A. Responsibility B. A "Useful" Education

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Vocational Curriculum (VC) I.

A. Responsibility B. A Useful Education

Vocational Curriculum (VC) II. History

A. Cottage Industry - Making goods in the home
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B. Apprenticeship

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1. Guild system - Middle Ages 2. Ben Franklin - apprenticeship academy

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Vocational Curriculum II. History

C.. Industrial Revolution
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(apprenticeship to factory/assembly demo)

D. Smith-Hughes Act - 1917 E. 1930s to WWII

1. GI Bill
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F. Today

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Vocational Curriculum V. Curriculum Design

A. Similarities to other Curricula
1. Subject Centered Curriculum -

2. Elective Curriculum -

Vocational Curriculum (VC) V. Curriculum Design

B. Factory Model
Put in students---Process students---Get a finished product

C. Current Applications
1. Practical Arts 2. Vocational Education -

Vocational Curriculum (VC) V. Curriculum Design

3. Community college -

4. University -

5. On-the-job training-

Vocational Curriculum (VC) V. Curriculum Design

D. Instructional Methods
1. Demonstration and Practice 2. Mastery Learning 3. Special Equipment, labs, group work

Vocational Curriculum (VC) V. Curriculum Design

E. Teachers
1. Work Experience and State Certification 2. Employed in their vocation 3. Minimal Teacher Experience -

Vocational Curriculum (VC) VI. Curriculum Development

A. World of work emphasized B. Five connections between Vocational Curriculum and workplace
1.Teachers in workplace 2. Advisory committees 3. Survey 4. Placement Process 5. Corporate Training

Vocational Curriculum VII. Curriculum Evaluation

A. Employment

B. Enrollment

C. (Subject Mastery)

Vocational Curriculum VIII. Appraisal

A. Difficulties/Weaknesses
1. Ideology of Capitalism
a. Materialism b. Reductionism c. Mechanistic Humans d. Exploitation ( Marx)

Vocational Curriculum VIII. Appraisal

2. Utilitarian Ethics
a. Does pleasure motivate ?
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b. Does pleasure equal goodness ? c. It thrill seeking a worthy end ?

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Vocational Curriculum VIII. Appraisal

3. Curriculum Design
a. Education vs. Training b. Technological lag
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c. Efficiency vs. Understanding

Vocational Curriculum VIII. Appraisal

B. Strengths
1. Capitalism
2. Utilitarianism
a. Working towards everyones best interest b. Has stood the test of time

3. Vocational curriculum
a. Provides skilled labor force in America b. Agriculture---industry---technology
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Vocational Curriculum IX. Conclusion

A. Continues in existence B. Evolvement of VC C. Questions

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