Pronoun (Kata Ganti)

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PRONOUN ( Kata Ganti )

Pronoun or the word CHANGE is the word used to replace nouns (Nouns) in a sentence.

Personal Pronoun ( Kata Ganti Orang ) Possessive Pronoun ( Kata Ganti Kepemilikan ) Reflexive Pronoun ( Kata Ganti Refleksif ) Intensive Pronoun ( Kata Ganti Intensif ) Demonstrative Pronoun ( Kata Ganti Penunjuk ) Indifinite Pronoun ( Kata Ganti Tak Tentu ) Interrogative Pronoun ( Kata Ganti Tanya ) Relative Pronoun ( Kata Ganti Penghubung)

Personal P I You He She We They It

Possessive P Reflexive Pronoun me mine myself your yours yourself him his himself her hers herself us ours ourselves them theirs themselves it its itself

PERSONAL PRONOUN Three Categories :

First Person, Second Person and Third Person

Personal pronouns in terms of position in the sentence divided into two (2) groups, namely:

A. Nominative Case I am an actress. She is a lawyer. He climbs the wall. They go to the cinema every weekend.
B. Objective Case I saw her at the mall yesterday. I will talk to him tomorrow.

POSSESSIVE PRONOUN That book on the table over there is mine This car belongs to my mother. This car is hers.
REFLEXIVE PRONOUN He bought some food for himself. She talk to herself. I dont want go to campus by myself. INTENSIF PRONOUN Intensive Pronoun or Replace word is also called "empathic pronoun" is a pronoun that serves to confirm or provide emphasis on the subject statements in order to be assertive and strong.
I myself must go to the campus. We ourself talked to the Principal yesterday.


Penunjuk) Demonstrative Pronoun or Replace Word bookmarks are pronouns used to show objects, people or animals in question

This..... That.... These.... Those....

INDIFINITE PRONOUN : anybody, somebody, everybody,, etc.... : all, few, both, little, etc.....

A. Indifinite Pronoun of Things B. Indifinite Quantities

Indifinite Pronoun : Anybody, anyone, anything, anywherE Somebody, someone, something, somewhere Everybody, everyone,everything,everywhere Nobody, no one, nothing, nowwhere All, most Another, others, the other, the others Any, some Both, few Each One, ones Either,neither Each other , one another Many, several

Example : We can go somewhere else. I saw someone in your house yesterday. We have looked for him everywhere. No one can pass the exam. All of the students are studying in the classroom now. Most of my friends are government employees My mother doesnt like this car, she want another.

INTERROGATIVE PRONOUN Interrogative Pronoun is a pronoun that used to ask a question, or in other words can be interpreted as a pronoun that is used to initiate a question, whether the question directly or indirectly. WHO Form of interrogative pronouns are generally used to ask people who would domiciled as subject in the sentence.

Who can dance? Who visited you yesterday? Who is that young lady? Who is making that noise?

WHOM Interrogative Pronoun form is used to ask the person who is domiciled in the subject of the sentence. Whom will you invite to your birthday party Whom will you go to Jakarta with? WHAT What has caused the trouble? What does your friend want? What is your sisters name? WHOSE Interrogative form is used to ask for ownership of something. Whose car is this? Whose books are these?

WHICH Interrogative pronoun form is used to ask the choice of something .. Which one do you like the most? Which is your pencil? Which direction is it to the theater?
WHERE Interrogative pronoun form is used to ask the place or purpose of something. Where did you find that lovely painting? Where will you spend your vacation? WHEN Interrogative pronoun form is used to ask the time for something that happen When will you finish your study? When do you intend to go abroad? When did the letter come?

WHY Interrogative Pronoun form is used to ask the reason an event occurs or an action performed.
Why did you move here? Why were you not invited to the reception? Why are you walking in the rain?

HOW Pronoun form is used to ask the state or manner of a deed is done.
How long will you be busy? How can we get there? How do you spell that?

RELATIVE PRONOUN Relative Pronoun or word is CHANGE Liaison pronoun that serves to join the successor clause adjective (adjective clause) with antecedent. Or Relative Pronoun is a pronoun that serves to combine two sentences into one by removing the parts the same.
WHO This form of relative pronouns used to replace people in the sentence, either as subjects domiciled or resident as an object.
Linda who will come here tonight is my closefriend. That man who standing infront of my house is my father.

WHOM This form of relative pronouns used to replace people in a sentence that serves as an object.
This is the girl whom you want to meet yesterday. She know the lady whom you want to talk to.

WHOSE Form of relative pronoun is used as the owner of something, whether it be the owner of objects, people or animals.
The girl whose book I borrowed yesterday is my neighbour. The man whose house I visited last night is my uncle.

WHICH This form of relative pronouns used to replace other than people, both as subject and object based
The car which I bought last week is very expensive The place which I always visit is very beautiful.

WHAT This form of relative pronouns used to replace a single object (singular noun), without mentioning the object.
This is what I am looking for. I didnt remember what you have said an hour ago.

THAT This form of relative pronouns used to replace the objects, people or animals, either as subjects or objects located in the sentence
The cat that runs fast is mine. The car that I want to buy is very expensive.

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