

Various State Govts have taken initiatives for Jatropha Plantation notably Uttranchal: Constituted Uttranchal Bio-fuel Board to promote Biofuel in the state 2 lakh ha Jatropha plantation is proposed on degraded community land through Van Panchayat Chhattisgarh: Chhattisgarh Bio-fuel Development Authority setup on Jan.2005 for development of bio-fuel in the state Govt. fallow land being offered to private entrepreneur. Action initiated to allot 70000 ha Land on lease to private entrepreneur

RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT National Network on Jatropha

Objectives Selection of Superior planning material Standardization of Propagation techniques-Micro and Macro propagation. Standardizing agro- techniques Establishment of model plantation Tree improvement Detoxification of seed meal Development of pre-processing & processing equipments Imparting training to the farmers.

Issues for Investors

Feed stock souring own /external source Long term contract Technology Appropriate for multi food stock Extraction of value added feed stock like phytochemical formulations during pre treatment Product quality Economic consumption of chemicals Domestic Export Glycerin quality & outlet Process plant size Transportation Infrastructure sharing

Key Factors of Production

Feed stock cost Yield Conversion cost Product quality Bio-diesel sale price Glycerin sale price Energy cost Investment

Comparative Study Economic

Price of Processing Total Cost Feedstock Cost of biodiesel in $/MT in $/MT in $/MT 1 2 3=(1+2) USA Soybean Oil 560 500 1,060 Europe Rapeseed Oil 590 500 1,090 Sunflower Oil 565 500 1,065 India Jatropha Oil 770 250 1,020 Country Feedstock for Biodiesel

Long Term Government Policies

Long term plan for Energy Encourage production & usage of bio fuels Standards notification Directive /policy on procurement distribution & allocation of seeds / oils Firm Selling Price Policy on Excise & Sales Tax Encouraging Policy Customs duty Waiver on non-edible oils import & machinery initially

Biofuels are not a silver bullet for the energy problems of the world. To solve the issue of dwindling fossil fuel reserves, all viable means of harvesting energy should be pursued to their fullest. However, the fact remains that biofuels are a reliable alternative energy resource. With more development and research, it is possible to overcome the disadvantages of biofuels and make them suitable for widespread consumer use. When the technology is available, many of the disadvantages will be minimized and the market very clearly has potential. Much of this could rely on the ability of energy producers to discover better plants to raise for fuel that use less water, less land, and grows quickly.

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