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Flooding is an overflowing of water onto ground that is usually dried up.

It can take place throughout heavy rains, when ocean waves come onshore, when snow melts too fast, or when dams or levees break. Flooding may take place with only a few inches of water, or it may cover up a residence to the rooftop. The mainly hazardous overflow occasion, the flash flood, happens rapidly with little or no warning; other flooding actions happen over a long age and may last days, weeks, or longer.

- Slow-Onset Floods - Rapid-Onset Floods - Flash Floods - Coastal Floods - Arroyos Floods - River Floods - Pluvial Floods

Slow-Onset Floods regularly last for a fairly longer time, it can last for one or more weeks, or even months. As this type of flood lasts for a long time, it can lead to loss of valuables, harm to undeveloped goods (For example crops), roads and rail links.

These take place gradually after there has been major rain in a catchment area. Frequently, towns have a lot of caution that such floods are near, and have the time to produce levee banks for safety.

Rapid-Onset Floods last for a fairly shorter period, they regularly last for one or two days only. Although this type of flood lasts for a shorter period, it can cause more damages and pose a larger risk to existence and homes as people normally have less time to take protective action throughout rapidonset floods.

These are also caused by serious rains, but water comes up more rapidly, often trapping motorists trying to cross enlarged rivers and separating towns quickly, then just as quickly subsiding.

They are regularly caused by thunderstorms and unexpected downpours. these fill rivers and drains swiftly, sweeping away people who try to cross. Flash floods sink very quickly.

Flash Floods may take place within minutes or a few hours after serious rainfall, tropical storm, failure of dams or levees or releases of ice jams, and it causes the greatest damages to society.

Coastal flooding occurs when usually dry, low-lying land is flooded by sea water. The amount of coastal flooding is a purpose of the increase inner flood waters go through which is controlled by the geography of the coastal land uncovered to flooding.

Coastal Floods usually occur along coastal areas. When there are hurricanes and tropical storms which will produce heavy rains, or giant tidal waves created by volcanoes or earthquakes, ocean water may be driven onto the coastal areas and cause coastal floods

A arroyo is river which is normally dry. When there are storms approaching these areas, fast-moving river will normally form along the gully and cause damages

A typical arroyo takes the structure of a deep cut in the desert. An arroyo may also feature strewn rocks and logs, as evidence to a earlier period of flooding. In some cases, green shrubs and small trees line an arroyo, representing that there is a resource of underground water which these plants use. In occupied areas, signs may allocate an arroyo, to alert people to the likely danger.

This is the most frequent type of flooding. When the actual amount of river flow is larger than the quantity that the channel can hold, river will overflow its banks and flood the areas alongside the river. And this may cause by reasons like snow melt or heavy spring rain.

A river flood is one of the most frequent forms

of natural disaster. It takes place when a river fills with water more than its capacity. The extra water overflows the banks and runs into adjoining low-level lands. River floods are accountable for the loss of human life and the harm of belongings. Each year, the number of deaths from flooding of rivers is more than any other natural disaster.

Primary effects Physical damage- Can range anywhere from bridges, cars, buildings, sewer systems, roadways, canals and any other type of structure. Casualties- People and livestock die due to drowning. It can also lead to epidemics and diseases. Secondary effects Water supplies- Contamination of water. Clean drinking water becomes scarce. Diseases- Unhygienic conditions. Spread of water borne diseases Crops and food supplies- Shortage of food crops can be caused due to loss of entire harvest. Trees - Non-tolerant species can die from suffocation Tertiary/long-term effects Economic- Economic hardship, due to: temporary decline in tourism, rebuilding costs, food shortage leading to price increase etc, especially to the poor.

Pluvial flooding takes place when an exceptionally serious rainstorm soaks the urban drainage scheme and the excess water cannot be absorbed. These unpredictable actions happen without caution and in the worst moments, such as when it happened in Glasgow (2002) and Hull (2007). It can cause huge destruction and devastate whole neighbourhoods.

Around 2m people are at risk from pluvial flooding, which represents around one- third of all flood risk in the UK.

Dams To Hold Back Water Reservoirs To Store Floodwater Straighten Channels To Increase Speed Of Flow Dredging Makes Channels Deeper So It Can Hold More Water Land Use Zoning Restricts Development To Uses Unaffected By Flooding. Afforestation Increases Interception Etc. Also Reduces Run Off. Levees And Embankments - Prevents River From Over-Flowing

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