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Perception: It is a process by which individuals organize and interpret their sensory impressions in order to give meaning to their environment.

Perceptions differ from person to person. Each individual perceives the same situation

differently. Group perceptions can influence ones perception. Individuals organise and interpret things based on their past experiences and the important values they consider important. Employees tend to behave and act on certain things on the basis of their perception.

Importance of perception on managerial level:


Attitude formation: Perceiving events and people is critical in attitude formation. Perception creates a basis for our attitudes, opinions, feelings, beliefs and values.


Relationship base : the managers relationship with others are based on perceptions of their basic natures and motivations. Managers identify the perceptual structures and implicit personality of employees before making work relations.

iii)Employees loyalty :When evaluating an

employees loyalty, a manager is involved with persons perception. This is an important judgement that managers make about employees.
iv)Organisational goals :The interpretation and

accomplishment of organisational goals again depend on the philosophies and ideologies of those who are expected to pursue them

Factors Influencing Perception: 1.) Perceiver

2.) Perceived 3.) Situation

Perceiver characteristics:

Values Attitudes Personality

Perceived characreistics:

Appearance Location

Situational characteristics:

Social setting
Organisational setting

Process of thePerception
ENVIRONMENTAL STIMULI Objects, events or people OBSERVATION (SENSES) Taste, Hearing, Touch, Smell, Sight

PERCEPTUAL SELECTION External Factors Internal Factors Size, intensity, Personality Contrast, Motion, Learning Repetition, Novelty Motivation Familiarity Self concept, beliefs etc

PERCEPTUAL ORGANISATION Perceptual Grouping, Continuity Proximity, Closure, Similarity

INTERPRETATION Perceptual defense, Stereotyping, Halo effect, Projection, Expectancy Effects, Internal versus External Causes, Caused for success and failures

RESPONSE Convert, Attitudes, Overt, Motivations, Feelings etc.

Shortcuts in Judging Others:

1.) Selective Perception 2.) Halo Effect 3.) Projection 4.) Stereotyping

The halo effect refers to perceiving

people in terms of good or bad. Halo effect is also responsible for finding high correlations between the ratings given to people on various dimensions.

It is the tendency to assign

attributes to someone solely on the basis of a category of people to which the person belong.

Under certain conditions, people tend to

see in another person traits that they themselves possess. They project their own feelings, tendencies or motives into their judgements of others.

Some Applications in Organizations: 1.) Employment Interview

2.) Performance Expectations (Self Fulfilling Prophecy) 3.) Performance Evaluation 4.) Employee Effort


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