Personal Intervention: Name-Manpreet Kaur Mba 2 4940

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Personal intervention

Name- Manpreet kaur MBA 2 4940

Meaning of intervention
An intervention is a set of sequenced and planned actions or events intended to help the organisation to increase its effectiveness. Interventions purposely disrupt the status que.

Factors that impact the success of OD intervention

Factors relating to change situation Readiness for change Capablity to change cultural context Capabilities of change agent

Interpersonal intervention

What are T-groups?

T-groups (T for training) are unstructured small-group situations in which participants learn from their own actions T-groups evolved from the laboratory training research of Kurt Lewin (1945) T-groups focus on the what, how and why of interpersonal communication. T-groups are used by consultants to help managers learn about the effects of their behavior on others.

Goals of T-groups

Increased understanding about ones ownbehavior Increased understanding about the behaviorof others Better understanding of group process Increased interpersonal diagnostic skills Increased ability to transform learning intoaction Improvement in the ability to analyze onesown behavior

Sensitivity training

Aim is to: (1) encourage participants torecognize the effects of their behavioron others (e.g. by developing goodobservation and listening skills) (2) getparticipants to know themselves ( asking others for feedback) and toshare aspects of themselves to others(self-disclosure)

Diagnostic skills
Encourage participants to perceiveaccurately relationships between eachother The focus is on recording/observingwho is taking an active role in thediscussion (and who is not and WHY) How satisfied do participants feel inthe group discussion?

Group action skills

Encourage participants to select and act out (role play) behaviours required by the situation to learn from the experience Aim is to support coaching/counseling skills Common interventions are role plays, team building meetings, adventure games

Johari Window
Technique for illustrating the quality of interpersonal communication identifiers apersons, interpersonal style of communication Process consultants use the model to help people process data about themselves in terms of how they see themselves and how others see them Interpersonal communication judged more effective when there is fit (congruence) between how we see ourselves (private face) and how others see us (public face)

Johari window

Improving communication using Johari window

Improving Communications Using the Johari Window Reduce Blind spot through feedback from others Open Window Reduce Hidden Area Through Disclosure to others Unknown to Others Known to Others Known to Self Unknown to Self.

Motivating People to Change

General reasons for resistance

Inertia Timing Surprise Peer pressure


Motivating People to Change

Change-specific reasons for resistance

Self-interest Misunderstanding Different assessments Management tactics


Reasons for Resistance to Change

Figure 18.1


Motivating People to Change

Figure 18.2

A General Model for Managing Resistance

Realizing that current practices are inappropriate and that new behavior is necessary

Performance gap
The difference between actual performance and desired performance.


Specific Approaches to Enlist Cooperation

Education and communication Participation and involvement Facilitation and support

Negotiation and rewards

Manipulation and cooptation Explicit and implicit coercion

Harmonizing Multiple Changes

Total organization change

Introducing and sustaining multiple policies, practices, and procedures across multiple units and levels.


Leading Change

Figure 18.3


Sources of Complacency

Figure 18.4


Shaping the Future

Reactive change
A response that occurs under pressure; problem driven change.

Proactive change
A response that is initiated before a performance gap has occurred.


Shaping the Future

Reactive change
A response that occurs under pressure; problem driven change.

Proactive change
A response that is initiated before a performance gap has occurred.


Creating the Future

Companies that take the current industry structure and its evolution as givens, and choose where to compete

Companies that try to change the structure of their industries, creating a future competitive landscape of their own design.


Learning Cycle: Explore, Discover, Act

Figure 18.6


Level 5 Hierarchy

Figure 18.7


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