The Four Dimensions of Man

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What are the contemporary issues in the political, social, economic, and religious sectors in our country?

What are the root causes of these problems? How are these issues affecting our human life? In what way can young people help in solving these issues?

What should be the immediate concern of the government to ensure economic, political and social development, and nation building? Can we totally put the blame on our leaders for the problems confronting our country? Why/Why not? Can the Church be blamed for the current spiritual condition in our country?

Social, Economic, Political & Religious Situation

Economic Political



Contemporary Issues

Current Needs Of the People

Immediate Concern of the Government

1. 2. 3.


ACTIVITY: THE PIE (Group Two: Analysis) Draw a Pie. Divide the Pie into the four dimensions of man (SOCIAL, ECONOMIC, POLITICAL, MORAL). One dimension maybe smaller than the other depending on how you experienced the different dimensions in your life. Write key words that would explain why you consider one dimension as the least in your life or the greatest.

Present a particular scenario depicting the political situation of our country. Assign tasks to the different members of the group.

Present a pantomime showing the current economic and cultural situation in the Philippines. Assign tasks to the different members of the group.

What did you feel during the presentation of the activities? Why is it important to be conscious on the four (4) dimensions on your life? What do you think is the significance of knowing the present economic, political, social and spiritual conditions of our country? Do you consider the four dimensions of life equally important?

Are the four (4) dimensions of life equally important? Is the spiritual or religious dimension equally important, or the least important among the various aspects? As young people, what can you possibly do to help in solving the problems of our country?


need to be with others We need our fellow being to live our life meaningfully One popular song that will tell us of our need for others is the song, No Man is an Island


a piece of paper, write the words that struck you. Why? What does the song tells you about man as a social being? Do you agree with the message of the song? As young people today, do you find it difficult to be with others?


you, who are the most difficult people to be with? Why? Who are the people whom you can easily be with? Why? Do you find it inconvenient dealing with people who are poor? How about the sick? Why? When was the last time you visited a sick person? Or have helped a poor person in the community? Or visited somebody in prison?


is a social being. He was not created to be alone. The second account of creation affirms this. LOVE ONE ANOTHER OR DIE . When we were young we need others to survive, when we die we need others to die, but in between it is where we need others more (Morrie) We can not become who we are today without the influence, guidance and help of those who have loved us and caused us pain. The significant others in our life complete our personhood


makes us happy but this can never be realized unless we open ourselves to a genuine relationship with others. Genuine happiness can be best experienced in the context of our relationship with others Success in relationship does not depends on the number of friends that we have but on the quality of our friendship and the kind of people that we are acquainted with.


reason that give us happiness is when we feel accepted. For young people today it is a way of gauging their self-worth. Experience of self-worth can only be actualized when we are able to extend ourselves in helping others Self fulfillment and self-worth can not be achieved if we are only focused on ourselves, our purpose and worth.


is meaningful when shared with others. Sharing is doing an act of sacrifice for others. This sacrifice can only be possible if we have genuine love for others


capacity to lead, to be responsible for others ACTIVITY: HANGER Use the hanger to form a human being out of it Other than the hanger you can use anything that you have with you for as long as you can form a human being You are not allowed to use anything that can be found in your body. Once your finish then clap your hands and take your seats When everybody is finish then we start with the reporting


a human person our responsibility aside from ourselves is our neighbor, OTHERS We are our brothers keeper It is our commitment to be a man (and woman) for others This commitment does not only mean helping others financially but it includes moral, physical, social, psychological and spiritual help


communicating to people their worth and potentials so clearly that they may come to see it in themselves (Steven Covey) Leaders do not just have power over their members but they are able to inspire people under their care Leaders are born not made This calls for an argument


can also be learned and



the ability to see better things beyond our naked

eyes can see. It is looking beyond horizon with full of expectation and optimism


ability to impose upon ourselves what we expect

from others. A disciplined person is first and foremost in control of himself, his anger, desires, values, priorities, joys and difficulties


comes from the heart and is manifested as optimism, excitement, emotional connection and determination Conscience- governs the first three characteristics Authority without moral authority fails The essentials of effective leadership are authority and responsibility. Authority without responsibility is frustration and ineffectiveness(Tomas Quintin Andres)



Authoritarian Passive Participative


use of money Work Prosperity of living


of knowing what is right and wrong Does not act according to instinct
but according to what is right and wrong, what is good and bad, what is acceptable and not in a given society, culture,

religion and tradition


comes from the Latin word. MORALIS which means custom or manner. Strictly speaking it refers to moral conducts or standards


Theology is the part of theology that studies in the light of Christian faith and of reason
the guidelines man must follow to attain its final


is a practical science drawing from the dogmatic truths

the consequences for the human action and drawing man towards the realization of his final



AND MORALITY are two different

thing Both are concerned on acts but differ in the norms of judging them ETHICS- the ability to distinguish right from wrong, good and evil based from the idea of what is right/good or wrong/evil Morality deals with freedom, law, conscience and sin


is endowed with a certain degree of freedom To exercise freedom to the fullest, one has to understand the true meaning of freedom. Freedom is not absolute, but human beings are to a certain degree free.


it is true that among Gods creatures, only man has the option to choose among the different alternatives,
the meaning of freedom cannot be limited to

freedom of choice; freedom of choice is not absolute.


to do what is right Authentic freedom is not the right to say and do any thing, but to DO the GOOD (CCC1740) Is not ones private possession, but a shared freedom with others in the community


is found in TRUTH; The truth will set you free (John 8:32) Authentic freedom involves first of all freedom from everything that opposes our true self becoming with others in community (CFC 696)


Obstacles Ignorance, disordered passions, fears Personality defects, bad habits, prejudices, psychological disturbances Exterior Forces Violent force/threat of violence


(inherited handicaps and defects, external substances like drugs) compulsions

Psychological/interior Social

pressures (economic, political and cultural obstacles which impede the right to freedom (CFC 696)


greatest obstacle is SIN Liberation to true freedom means first and foremost liberation from the radical slavery of sin (Instruction on Christian Freedom and Sin 23) Freedom is the freedom for growing as full persons and children of God (CFC 697)


teachings of Jesus give emphasis to:

What lies in the heart rather than to external

Interior disposition

Need for purity of intention



The expression of the divine law, defining what

is good and what is evil

It impels us to do good and avoid evil

The most secret core and sanctuary of the

human person


without work Pleasure without conscience Knowledge without charity Commerce without morality Science without humanity Worship without sacrifice Politics without principle


of conscience

Conscience as a moral faculty Which makes known to man his moral obligation, and urges him to fulfill them Synteresis/synderesis is the elementary ground/nucleus of conscience Habitus of the ultimate moral principle DO GOOD AND AVOID EVIL


or Consequent

Antecedent if the judgment on the morality of an

action, or the obligation to perform or to omit is passed before the action is translated into reality Consequent if it evaluates the deeds already done or omitted

or Erroneous Conscience


conscience agrees with the objective norm of morality Erroneous conscience disagrees with the objective norm of morality
Vincible erroneous conscience is culpable because with

some good will, its error could be corrected Invincible erroneous conscience is inculpable, since the person has no awareness on the possibility of sin Perplexed conscience, lax conscience, and scrupulous conscience has are species of erroneous conscience


conscience passes judgment without fear of error

It suffices that all unreasonable fear be excluded



Is uncertain concerning the morality of an action Therefore it suspends or passes its judgment, but

with reasonable fear of erring.


First, look into the context of the situation Ask questions (what, when, why, when, where,

when and why. Who, what, why, when, where ,and how must be objectively asked Gather all the needed information.


things out. Consider the positive and negative consequences of your actions Consult other people especially those who you think are experts on the issue. Their opinion will help in coming up with a better decision.


considering the different possibilities, in silence reflect on your decision, and sincerely look inside your heart. Ask yourself if this is really what you would like to happen Find out if there will be peace in your heart if that is the decision you have to make


we make are not perfect We recognize the fact that we cannot do things alone. Prayer is a sign of our dependence to God, and our humility to accept that we are not as powerful as God

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