Marketing Promotions and Social Media

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Overview of Social Media Platforms

Social media isnt a fad, its a fundamental shift in the way we communicate. - Erik Qualman

Social Media Ecosystem

Social media embraces web-based and mobilebased technologies to facilitate interactive communication between organizations, communities and individuals.

Social Media Statistics & Demographics

We will no longer search for products and services, they will find us via social media. - Erik Qualman

Over 1 million users on Facebook If Facebook were a country it would be the 3rd largest in the world, 2x the size of the United States population Ford Explorer launch of Facebook more effective than Super Bowl ad Every second 2 new members join LinkedIn More members join LinkedIn per day than the entire enrollment of all the IVY League Schools Every minute 72 hours of video is uploaded to YouTube If Wikipedia were made into a book it would be 2.25 million pages long 93% of marketers use social media for business

Source: Socialnomics

Age Gender

Facebook Usage
Event promotion B2C Requires large brand personality The fun platform Personal use Gaming Retail Selling

Facebook Statistics
850 million users worldwide 80% of businesses use Facebook

37.6 million unique

visitors per month

Source: PEW Research Center

Twitter Usage
Real Time news & trends Industry communities B2B Brand building Listening/Engaging Live event coverage Customer Service Crisis communication

Twitter Statistics
Twitter has over 140 million active members Twitter see about 175 million tweets daily About 300,000 people visit twitter each day

Source: Edudemic, PEW Research Center

LinkedIn Usage
Networking within fields Industry news Job searches Industry groups Researching professionals Finding talent B2B

LinkedIn Statistics
200 Million members worldwide. 4 out of 5 LinkedIn members drive business decisions 64% of LinkedIns members say the site has helped grow new business

Source: PEW Research Center

Strengths and Benefits

We will no longer search for products and services, they will find us via social media. - Erik Qualman

Strengths According to Communication Type

Source: Social Media Examiner 2012 Social Media Marketing Industry Report


Benefits of Using Social Media

Businesses use social media for:

Marketing Communications Customer Service (53%) Increased customer insight (58%) Reputation prevention and crisis communications (53%)

85% of marketers reported increased exposure as a result of using social media 69% of marketers reported increased traffic due to social media use 65% of marketers use social media to gain market place intelligence

Source: Social Media Examiner 2012 Social Media Marketing Industry Report

2013 Social Media Forecast

LinkedIn Google+



Source: Social Media Examiner 2012 Social Media Marketing Industry Report


Portfolios, Co-Investors & Strategics

Portfolio Social Media Usage

Likes: 29

Followers: 474

Followers: 143 Tweets: 197 Following: 65

Followers: 127

Followers: 788

Followers: 24 Tweets: 1 Following: 10

*Mentioned on Twitter

Followers: 176 Followers: 120

Followers: 469

Followers: 23 Tweets: 1 Following: 0 *Mentioned on Twitter

Followers: 224 Followers: 297 Followers: 1077

Likes: 179

Followers: 285

Followers: 60 Tweets: 123 Following: 0

Followers: 127


Co-Investors Social Media Usage

Facebook LinkedIn
Company Page: 23 followers

Followers: 126 Tweets: 115 Following:183

Followers: 105 Followers: 303 Tweets: 55 Following: 14 Followers: 6 Tweets: 0 Following: 0 Followers: 1,312 Tweets: 14,962 Following: 427 Followers: 11 Tweets: 0 Following: 0

Followers: 2,053

Followers: 96

Likes: 3,100

Followers: 2,654

Company Page: 3 followers

Likes: 47

Company Page: 176 followers

Followers: 96


Strategic Acquirers Social Media Usage

Facebook LinkedIn Twitter
Followers: 1,175 Tweets: 53 Following: 87 Followers: 8,062 Tweets: 2,209 Following: 53 *Several Twitter handles Followers: 28,305 Tweets: 3,346 Following: 2,128 *Several Twitter handles Followers: 248,042 Tweets: 2,864 Following: 416 Followers: 379 Tweets: 198 Following: 52

Likes: 1,364

Followers: 54,061

Likes: 3,729 @MDT_Diabetes

Followers: 89,571


Likes: 45,013

Followers: 282,847

Likes: 1,185,372

Followers: 7,530

Likes: 3,517

Followers: 52,637


PTV Planning

We dont have a choice on whether we do social media, the question is how well we do it. - Erik Qualman

Interview Conclusions
PTV Team
Where PTV is today: - Mostly use social media for Individual, personal use - Not pushing out, gaining information - Not sure what Google+ is Thoughts: - Brand building - Discovery - Push out: - Unique, relevant content - Real time PCO updates - Industry news Concerns: - Regulation - Content creation - Privacy - Legality - Implementation - Time management - Branding (haters) - Intrusive

Social Media Marketers

Where social media is today: Twitter is best for businesses Social media is putting a face on a brand Without social media you miss out on connections with present and future customers, thought leaders, and influencers Full time job 40+ hours a week

Thoughts: All tweets/posts need to be scheduled An individual message should be tailored for each social media platform Must have an evaluation process


PTVs Need For Social Media

New Investors Existing Investors New Entrepreneurs Existing Entrepreneurs ?????

The conversation is already there, we just need to become a part of it. Medical community, VC community, Medical device community, entrepreneur community.

Encourage brand ALL Customers perception of attributes Networking Micro-blogging Immediate Influence Micro-blogging (image/video)

Increase awareness PTV Portfolio Explain how product works Portfolio Suggest new uses PTV ALL: Build company image PTV Portfolio

Remind customers what we do, who we are Remind customers where we are (geo, investing) Maintain customer awareness

Social media has gone from an exciting new marketing opportunity to an unavoidable requirement of any forward looking business.

Looking Forward
Next Steps
Develop a Full Marketing & Communications Plan for PTV Integrate the Social Media plan with larger marketing strategy

Questions to keep in mind

How do we create an effective strategy?
Best Practices within the portfolio

Who is PTVs target audience? What are the right social media platform(s) for PTV?
What are the best ways to engage the audience? What is our communications tone?

How do we measure the effects of our social media marketing?

Understand analytical tools available

How should we best use our time to maximize our social media results?
What time management tools are available and how do we use them? What staffing will be required to manage social media needs?

2014 and Beyond

What platforms do we want to learn more about? How do we stay in the loop? Where will PTV be headed? 20

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