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CST Preparation Review

Jonathan Hueso & Jose Samaniego

About The Test

.The CST test will be taken on Monday The score the school has to get is 711 We take that test to see what class we will be in the 8th grade.

How Have I Prepared For The CST

I have listened in class to all the lessons. I do all my homework for all classes. I do all my work in class.

How SFMS teachers prepared us for the CST?

They prepared us by teaching us all the things that we need to learn. They give us home work to learn more. They give us CST review booklet to review what we have learned.

Test Taking Tips: The Night and Morning Before

Before you go to sleep you have to study all the stuff you learned. Dont eat nothing heavy. In the morning eat a very good breakfast and and study for at least 20-30 min.

Test Taking Tips: During The Test

During the test never talk because if you talk they will take the test away and give you a big F. Wake your self up and concentrate. Start the test and workout the problems.

Math Tips
Make up a sheet with all the formulas you need to know and memorize all the formulas on the sheet. Read the directions carefully and don't forget to answer all parts of the question. Show all your work (especially when partial credit is awarded) and write as legibly as possible. If you have spare time go over all your questions and answer them over and see if the answer is the same as the first one. Look at your answer for careless mistakes like if the decimal is missing.

English Tips
Read the questions first! Underline the important facts. Read your facts and get your answer. Re-read your story and check you answers carefully. Eat lots of healthy food before you take the CST.

Adding and Subtracting Fractions

A fraction is not a whole number. Its is part of a number. The way it looks like is its a number on top of the other number. You have to find the least common denominator. Add the numerator NOT the denominator.

Adding and Subtracting Fractions

They can be negative or positive numbers. They can be mixed numbers. If u add them it can sometimes make a whole number. The denominator can not be bigger than the numerator. If it is bigger then it will be a mixed number.

3/10+1/10=4/10 1/2+1/2=1 2/10+2/10=4/10

Definition can not be predicted. Created in the time on the 13 colonies. It is a very primitive way of American talking Mean something different from the literal meanig. Dont let the cat out of the bag.

Good luck SFMS students

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