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The History of Zoos

Katlynn Kennedy

Before Zoos
The only way to see animals was to go into the wild and hunt them. Very uncommon to be able to see rare animals.

The First Zoos

The Egyptians were the first to have a formal zoo.
Created in 1500 B.C. The animals were held in metal cages on display. This caused others viewpoint on Egyptians to change.

Zoos were used to show prestige and influence. First privately owned zoo was in 1000 B.C. by the Chinese emperor.
Covered 1,500 acres. Named Ling-Yu, or Garden of Intelligence. Main attraction was the Giant Panda, but contained many other Chinese animals.

The Greeks Zoos

Zoos formed in 300 B.C. in Greece to house exotic animals. It is believed that this is where Aristotle got his information for his book History of Animals. (Talking about the transformation of the butterfly.
This book changed how people saw other people. It was proof that an unlikeable creature can turn into a beautiful creature.

The Aztecs Zoos

The Aztec zoos were discovered by Hernan Cortes in 1519.
Located in Tenochtitlan-King Montezuma's royal zoo Had an assortment of creatures in the animal families mammals, reptiles and birds.

The discovery of this zoo showed that zoos affected the world on a global level.

The Worlds Oldest Zoo

Schnbrunn Zoo opened in 1752 to the scientific community, but opened to the public in 1765. Napoleon found pride in this zoo and made him feel more powerful in his quest for world domination. In 1906 it became the first zoo to have an elephant conceived and born at a zoo. Now it is named the oldest zoo in the world that is still open!

Americas First Zoo

The Philadelphia Zoo, Americas first zoo, was opened on July 1st, 1874 It was constructed during the Civil War (1859 to 1874) It was modeled after the London Zoo. Opening day it welcomed over 3000 guests and charged 10 cents for children and 25 cents for adults.

Zoos in WW2
The war made a huge effect on zoos. The Zookeepers Wife tells the story of a zookeeper working at the Warsaw Zoo when the Nazis invaded Poland. Jews had taken shelter in the zoo, but the security guard betrayed them and confessed. The Nazis then demolished the zoo and replaced it with a garden and send the animals to the German Zoos. World War 2 pushed zoos to become breeding centers for endangered animals. This is key to species survival even today.

Todays Effects of Zoos

A common recreational activity for all ages. There are many animal activists speaking against zoos. They say that zoos are cruel to the well-being of animals. This may push to a time that zoos must be destroyed.

The Binder Park Zoo History

Late 1960s, members of the Battle Creek Jaycees, Jaycees Auxiliary and the Battle Creek Kiwanis Club developed the idea of building a childrens zoo. August 1975, name was changed to Binder Park Zoological Society, Inc. Opened summer 1977 1992, a plan was created to make a 50-acre Wild Africa exhibit. This was opened in 1999. Since opening they have maintained the highest standards of operations, increased attendance, and encourge the addition of new exhibits, faciliteis and programs. They have been accredited by the America Zoo and Aquarium Association since 1983. Has 16 of the AZAs Species Survival Plans and other conservation program. The 9th largest cultural attraction in the state of Michigan

Binder Park Zoo

Work Cited
"Binder Park Zoo." Binder Park Zoo. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Apr. 2013. Lucero, Joseph. "Zoos' History." The Evolution of Zoos. Weebly, n.d. Web. 23 Apr. 2013.

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