Lecture 4@submission of RP, LR and Research Proposal

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Prepared by: Dr. Noralfishah Sulaiman Department of Real Estate

BPA31902>> Undergraduate Research Project 1/Projek Sarjana Muda 1




RO 1




Contoh RO1: Mengkaji faktor-faktor yang menyumbang kepada kenaikan kadar sewa rumah di kawasan sekitar universiti Contoh RQ1: Apakah faktor yang menyebabkan kadar sewa rumah teres satu tingkat berada dalam keadaan menaik dalam tempoh 3 tahun kebelakangan ini di kawasan sekitar UTHM ?
BPA31902>> Undergraduate Research Project 1/Projek Sarjana Muda 1

Contoh RQ2: Faktor manakah yang paling memberikan kesan terhadap kenaikan kadar sewa rumah teres satu tingkat tempoh 3 tahun kebelakangan ini di kawasan sekitar UTHM?

BPA31902>> Undergraduate Research Project 1/Projek Sarjana Muda 1

Research Proposal

Is a careful description of what your PSM will be about and how you intend to carry out the work involved till its completion. It is really a useful document that challenges you to think very carefully about you are going to do, how you will do it and why. It will be required in order to inform your supervisor of your intentions so that he/she can judge whether:
The subject and suggested format conform to the requirements of the course; It is feasible project in respect to scope and reality; You have identified some questions or issues that are worth investigating; Your suggested methodology and methods for information collection and analysis are appropriate; The expected outcomes relate to the aim, research objectives and research questions of the projects

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

BPA31902>> Undergraduate Research Project 1/Projek Sarjana Muda 1

Research Proposal
Berikut adalah panduan penyediaan Research Proposal/CadanganPenyelidikan
1. Tajuk Kajian (sudah dibincangkan bersama supervisor sbg tajuk

sebenar) 2. Latar Belakang Kajian (1 muka surat) 3. Pernyataan Masalah/Research Problem (1-3 muka surat) 4. Persoalan Kajian/Research Questions 5. Objektif Kajian/Research Objectives 6. Kepentingan Kajian 7. Kaedah Kajian+Responden (Research Method+Potential Respondent) Research Methodlogy: Figure/Flow * Saya belum ajar lagi, tapi you sudah boleh tanya dengan sv masing-masing 8. Jangkaan Hasil Penyelidikan/Expected Outcomes

BPA31902>> Undergraduate Research Project 1/Projek Sarjana Muda 1

Seminar PSM 1
4 rooms will be allocated (Room I, II, III and IV) Most probably Level 7 2 panels for each student Time given is 15 minutes 7 minutes for presentation 8 minutes for Q &A (Defending session) Your PSM I panels most probably be your PSM II panels Schedule will be posted after the places confirmed

BPA31902>> Undergraduate Research Project 1/Projek Sarjana Muda 1

Seminar PSM 1
Submission is on FRIDAY Before 3.00 pm Dr. Noras room Level 7 Please make 3 copies of your research proposal C4 form signed by the supervisor

BPA31902>> Undergraduate Research Project 1/Projek Sarjana Muda 1

Seminar PSM 1
Submission is on FRIDAY Before 3.00 pm Dr. Noras room Level 7 Please make 3 copies of your research proposal C4 form signed by the supervisor

BPA31902>> Undergraduate Research Project 1/Projek Sarjana Muda 1

Thank you

BPA31902>> Undergraduate Research Project 1/Projek Sarjana Muda 1

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