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Theory that explain leadership effectiveness in term of situational moderator variable

There are 6 theory 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. LPC Contingency Theory Pat-Goal Theory Situational Leadership Theory Leader Substitute Theory Multiple-linkage Model Cognitive Resource Theory

LPC Least Preferred Coworker Describe how the situational moderates the relationship between leadership effectiveness and trait measure. STEP in LPC 1. Leader choose coworker that could work least well. 2. Rate this person on a set of bipolar adjective scale. ( eg: friendly-unfriendly, cooperate- uncooperate ) 3. Create LPC Score - LPC Score is a sum of rating on these bipolar adjective scale.

Leader who is generally critical in rating Low LPC Score Leader who is lenient High LPC score LPC score indicates a Leaders motive hierarchy High LPC Leader - main motive have close, interpersonal with subordinate ( more considerate and supportive) - achievement of task objective is secondary motive Low LPC Leader - main motive - achievement of task objective - task oriented behaviour - good relationship with subordinate will become important only if the group is performing well and no serious problem.

1. 2.


Low LPC leader value task success but High LPC leader value interpersonal success. Three aspect of situation considered on LPC Model Leader-member relation Position Power Task structure

Octan t 1 2

L-M Relations Good Good

Task Structure Structured Structured

Position power Strong Weak

Effective Leader Low LPC Low LPC

3 4
5 6 7 8

Good Good
Poor Poor Poor Poor

Unstructured Unstructured
Structured Structured Unstructured Unstructured

Strong Weak
Strong Weak Strong Weak


High LPC High LPC High LPC Low LPC

LPC score not stable over time LPC score more complex than assume LPC model not really a theory because not explain how a leaders LPC score affect group performance.

Used to select the leadership style that is appropriate to the situation to maximize performance and job satisfaction.
Leadership behavior Supportive leadership Directive leadership Participative leadership Achievement-oriented leadership

1. 2. 3. 4.

authoritative locus of control ability

Situational Factors Subordinate

Leadership Styles
Directive Supportive Participative Achievementoriented

Goal Achievement
Performance Satisfaction

task structure Formal authority work group




Task characteristic was Supportive Leadership stressful, boring, tedious or dangerous Task unstructured and complex Directive Leadership Subordinate are in experience Task unstructured and subordinate not too confident but quiet competence Task unstructured and subordinate high competence Participative Leadership

Achievement-oriented leadership

Too rational Unrealistic description of human behavior Limited Unexplained about leadership influence to change in subordinate satisfaction and performance. Leadership behavior is considered separately

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