Professionalism: A Tampa Bay Workforce Alliance E-Course

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A Tampa Bay WorkForce Alliance E-Course


Adult behavior change is the process of changing the way an adult responds either mentally or physically to a specific stimulus. The process of changing adult behavior can be applied to everything from stopping a drug addiction to making your bed every morning. Adults are already set in their ways, but a change can be successfully accomplished with high levels of success.


Voluntary action is a term used by B. F. Skinner, an American psychologist, to include all learned behavior that humans and animals voluntarily use to operate in the world. The most simple reason is that people will take voluntary actions to get something they want or to avoid something they dont want. Working all week grants a person a paycheck. That is something they want, so they go to work regularly.

A person may choose not to speed while driving to avoid a ticket. Good driving helps them avoid something they do not want to receive.

Positive reinforcement answers the question of What do I get out of it? It creates a pleasurable experience in reaction to something someone has done.

Simple praising for a job well done

Thanking an employee for good attendance on the job Positive experiences will reduce the employees repeating negative behaviors

Negative reinforcement is changing behavior by taking away a consequence if the behavior is changed. Using negative reinforcement is to change behavior by pointing out the negative consequences that could be avoided. Avoid the loss of a raise by turning your work in on time Or mowing the lawn to avoid getting a fine from your landlord

The Problem with Consequences

Changing behavior must come before the behavior occurs, not as a response to it.
Reinforcement increases good behavior Consequences weaken a behavior or remove it completely Consequences are often only temporary; once enough time passes, the consequence is forgotten and the behavior is repeated


B.F. Skinner, showed that pigeons that were always in a hungry state could learn right from wrong by using food as a positive reinforcement. Pigeons discovered pecking in a certain way gave them food An employer offering a reward reinforcement program would keep the employees in line with the companys agenda

Creating a varied schedule is a gamble. Monetary payouts at certain intervals result in a persons desire to take that gamble and to make the employee want to work towards the larger goal. The employer will prolong the incentives to ensure increased work production The employer is modifying the employees behavior to perform by their own choice

The Hawthorne effect used in a business setting concerns the social dynamics of employees who feel they are being watched. The feeling of being watched increases job performance The management of the employees makes their business more profitable


In the business setting, activities involving an employees physical emotional involvement are implemented. This insures that the employees will seek out a profit seeking culture. Know your companys Mission Statement Understand the message the Mission Statement is stating For example, More than just an employeeyour family


Setting goals that are achievable for all employees. When an employee attempts to accomplish a goal established by a manager, then the employees behavior has been changed The employees behavior is geared towards the business goals The employee no longer is opposed to the companys goals

Organizational culture is the sum of the beliefs, expectations and attitudes shared by everyone in the organization. Policies, guidelines and expectations for behavior in the workplace are on an individual level Employees accept rules and guidelines

Creating guidelines such as emotional labor

Emotional labor is when employees use gestures and emotions as a natural effort.

Employees must be attentive to customers needs at all times

Employees must be eager and display their emotions

The customer is always right

Organizations expect professionalism from their employees. Requiring employees to maintain good grooming Encouraging employees to meet deadlines Using good manners and cooperation

Organizational guidelines that address motivational and positive topics.

Rewards provided to encourage good work

Encourage routine jobs with incentives

Workshops provided on job related topics

Organizational resources for employees work related needs


The fear-driven model strategy is the employer using compliance to guidelines and policies with fear of consequences. The constant sense of losing your job if certain expectations are not met Creating a hostile work environment Lack of constructive criticism

How to Promote Employee Motivation

An organization is effective only if its employees perform at high levels. It is up to the manager to inspire motivation within their employees. Managers need to understand the nature of motivation Increasing motivation and performance will increase productivity and teamwork

Contemporary management determines the direction a persons behavior will take.

An employees level of effort

An employees level of persistence Strong work ethic when faced with roadblocks or obstacles Employees that have effective direction will seek higher levels of motivation


Necessary motivation is when the employee performs for their own pride.

Employees are motivated by a companys mission statement

Employees are motivated to fight for a good cause Employees can be motivated from true enjoyment of their job


A motivated behavior performed to receive material things or social rewards.

Employees that are highly motivated by a high salary

Employees who are highly motivated by bonus incentives Employees who are highly motivated by advancement opportunities

An outcome is anything that a person receives from a job or organization.

Job security Benefits

Vacation time
Job satisfaction Independence and feeling of accomplishment

Inputs are anything a person contributes to a job. Time

Education Skills Knowledge Work behaviors

Leadership Skills / Teamwork

What works to motivate an employee? Making it a hostile environment in which to work? No, it might motivate them to quit. If employees are not motivated enough to work, it is necessary to determine the causes of lack of motivation. Watching the employees in action or a company-wide poll can find solutions to specific problems.


Attitude problems not just the lower ranked employees, the ones in leadership can have these too. The ones in charge with the attitude problems can cause the lower ranked employees to develop attitude problems. What is needed to be done to promote proper attitude through good leadership?


Provide a positive, can do atmosphere Provide a positive role model who is hard-working, helpful and friendly No ridiculing of staff members

Focus on a goal without worrying about unimportant mistakes Keep structure without being overbearing

Is the cause being given to do the job well and efficiently

Is the cause a poor one like a paycheck

Be happy you have a job, or because I said so Incentives like a free lunch or a paid day off

Is pressure being used for motivation? This can sometimes cause the opposite. Some employees may respond to them and get the job done. Most likely the job will not be done skillfully or efficiently The task will become useless and require fixing the damage done

Positive Motivation
Motivating people positively will give them a positive cause to work towards. Show your employees that you appreciate skilled people

Reward positive things such as a hard working individual

Set achievable goals

People need goals to reach, not just to get the work done but promote get it done attitudes.

Employees need training to be better at their job

Employees should not be hired because extra staff is needed

If they cannot reach certain goals, do not push them into an overwhelming situation
Goals must be tailored for a persons skill level and ability to achieve successfully


Promote an employee that does a good job and set an example for the other employees Give rewards to those who accomplish tasks and do them well Make the team successful by placing employees according to their skill and ability Do not favor employees, assign tasks by skill

Respect for skills earns respect and motivation

Simply keep the workplace a positive place where people have a reason to work for. Negativity is not a way to motivate anyone.

Thank you for participating in this Tampa Bay WorkForce Alliance E-course.

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