One Lung Ventilation

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Dr.Basheer Ahmed Khan MD.,D.A Prof & H.O.


Introduction Bronchoscopy Double Lumen tube(DLT) sizes Left or right DLT Airway trauma due to DLT Checking DLT Position Bronchial blockers Physiology of one lung ventilation (Olv)


Management of hypoxaemia during OLV
Hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction Effect of anaesthetic agents on HPV

Modification of Pulmonary blood flow during OLV

Pain relief following thoracotomy Post Lung resection morbidity/mortality Internet resources and thoracic anaesthesia


technique that allows isolation of the individual lungs under anaesthesia.
Safe implementation of this technique requires an

understanding of specialist airway equipment, and of the physiological changes that occur during the procedure.
It is necessary to emphasize that endobronchial intubation,

with these specific airway adjuncts, and OLV, may significantly add to the anesthetic risk, resulting from trauma to the airways, and failure of adequate ventilation. Thoracic Surgery is Undertaken in only 30-40 units in the UK

The Core Operations

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. a) b) c) d)

Lobar Ressection Pnuemonectomy ( Malignant & Non-Malignant conditions) Mediastinoscopy Mediastinotomy Bronchoscopy for Diagnostic & Interventional Reasons Oesophagectomy VATS Air-Leaks Effusions Emphysema Operations in the chest wall

Indications for One lung ventilation

There are four main indications for one-lung anaesthesia:
1. Isolation of the lungs 2. To improve surgical access 3. Greater control over ventilation 4. Unilateral bronchopulmonary lavage

Absolute Indications
Isolation of one lung from the other to avoid spillage

or contamination Infection Massive hemorrhage Control of the distribution of ventilation Bronchopleural fistula Bronchopleural cutaneous fistula Surgical opening of a major conducting airway giant unilateral lung cyst or bulla Tracheobronchial tree disruption Life-threatening hypoxemia due to unilateral lung disease Unilateral bronchopulmonary lavage

Relative Indications
Surgical exposure ( high priority)

Thoracic aortic aneurysm Pneumonectomy Upper lobectomy Mediastinal exposure Thoracoscopy

Surgical exposure (low priority)

Middle and lower lobectomies and subsegmental resections Esophageal surgery Thoracic spine procedure Minimal invasive cardiac surgery (MID-CABG, TMR)

Postcardiopulmonary bypass status after removal of totally

occluding chronic unilateral pulmonary emboli

Severe hypoxemia due to unilateral lung disease

Difference between Two-lung Ventilation and OLV


Double lumen tubes The use of Double lumen tubes (DLT) allows the greatest control over switching from dual lung ventilation to single lung at various stages of a procedure. They also allow suctioning of individual lungs and the administration of CPAP/PEEP to individual lungs. available in left and right sided forms, but all utilize a tracheal and bronchial cuff They are not suitable for patients under 35kg in weight

They are larger and longer that standard endo-

tracheal tubes
The DLT is inserted with the bronchial lumen

curved anteriorly, and once through the laryngeal inlet, requires a 70-90 degree rotation. For this reason they may be more difficult to insert than a standard endo-tracheal tube
Due to the reduced internal diameter of each

lumen they may present a considerable increase in airway resistance in a spontaneously breathing patient

Left sided DLTs are more commonly employed than

their right sided equivalents (unless significant left sided lung resection, or a left pneumonectomy is planned)

This is due to the difficulties in ensuring that the right

double lumen tube is correctly positioned to prevent occlusion of the right upper lobe bronchus, which would result in failure to ventilate the right upper lobe, risking intraoperative hypoxia and atelectasis tubes, available in sizes 26 41 Fr. 37 39 Fr and 39 41 Fr are most suited for adult females and males, respectively

The most commonly used DLT are plastic disposable


Tumour in left bronchus

Left pneumonectomy

Left Lung transplantation

Left tracheobronchial disruption

Left Bronchial stent in situ

Distorted left bronchial anatomy

Good Practice Recommendations to Avoid Airway Trauma

Choose the largest PVC DLT that will Fit
Remove the Bronchial stylet once the tip of the tube is

past the Vocal Cords, Advance the DLT the appropriate distance (based on height) Inflate both cuffs slowly and carefully Use a 3ml syringe to inflate bronchial cuff If nitrous Oxide used fill cuffs with saline or N2O/O2 mix If nitrous oxide used check cuff pressures intermittently Keep intracuff pressures < 30cm H2O Deflate both cuffs before moving or repositioning tube Deflate bronchial cuff when not needed

Properties of commonly employed Double lumen tubes

Type of Tube Carlens White Robertshaw Left or Right sided Left Right Left and right Carinal Hook Yes Yes No

Endobronchial blockers

An advancement on the use of balloon tipped catheters is the use of specialist bronchial blockers. These too utilize inflation of a balloon to isolate individual bronchi but also have a hollow inner lumen allowing limited suctioning and administration of oxygen to the isolated lung. These can be inserted blindly but correct placement can be improved with the use of rigid or flexible fibre optic bronchoscopes.

Endobronchial intubation,with standard Endo tracheal tube

The quickest and easiest way to isolate an individual lung is

to introduce a standard endotracheal tube into one of the main bronchi.

When more specialist equipment is not readily at hand or in

order to isolate a lung in an emergency this may represent the most appropriate technique.
However when compared to more advanced techniques it

has a higher rate of bronchial damage and in the event of hypoxic episodes treatment options are more limited.

Tracheal intubation in combination with a balloon tipped catheter

The main bronchi may be isolated by the introduction

of fogarty embolectomy or Foley catheters into the main bronchi, and inflating the balloons.
In small or pediatric patients a pulmonary artery

floatation (Swan-Ganz) catheter can be employed.

Correct positioning of the balloons may be difficult

and this technique does not allow suctioning or ventilation of the isolated lung.

Correct positioning of a Double lumen tube

The DLT has 2 curves anteroposterior, and a 2nd

curve of the bronchial tube (left or right).

Prior to insertion of a DLT the patency of both tracheal

and endobronchial balloons should be checked. anterior curve applied to the bronchial lumen.

Insertion is often aided by the use of a stylet, with an

Standard laryngoscopy is performed and when the tip

of the bronchial lumen is just through the laryngeal inlet (just past the vocal cords), the stylet can be removed.

Tube size is dictated not only by width of the trachea,

but the length of the trachea (patient height is used).

A = Bronchial lumen. B = Tracheal lumen. C = Bronchial cuff pilot balloon. D = Tracheal cuff pilot balloon. E = Tracheal cuff. F = Bronchial cuff

A 70-90 degree rotation of the tube is then performed

in the direction of the bronchus you intend to intubate (clockwise rotation for a right sided tube or counter clockwise for a left sided tube).
The tube is then advanced until resistance is felt,

avoiding excess force.

The tube is connected to the anaesthetic circuit, and

the tracheal cuff inflated until there is no air leak, and bilateral chest movement and air entry is confirmed y auscultation.
Take note of the peak airway pressures at this time.

The tracheal lumen is opened, and the fresh gas flow to

it clamped. The bronchial cuff can now be inflated (12ml of air), until no air leak is felt at the tracheal opening during ventilation.
Auscultation is used to ensure good air entry at the apex

and base of the lung unilaterally, and confirmed deflation of the contra lateral lung. Airway pressures are also noted.
There should be a rise of no more than 8 to 12 cmH20 in

peak airway pressure. Ventilate both lungs again. Now open the bronchial lumen, and clamp its fresh gas flow inlet.

Tracheal ventilation is then initiated, which is

confirmed by unilateral air entry on auscultation and unilateral chest expansion. If there is a rise in airway pressure greater than 12 cmH20, or there is reduced air entry to the nonbronchial lumen it suggests the bronchial cuff is causing obstruction (by herniation across the carina) and needs to be inserted further.
The bronchial cuff is deflated and auscultation is

repeated. If there is no difference in air entry or if there is NO change in airway pressures on deflation of the cuff it suggests the tube is abutting the carina or the tracheal portion of the tube is endobronchial, and the tube should be slightly withdrawn.

Physiological changes during one lung anaesthesia

For bronchial lavage or for use in intensive care the

patient will often be in a supine position. However, for many thoracic operations the patient will be in the lateral decubitus position to further facilitate surgery. The lower and upper lungs when in this position are termed dependent and non dependent, respectively
Due to the effects of gravity, in the lateral position, the

pulmonary blood flow will be greatest in the dependent lung, whereas the non dependent lung will have a higher compliance and be easier to ventilate. This compliance will increase further on opening of the thoracic cavity

On initiation of one lung ventilation (OLV), the

primary physiological change that takes place is perfusion of the non dependent lung without ventilation, effectively causing a large shunt.

However, this degree of shunt is phenomenon termed

hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction (HPV). The mechanism of HPV is not fully understood but is either as a direct response to regional alveolar and mixed venous hypoxia, or due to the release of vasoactive substances during hypoxia, causing vasoconstriction in the pulmonary blood vessels. In terms of anaesthetic technique volatile agents and direct vasodilators directly inhibit pulmonary vasoconstriction. Interestingly vasoconstrictive drugs such as Noradrenalin preferentially constrict the vascular beds in areas of the lung with normal oxygen tensions, which indirectly inhibits pulmonary vasoconstriction.

Ventilatory changes occur during OLV in the lateral

decubitus position and contribute to further problems in maintaining oxygenation.

These problems that occur are threefold. Firstly,

expansion of the dependent lung is restricted by the weight of the mediastinum, the cephalad is placement of the diaphragm and abdominal organs, and the non compliance of the hemi thoracic chest wall.
This leads to atelectasis of the dependent lung,

decreasing the ventilated lung surface. The result is HPV, increased resistance to flow in the dependent pulmonary artery, and diversion of flow to the independent lung, thereby increasing the shunt fraction further.

Secondly, an increase in ventilation pressure and

lung volume of the dependent lung impedes perfusion, leading to increased perfusion of the independent lung, and increased venous shunting.

Thirdly, poor ventilation strategies may cause lung

injury (large tidal volumes, and high airway pressures).

Physiology Variation of Position

Upright position position

LDP, lateral decubitus

Physiology of OLV
The principle physiologic change of OLV is the

redistribution of lung perfusion between the ventilated (dependent) and blocked (nondependent) lung Many factors contribute to the lung perfusion, the major determinants of them are hypoxic pulmonary

vasoconstriction, HPV and gravity.

Summary of V-Q relationships in the anesthetized, open-chest and paralyzed patients in LDP

HPV, a local response of pulmonary artery smooth

Hypoxic Pulmonary Ventilation

muscle, decreases blood flow to the area of lung where a low alveolar oxygen pressure is sensed. The mechanism of HPV is not completely understood. Vasoactive substances released by hypoxia or hypoxia itself (K+ channel) cause pulmonary artery smooth muscle contraction HPV aids in keeping a normal V/Q relationship by diversion of blood from underventilated areas, responsible for the most lung perfusion redistribution in OLV HPV is graded and limited, of greatest benefit when 30% to 70% of the lung is made hypoxic. But effective only when there are normoxic areas of the lung available to receive the diverted blood flow

Factors Affecting Regional HPV

HPV is inhibited directly

by volatile anesthetics (not N20), vasodilators (NTG, SNP, dobutamine, many 2-agonist), increased PVR (MS, MI, PE) and hypocapnia HPV is indirectly inhibited by PEEP, vasoconstrictor drugs (Epi, dopa, Neosynephrine) by preferentially constrict normoxic lung vessels


Physiological (post pulmonary) shunt

About 2-5% CO, Accounting for normal A-aD02, 10-15 mmHg Including drainages from Thebesian veins of the heart The pulmonary bronchial veins Mediastinal and pleural veins

Transpulmonary shunt increased due to continued

perfusion of the atelectatic lung and A-aD02 may increase

Management of Hypoxia during one lung ventilation

Administer 100% Oxygen Check Ventilator, Circuit and catheter mount Clear secretions and debris by suctioning dependent

lung Check tube position Apply CPAP or entrain Oxygen to non dependent lung Perform recruitment maneuver and apply PEEP to dependent lung Revert to two lung ventilation Clamp non-dependent pulmonary artery

Post-Operative Relief Following Thoracotomy
Post Lung Ressection - Mortality & Morbidity A. AF B. Cardiac Enlargement C. Intra-Operative Hypotension D. Post-Operative Pulmonary Edema E. Pnuemonia

F. Sepsis


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