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Pillow Rani aka Paddoo

Infinite Bounce
1) He was educated at the LSE and the first editor of penguin's
prestigious non fiction imprint PELICAN. In the 1930's he had
worked tirelessly for garnering British support for independence. He
was appointed as High commissioner to London. A man of forceful
opinions, he was controversial both in India and outside. They say it
seemed strange that a man who carries a such a storm around him
should have been used for delicate diplomatic missions. He was
later made the minister for Defense. He shared a strained
relationship with the then army chief General Thimmaya over
procurement of arms and deployment of troops during the Indo-
China crisis. In spite of all these shortcomings, Nehru would turn
blue when anyone pointed fingers at his diplomatic pet. During the
height of the cold war, the very news that he was scheduled to
speak in the General Assembly was good enough to cause a stir in
the United Nations and a minor stampede in its galleries. His five-
hour speech on Kashmir followed by another two hours and 48
minutes the next day set up an all-time record in any international
locution or UN declamation

Ottiyana (Ornament covering stomach)
• Hand
• eyes
• nose
• throat
• left arm
• right wrist
• right leg
• right arm
• genital organ
• great toe
• right toes
• finger
• left thigh
• crown
• earring
• bone
• left anklet
• right anklet
• Navel
• Tubular bones of the feet
• Sati the wife of lord Shiva killed herself unable
to bear the insults of her father Daksha who
chastised her for marrying Shiva. Shiva in his
rage, picked up the remains of Sati's body, and
danced the dance of destruction through the
Universe. The other gods intervened to stop this
dance, and the Vishnu's disk, or Sudarshana
Chakra, cut through the corpse of Sati. The
various parts of the body fell at several spots all
through the Indian subcontinent and formed
sites which are known as Shakti Peethas today.
4) CN Annadurai once sarcastically
remarked ' If we had to accept the
principle of numerical superiority while
selecting our national bird, the choice
would have fallen not on the peacock but
on the common crow.' What was he taking
a dig at?
Imposition of Hindi as official
• Ellatuvalapil ___________ from Palakkad district of
Kerala. He won the railway minister's award for the
reconstruction of Pamban bridge that connected
Rameswaram to Tamil Nadu in 1963.
• Later he was appointed the CMD of Konkan Railway on
contract in 1990. Under his stewardship, the company
executed its mandate in seven years.
• He was made the managing director of ______ _______
and by mid-2005, all the scheduled sections were
completed by their target date or before and within their
respective budgets. He was given the sobriquet of
________Man by the media. In 2005, he was awarded
the Chevalier de la Legion d'Honneur (Knight of the
Legion of Honor) by the government of France
E Sreedharan of Delhi Metro
• It is grown exclusively in the upper areas of the
Gangetic Plains. To protect the farmers of this
region, India and Pakistan have decided to apply
for a joint registration of the ________.
• It successful, the efforts to gain geographical
indication, or GI, will have a global impact. India
is the largest producer in the world followed by
• In essence, India and Pakistan are unable to
agree on a definition of what constitutes _____
• Indian scientists are also mapping its DNA.
• Basmati
This term was probably first used to describe the
terrain of election campaigns in the 1977
general election. Farmers and villagers who live
in the countryside of northern India, a densely
populated area that city people scornfully
dubbed the __ ____ because devout Hindu
farmers do not slaughter the sacred animals. Big
blocks of parliamentary seats from the ___
_____ region have been crucial to all five of the
Congress Party's national electoral victories in
the Nehru-Indira era .
• He is 85 now, and still teaches at the institute in
Pune, India, that he founded in 1973. He taught
his first class in 1936, but it wasn't until he struck
up a lifelong friendship with violinist Yehudi
Menuhin that brought his teachings to the West.
• With his long white hair pulled back off a broad
forehead, eyes undimmed by age, eyebrows for
which bushy would be an inadequate epithet, he
is clearly not a man to mess with.
• He was so demanding a teacher that some of
his earliest British disciples had described him
as Bang Kick Slap ______
Bang Kick Slap IYENGAR
• Each group tends to belong to the same
institution or literary and artistic group or the
same political party, with their very own devil's
advocate for verbal combat or what is known
as____ .This word is hard to define, though it is
integral to Bengali life. Before the 1930's
Bengalis had akharas where young men would
go regularly to build their physical fitness. During
the nationalist movement akharas became
hotbeds of seditious activity and were
discouraged by the govt. So the more informal
___ was used.
• Adda
• The three white lines represented the different
geographical units of _____ _____and its
frontiers. The red colour was the symbol of the
worker and the force of progress and the plough
of the kisans, formed the backbone of the
State's people. The plough on a red background
symbolizing labor substituted the Maharaja's
state flag. Three stripes represent the three
distinct administrative divisions of the state,
namely ____,________, and_______
• The flag of Jammu and Kashmir, designed
by Sheikh Abdullah. The three regions
are Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh.
• Tughlaq
• Karnad's second play, written in 1964, is perhaps his
best known
• The play shows the transformation of the character of
the medieval ruler Mohammad bin Tughlaq.
• Cho's magazine is called Tughlaq.Its mascot draws from
Muhammad bin Thuglak, Sultan of Delhi; on whom in
1968, the founder staged a play and later a movie in
1971. The plot is a socio-political satire, which narrates
the scheme and success of a small band of idealists who
take over the Government of India as the resurrected
Muhammad bin Thuglak.
They wrote to each other with rapturous frequency but the
most intimate letters will never be available to scholars and
Natwar singh once asked Vijaya Lakshmi, if the rumours
about X having an affair with Y were true. She was herself
a diva and uninhibited in her conversation. She said to me:
“Of course he did. And good for him.
Nehru, Edwina

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